










A. 来自教师的建议

今日工作   待续

B. 活动案例



Appendix:  Example Activities


Below are specific activities and strategies that have been used by instructors to accomplish the commendations in this set of articles.

A. 来自教师的建议

Advice from Instructors

Authors: Beth Simon (UCSD), Ian Beatty (UNC Greensboro), Brian Katz (Augustana College), Doug Duncan (CU Boulder), DJ Wagner (Grove City College), Mark Maier (Glendale C.C.), Paul Camp (Spelman College), John Hubisz (North Carolina State U.)




In response to our call for materials to use in framing active learning classes, several instructors shared a description of their general approach rather than particular materials. We felt that these comments in their raw form represent some well-articulated pedagogical philosophies, and so we share them here so that other instructors can benefit from their insights.


IAN BEATTY, 北卡罗来纳大学格林斯伯勒分校 (物理)


IAN BEATTY, UNC Greensboro (Physics)

See Ian’s clicker questions and meta-communication strategies in the “clicker” files.

我尽量不把我的课程当成“能帮助你考试的东西”,或者说,把整个游戏都当作考试和成绩来看待。叫我理想主义者好了,但我固执地坚持我的观点(口头上,在我的课程)——关键是要学会既鼓舞人心,又对个人职业、抱负长期有用的东西,考试和成绩是恼人的必需品,我们应该避免对它们产生过分的依赖(今年秋季,在我初级的热学课程中,我实际上在最终课程评分之前,拒绝给出任何分数或其他编码化的评价性反馈。对作业和测验的所有反馈 ,都是对优点、缺点和进展情况的个性化评论。)

I try not to frame my course as 'stuff that will help you on the exam' or otherwise cast the whole game as about exams and grades. Call me an idealist, but I stubbornly stick to the perspective (vocally, in my courses) that the point is to learn stuff that's both fascinating and long-term useful to their personal and career aspirations, and that exams and grades are annoying necessities that we should avoid getting too hung up about. (In my junior-level thermo course this fall, I actually refused to give any points, grades, or other codified evaluative feedback until the final course grade at the very end. All feedback on homework and exams was individualized commentary on strengths, weaknesses, and things to work on.)

也就是说, 我将“解释”点击器使用(以及其他我用到的主动学习策略,如小组白板讨论和小组测试)和将之“卖给”学生之间做了清晰的区分。如果学生感觉到好像我在设法向他们兜售想法,他们就会怀疑,因为我曾经愚蠢地传达过这样的思想:(a)点击器是要卖给他们的有争议的东西; (b) 他们对这件事可以有某种有效的观点。我宁愿保持这样的立场——这仅仅是我教的方式,因为大量的证据和实验显示这种方法很好,并且我也想让你理解我正在做什么、为什么要这样做,这样,你们就可以尽可能清楚地扮演好你们的角色。我们越是能保持一心,整个的状况就会更好。看出不同了吗?这些都是与框架有关。

That being said, I make a distinction between 'explaining' clicker use (and other active-learning strategies I use, such as group whiteboarding and group exams) and 'selling' it to the students. If students feel like I'm trying to sell the idea to them, they get suspicious(怀疑), because I've stupidly communicated the idea that (a) clickers are something controversial(有争议的) that needs to be sold, and (b) they have some kind of valid opinion on the matter. I prefer to take the position that 'this is just the way I teach, because overwhelming evidence and experience show that it's what works well, but I also want you to understand what I'm doing and why so that you can play your role with as much awareness as possible. The more we're on the same page, the better this whole thing works.' See the difference? It's all about framing.


I meta-communicate a lot with my students, both at the beginning of the course and throughout. I occasionally interject bits about how the brain works, tidbits(花絮) from learning research, etc. I habitually explain why I'm doing the things I'm doing in my teaching, and what I want them to be focused on. I also promise them that they're always free to ask me the justification for any element or aspect of the course.


I include clicker questions designed to support meta-communication, and also to (subtly or obviously) communicate a certain framing of clicker use. Features include obviously having multiple defensible choices (so it's about reasons rather than answers picked), latent ambiguities that students can discover, leading to discussions about the role of assumptions in learning and doing physics, etc.


I think not giving any form of points or credit for clicker questions, and keeping no track of which students even have which clickers, helps. I can, with great credibility, claim that clickers are merely one more tool to help us communicate, discuss, and generally make sense of this stuff.


Frankly, if a student isn't into this whole engaged-active-learning thing, they're going to have bigger problems with my class than just the clickers. They usually complain that I don't lecture much and 'don't teach them anything', forcing them to learn everything by themselves outside of class.


Do all the students buy the approach? Definitely not. But typically, enough do to set a positive class climate, and the recalcitrant ones grudgingly go along. Even those usually change their tune by the end of the second semester in the sequence.


It also helps that I work like a flaming dog to teach as well as I can, and the student see me bleed for them (extra grading from 'letting' them redo exams as take-home open-book collaborative tests, etc.). They may disagree with my methods, but very few doubt my sincere intentions. That goes a long way.


One of the meta-communication bits I repeat again and again is that 'you need to talk to learn'. I stress the importance of putting your own thoughts into words in order to figure out what you actually think and to improve your thoughts, and of confronting other people's thinking. For me, clickers (and group whiteboarding) are first and foremost a mechanism for provoking students into discussing with each other.

我觉得直接用“对或错”的问题开始课程是一个糟糕的想法。我宁愿让他们立刻品尝能引出更多问题的一个有趣的、有争议的、争论不休的问题,而不是解决了的问题。最近一次我教概念物理,我花10分钟时间讲了一个故事 ,一个少年在游乐园里的过山车中受了重伤(真事),然后抛出了一个简单的点击器问题:“过山车的设计者有错吗?1-是,2-否”。这引发了一场激烈的争论,从自我责任开始,逐渐演变成(在我小心翼翼的推动下)关于弯曲和惯性的积累的争论。嘣:牛顿第一定律就这样闪亮登场了。

I think starting off a course with straightforward 'right or wrong' content questions is a bad idea. I'd rather give them an immediate taste of an interesting, controversial, argumentative question that raises more questions than it resolves. Last time I taught Conceptual Physics, I started off with a 10-minute narrative(故事) about an accident on a roller-coaster at an amusement park where a teenager got seriously injured, (true story), and then pose a simple clicker question: 'Was the designer of the Triple Hurricane [roller-coaster] at fault? 1. Yes; 2. No.' That starts quite a debate, that begins with ideas of self-responsibility but gradually evolves (with some careful nudging from me) to ideas about banking curves and inertia. Boom: Newton's first law has now been motivated. :)


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