

轻快里带着清爽,经典旧歌新版sweat(a la la la long)mark medlock
◎出道單曲〈Don't Believe〉,登記德國冠軍,獲頒金唱片認證、邀來第四季冠軍Mark Medlock齊力翻唱Inner Circle 92年夯歌〈Sweat (A La La La La Long)〉,攀上亞軍席次!
拿下2010年德國Deutschland sucht den Superstar(DSDS)的偶像歌唱大賽第七季冠軍Mehrzad Marashi,從小出生於伊朗,為躲避境內戰亂,6歲時舉家移民德國,12歲發現自己對音樂和創作的專才,隨後參加唱詩班磨練其歌唱技巧。進入音樂學院之後,努力在聲音上力求精進,同時學習鋼琴演奏。不斷尋求表演機會的Mehrzad,曾與多位製作人在錄音室裡頭錄下Demo帶,利用YouTube平台發表作品,其中〈Es tut mir leid〉締造150萬的點閱率,另外兩首〈Shila〉和〈I Can’t Take〉,均寫下超過50萬人次的點擊。直到DSDS的一戰成名,終於如願以償的掙得一紙唱片合約。
賽事結束後立刻趁勝追擊的發行首張大碟《New Life》,寫下德國榜第五名佳績。開場的出道單曲〈Don't Believe〉,混搭節奏藍調和福音味覺,舒暢動人的線條很能打動人心,登記德國冠軍,並獲頒一枚金唱片認證,亮出耀眼銷售紅盤;秀上Mehrzad渾厚且靈韻勾魂的嗓音詮釋〈Every Time You Go Away〉、〈As Long as You Love Me〉、〈Here I Stand〉等曲目,提供喜愛都會情歌的樂迷絕佳選擇;閃耀濃烈Disco-Funk的〈Roodie Roodie〉,歡樂串聯復古音場;翻唱紅極一時Modern Talking的經典〈You're My Heart〉,將原本的Euro-Dance風格轉換為鋼琴伴隨之Soulful紓緩版本;夏日雷鬼情節的〈Sweat (A La La La La Long)〉,邀來DSDS歌唱選秀大賽第四季冠軍Mark Medlock一塊重新詮釋Inner Circle的1992年大夯歌,攀上亞軍席次;飄散浪漫拉丁風情的〈Please Don't Go〉,如同徜徉在加勒比海般的自在清涼;舞力全開的〈Saturday Night〉,鋪入Uptempo的流行派對韻腳,令人欲想隨樂擺動;向80年代R&B/Freestyle致敬的〈You And I〉,在樂迷品味的同時,驚訝如此風格多元的專輯,精采的令人愛不釋手!
sweat(a la la la long)mark medlock
I've been watching you
(A la la la la long, a la la la la long long li long long long)
(A la la la la long, a la la la la long long li long long long)
Standing across the room
I saw you smile
Said I want to talk to you
For a little while
But before I make my move
My emotions start running wild
My tongue gets tied
And that's no lie
Looking in your eyes
Looking in you big brown eyes
Ooh yeah
And I've got this to say to you
Girl I want to make you sweat
Sweat till you can't sweat no more
And if you cry out
I'm gonna push it some, more, more
Girl I want to make you sweat
Sweat till you can't sweat no more
And if you cry out
I'm gonna push it
Push it, push it some more
(A la la la la long, a la la la la long long li long long long)
(A la la la la long, a la la la la long long li long long long)
So I said to myself
"Does she love me or not?"
But the dreads done know
That love is his to get
With a little bit of this
And a little bit of that
My lyric goes on the attack
My tongue gets tied
And that's no lie
Looking in your eyes
Looking in your big brown eyes
Ooh girl
And I've got this to say to you
Girl I want to make you sweat
Sweat till you can't sweat no more
And if you cry out
I'm gonna push it some more, more more
Girl I want to make you sweat
Sweat till you can't sweat no more
And if you cry out
I'm gonna push it
Push it, push it some more
(A la la la la long, a la la la la long long li long long long)
Ooh yeah!
(A la la la la long, a la la la la long long li long long long)
One more time!
(A la la la la long, a la la la la long long li long long long)
Sing it!
(A la la la la long, a la la la la long long li long long long)
Woo woo woo woo wee yeah
Looking in your big brown eyes
And I've got this to say to you
Girl I want to make you sweat
Sweat till you can't sweat no more
And if you cry out
I'm gonna push it some more
Girl I want to make you sweat
Sweat till you can't sweat no more
And if you cry out
I'm gonna push it
Push it, push it some more
(A la la la la long, a la la la la long long li long long long)
(A la la la la long, a la la la la long long li long long long)
Push it, push it some more
(A la la la la long, a la la la la long long li long long long)
(A la la la la long, a la la la la long long li long long long)
Push it, push it some more
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