

? Online Tools and Software for Task Lists and To Do Lists - Perfect for Freelancers

Online Tools and Software for Task Lists and To Do Lists - Perfect for Freelancers & Self Employed Business Owners

Online Tools and Software for Task Lists and To Do Lists - Perfect for Freelancers & Self Employed Business Owners

A freelancer's time is precious and he/she mustfollow precise tasks to maintain productive performance and income. Thefollowing link list will examine useful online tools that will keep thefreelancer in a productive manner. The following list is a list ofTo-Do Lists and Task Management Lists tools and software:

  1. Tadalist.com: Tadalist.com is a free web to-do list that will allow the freelancer to produce and/or share task lists.
  2. Rememberthemilk.com: Another free to-do list for the freelancer.
  3. Roughunderbelly.com: This website like the previous link offers a free task service to the freelancer. The site does mention a possible charge in the future, but there will always be a free plan to the user.
  4. Toodledo.com: Another easy-to-use task list that offers free registration for the freelancer.
  5. Taskthis.com: This task link uses Web 2.0 application to manage to-do lists. The freelancer can create lists and/or notes, and publish them with RSS. The owners of this website do request donations for the service, but only on a voluntary basis.
  6. Task Toy: Tasktoy is a task management program to keep track of everything that you do.
  7. Tudu Lists: Tudu Lists is an on-line task application for managing lists. This service very simple to use in a short time.
  8. Blablalist.com: Another no-cost list service that will let the freelancer maintain productivity.
  9. 30boxes.com: A free online calendar service to any type of freelancer.
  10. Hipcal.com: Another free online calendar, to-do list, and address book for the freelancer.
  11. Zoho Planner: A free online task service for freelancers to produce to-do lists and notes for ultimate performance.
  12. 37 Signals: Collaborate with your team and clients. Schedules, tasks, files, messages, and more.
  13. Rainlender: All the coming events are shown in a separate list where you can see the week's events at one glance. You can decide how many days in advance you want to see in the list. Different events can have a different appearance in the list so you can easily spot the important events from the others.
  14. Task Freak - A simple but efficient web based task manager written in PHP.
  15. Orchestrate HQ - A simple task list manager that is easy to use.
  16. Hiveminder: Braindump your tasks, tag them, set due dates, and attach notes. Set up reminders for yourself, create groups, and share tasks with others. Check out your tasks, set priorities, and make decisions.
  17. Voo2Do: There's too much worth doing"”choose wisely. This is advanced task and priority management for busy, ambitious individuals.
  18. Sproutliner: Sproutliner is a free web service that helps you manage your projects and ideas (think of it as a supercharged structured to-do list).
  19. Zoho Planner: Add multiple to-do lists with date. Mark them completed when they get done.
  20. Wridea: Never forget your ideas again. Save them as you have them. Create brainstorm sessions with your friends. You are the limit! You have pages, categories and ideas. Use wridea your way!
  21. Time Tracker: Time Tracker is a simple tool to keep track of the time you spend on any task. Think of it as a to-do-list with a clock. And yes, it's free.
  22. Rough Underbelly: Create tasks and check them off! Your points are tallied automatically. Set a timer for yourself. Your performance is then in a graph.
  23. Tudu Lists: Tudu Lists is an on-line application for managing todo lists.

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