




背景知识  很快我们将生活在一个世界里,不管你身在何处,都能够分享和体验整个场景,想象一下,只要你愿意,你就能够在篝火面前坐下来,和朋友出去玩,或者在私人影院看电影。想象一下,只要你愿意,你可以在任何地方举行小组会议或者活动。这所有的场景很快都将成为现实。这也是Facebook在虚拟现实的早期投入精力的原因,并且希望能够很快地提供这些类型的社交体验。

        1 But Facebook faces rivals in all these areas. 2 Google is using AI techniques to improve its internet services and guide self-driving cars, and other industry giants are also investing heavily in AI—though with the deepest pockets and the most data to crunch, Facebook and Google can attract the best researchers and most promising startups. 3 Facebook lags behind Amazon, Apple, Google and Microsoft when it comes to voice-driven personal assistants; when it comes to chatbots, it faces competition from Microsoft and a host of startups eager to prove chatbots are the new apps. 4 And its push into VR—which Mr Zuckerberg sees as a stepping stone to“augmented reality” (AR), where information is superimposed on the real world—pits it against formidable rivals, too. 5 Microsoft has jumped straight to AR with its HoloLens headset, its most impressive product in years, and Google, already active in VR, has invested in Magic Leap, a little-known AR startup.


rival    /?raiv?l/     n. 竞争对手

giant    /'d?a??nt/    n. 巨人

crunch    /kr?n(t)?/    v. 压碎(这里说把数据压碎,意思就是对数据进行分析)

promising    /'pr?m?s??/    adj. 有希望的,有前途的(考研英语真题中的常客)

startup    /?stɑ:t??p/    n. 开办,启动

assistant    /?'s?st(?)nt/    n. 助理

chatbot    聊天机器人

augment    /??g'ment/    v. 扩大

superimpose    /?su?p(?)r?m'p??z/    v. 使重叠,使叠加

pit    /p?t/    v. 使竞争

formidable    /'f??m?d?b(?)l/    adj. 令人畏惧的

impressive    /?m'pres?v/    adj.  给人印象深刻的


1、lag behind    滞后

2、when it comes to    当提及......(熟悉到不能再讲)

3、a host of    大量,许多

4、eager to do    渴望做......


1 But Facebook faces rivals in all these areas. 

分析 本句主干是Facebook faces rivals。

翻译 但是在所有这些领域Facebook都有对手。

2 Google is using AI techniques to improve its internet services and guide self-driving cars, and other industry giants are also investing heavily in AI—though with the deepest pockets and the most data to crunch, Facebook and Google can attract the best researchers and most promising startups. 

分析 本句主干是Google is using AI techniques , and other industry giants are also investing heavilyin AI。破折号之后引导的让步壮语从句,从句主干是Facebook and Google can attract the best researchers and most promising startups。

翻译 谷歌正利用人工智能技术提升其互联网服务、指引无人驾驶汽车,其他业界巨头也不惜重金投资人工智能,不过Facebook和谷歌钱袋最鼓、有最多数据可供分析,因此能吸引到最优秀的研究人员和最具潜力的创业公司。

3 Facebook lags behind Amazon, Apple, Google and Microsoft when it comes to voice-driven personal assistants; when it comes to chatbots, it faces competition from Microsoft and a host of startups eager to prove chatbots are the new apps. 

分析 本句主干是Facebook lags behind Amazon, Apple, Google and Microsoft; it faces competition。eager to prove chatbots are the new apps修饰Microsoft and a host of startups。

翻译 在由语音控制的个人助理领域,Facebook落后于亚马逊、苹果、谷歌和微软;而在聊天机器人领域,它的对手是微软以及诸多急于证明机器人是新应用的创业公司。

4 And its push into VR—which Mr Zuckerberg sees as a stepping stone to“augmented reality” (AR), where information is superimposed on the real world—pits it against formidable rivals, too. 

分析 本句主干是its push pits it against formidable rivals。

翻译 虚拟现实领域被扎克伯格视作“增强现实”(AR)的踏脚石,AR即信息被叠加在真实世界上的技术。进军这一领域也让Facebook和强敌正面交锋。

5 Microsoft has jumped straight to AR with its HoloLens headset, its most impressive product in years, and Google, already active in VR, has invested in Magic Leap, a little-known AR startup.

分析 本句主干是Microsoft has jumped straight , and Google has invested in Magic Leap。

翻译 微软凭借其多年来最引人瞩目的产品HoloLens头盔直接挺进AR,而在VR领域已十分活跃的谷歌已经投资了Magic Leap,一家鲜为人知的AR创业公司。


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