

人教版高一英语必修2 Unit4 Wildlife protection 全单元教案

人教新课标  必修二 Unit4 Wildlife protection  全单元教案

Period1: Warming up& New words

Important point: Talk about endangered species of wildlife and environmental protection.

Step1. New words and expressions

Step2. Leading in

Have you ever been to the zoo?

Do you like animals?

Do you keep animals as pets?

Can you list the names of some animals?

Step3. Warming up

1. Why does wildlife need help/ Why are some of the animals endangered?

(Their habitat is threatened./they cannot find enough food./They have enemies that kill and eat them./They are hunted by human beings.

may decrease; these endangered animals may even die out.)

2. Discussion

What should  we  do to protect wildlife?

1) Protect the environment

2) Build conservation zones

3) Stop people from killing them

4) Collect money to protect them

3. Read a report on some endangered wildlife in China.

1)What problems are some wild animals in China facing?

2)What has China done to solve the problem?

3)What’s the result after concerning?

Example: The problem---face in China is that---. To solve the problem, China has set up---. Thanks to the effort/After concerning, the number of---has risen from---to---.

Step4. Language study

1. decrease vi.减少,降低

The number of tiger has decreased sharply this year.

The population began to decrease.


The company decreased the number of worker to 40.


There has been a 6% decrease in his income.

There has been a decrease of 6% in his income.


2. die out 灭绝;(风俗、习惯等)消失     (《英语周报》20期)

Many animals have died out in the past decades.

3. loss n.损失;遗失;丧失

He reported the loss of his car to the police.

The company suffered a heavy loss as a result of the fire and they tied their best to make up a loss.  at a loss不知所措

lose v.失去,损失,失败lost adj.遗失的,输掉的 loser n.失败者

4. hunt vt.&vi.打猎,猎取,搜寻

November is a good time to go hunting.

too much/over hunting 过度捕猎

hunt for寻找,搜索

He went to Shenzhen in order to hunt for a better job.

5. in peace和睦地,安详地

People from different countries live here in peace.

HW: 1. Read the new word

2.EW 20期Part1

3.Preview the reading passage on P26

Period 2: Reading

Important point: Understand the reading passage How Daisy Learned to Help Wildlife.


Step1: Pre-reading

1. Endangered animals: panda, Milu deer, south China tiger, antelope, African elephant, golden monkey---

2. Reason of disappearing: lack of food; the loss of habitat; bad environment; human’s hunting

3. Pictures: a Tibetan antelope; elephants

Title: How Daisy Learned to Help Wildlife

Predicate: It is mainly about how Daisy learned to help wildlife through what she saw and heard about animals.

Step2. Reading

1. Fast reading

What places did Daisy visited and which animals are mentioned?

Tibet           antelope

Zimbabwe        elephant

The rain forest     monkey, millipede insect, mosquito

2. careful reading

1.Ex2 on P27


Step3. Analyze some difficult and important sentences.

Step4. Summary and homework.


2. Read the words and text more.

3. Ex1 on P28

Period3&4 Language Study

Important point: Learn some useful expressions.

Procedures: Step1. Revision

1. Read the passage together

2. Check the exercises in English Weekly(20期)

Step2. Language Study

1. in danger of  有---危险 out of danger 摆脱危险

She was seriously sick and in danger (of losing her life).

The patient hs been out of danger.

endanger vt. 危害Smoking endangers your health.

endangered adj.有灭绝危险的;濒危的The panda is an endangered species.

danger n.危险

dangerous adj. 危险的(具有危险性)The hungry tiger is very dangerous.

2. respond vi. 回答(比answer正,其后跟to);响应,作出反应

She didn't respond to my question.

He decided to respond to the call of the Party.

vt. 回答(说)(后接that-从句或直接引语)

The doctor responded that he could not tell the name of her disease.

3. in relief 如释重负,松了口气

In relief she smiled.

In relief she had a sound sleep last night.

relief 轻松感;减轻或解除;减轻痛苦的事物

It was a great relief to find they are safe.

to one’s relief 令人欣慰的是

To our relief, they are safe.

4.burst into laughter突然笑起来 =burst out laughing

All the students burst into laughter when haering the funny story.

burst into 突然迸发(-laughter/tears/song/applause/flames)

Much to my surprise, Ben burst into song.

5.mercy n.仁慈;怜悯

对---宽恕 残忍地;无情地 对---发慈悲 处于---的控制下;由---摆布

6.certain adj.一定(作定语)

A certain number of books for you to borrow.


For certain reasons I can’t attend the meeting.


be certain to do

be certain of/about sth

It is certain that---

be certain that---

certainly adv. certainty n.

7.protect---from---保护---不受—         《英语周报》

We wear sunglasses to protect our eyes from the strong sunlight.

We should protect the crops from being destroyed by the rats.

8.contain vt. 包含,容纳;容忍 (与include的区别见《课堂同步》)

The book contains all the information you need.

He could hardly contain his anger when seeing such a rude manner.

9. affect vt. 影响                             《英语周报》

A sudden change in the weather may affect your health.

effect n. 效应,结果,影响 have an effect on

Did the medicine have any side effect?

The film had quite an effect on her. (affect 与effect的区别见《课堂同步》)

10.pay attention to 注意(被动:attention be paid to ) to是介词        《英语周报》

Please pay attention to my words/listening carefully/what I am saying.

draw/attract/catch/get one’s attention to 吸引某人对某事的注意

fix/focus one’s attention on 将注意离集中于

Stand at attention.=Attention!立正

11. appreciate vt.鉴赏,感激,意识到                《英语周报》

I appreciates every item of the performance.

I appreciate your invitation.

We appreciate your difficulty,

appreciate doing

I shall appreciate hearing from you again. 12. succeed vi. 成功 succeed in doing sth.              《英语周报》

He succeeded in finding a better job.


Jim will succeed his father as the boss of the company next year.

success n.   successful adj.   successfully adv.

13. employ vt.雇用,利用(时间、精力等)

Never employed the man you suspect, nor suspect the man you employ.

How do you employ your spare time.

be employed in忙于(某事)

She was employed in cleaning the house.

employ oneself doing sth. 忙于做某事

He employed himself doing his homework.

雇用 employment  失业 unemployment 雇主 employer雇员employee

14. harm n.伤害,损害,危害

do harm to=be harmful to对---有害

Smoking does harm to your health.

mean no harm无意伤害别人

It does no harm to do sth.=there is no harm in doing sth.不妨做某事

do more harm than good弊大于利

He doesn’t mean any harm---he’s just joking.

There’s no harm in trying.

vt. 伤害,损害,危害Too much direct sunlight will harm your skin.

Step3. Consolidation

1. Exercises1-2 on P28

2. Exercises1-2 on P63

3. EW 20期Part2

Step4. Summary and homework

HW:1. Revise the language points and prepare for the dictation.

2. Preview the grammar item: the Present Continuous Passive Voice

Period 5 Grammar

Important point: The formation and usage of the Present Continuous Passive Voice.

Procedures: Step1. Dictation

Step2. Discovering useful structures

1. Find out the sentences in the passive voice using the present continuous tence.

--- is being protected---

---are being killed---

---is being used---

---is being done---

---are being done---

2. Formation and usage The door is being closed.


Many buildings are being built.

表示目前这一阶段正在进行的一个被动的动作。     《英语周报》20期

Step3. Consolidation

1. 《英语周报》20期 1)Grammar 练习  2)Part3

2. Exercises2&3 on P29

3. Exercise1 on P64  be under + n.(有现在进行时态的被动语态的含义)

Exercise2 on P64

Step4. Summary and homework

HW:1. Revise the grammar item

2. Preview the reading passage: Animal Extinction (on P30).

Period 6 Using language: Reading and listening

Important point: Understand why dinosaurs and dodo disappeared.

Procedures: Step1. Revision

Step2. Reading

1. Skimming

1) When did dinosaurs live?

2) When did dinosaurs die out quickly?

3) Why did dinosaurs disappear?

2. Careful reading

1) How many different species of dinosaur have been found in China?

2) What’s the rare new species of dinosaur?

3) Does dinosaurs’ disappearing have something to do with human beings? Why?

4) According to a UN report, how many wildlife has disappeared in the last 500 years?

5) Where did the dodo live?

Step3. Listening

1. Before listening Picture: a kind of bird/ small wings/ cannot fly/ good at running

2. While listening 1). First time: Ex3

2). Second time: Ex4

3). Third time: check the answers

Step4. Language study

1. come into being 产生,诞生,成立

That organization came into being in 1996.

come into 进入(某状态),开始(活动)

come into power 当权,上台  come into use 开始使用

come into office  就职   come into effect 生效

2. inspect vt. 检查,视察

It’s said that a famous scientist will inspect our school.

3. for sure 确实,必定

She won’t lend you any money, and that’s for sure.

I don’t know for sure that he’s dead.

4. according to (介短)根据---所说,按照

According to Tom, she is a great athlete.

accordingly adv. 相应地,从而,因此

These are the rules. Please act accordingly.

5. so that 为了,以便;结果,以致于

既可引导结果状语从句,也可引导目的状语从句(目的状语从句中常有情态动词can, may, might等)

Tom got up early so that he caught the bus.(结果状语从句)

Tom got up so that he could catch the bus.(目的状语从句)

Step5. Summary and homework

HW: 1. EW 20期Part4

2. Ex3 on P63

Period 7 Writing and revision

Teaching aims: Improve the writing ability of t he students and master some writing materials of the topic of the unit

Important point: How to write a composition about wildlife protection

Teaching procedure:

Step1 Leading in

Show Ss the picture of a Milu Deer and ask Ss to describe it

Step2 Discussion

Work in pairs and discuss the Appearance, ways of life, reasons for disappearance, how it returns to China, measures of protecting and result of protecting of the Milu Deers.

Appearance: looks like other deer but with large horns

Ways of life: live together, eat grass and tree branches; like cool, wet weather

Reasons for disappearance: over-hunted and killed

How they returns: in 1985 the government of China asked for some to be returned to China, the Duke of Bedford was happy to agree

Measures of protecting: Try to persuade people not to hunt and kill them, if it doesn’t take effect, make rules to punish people who hunt and kill them; set reserves for them to live

Result of protecting: great increase in number and several Milu deer centres have been set up  Step3 writing


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