


You know — one loves the sunset, when one is so sad…(你知道的—当一个人情绪低落的时候,他会格外喜欢看日落……)

And now here is my secret, a very simple secret. It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eyes. (这是我的一个秘密,再简单不过的秘密:一个人只有用心去看,才能看到真实。事情的真相只用眼睛是看不见的。)


背景知识  “宅”是一种高级进化形态,指那些将宅境界的内容与现实中自己相关的行业或技术相组合的牛人们。他们给人带来的感觉是眼前一亮,并将人们所熟悉的技能转化得更可能贴近生活。欢迎来到技术宅的世界。

Be nice to nerds


Forget the cool kids. Geeks are now shaping new products and services


        1 As a result, companies had better pay attention to the rise of a “nerd economy” that stretches well beyond their direct technology needs. 2 Venture capitalists were first to pick up on this. 3 Chris Dixon of Andreessen Horowitz, a Silicon Valley venture-capital firm, says he is constantly watching “what the smartest people are doing on the weekends”, because it hints at what the mainstream will be up to in ten years’ time. 4 With this rationale, Andreessen Horowitz has invested in various gadgets and products that early adopters have embraced, including a nutrient-rich drinkable meal for engineers too busy to take a break from coding, called Soylent. 5 Another investment is in a company called Nootrobox, which makes chewable coffee for people too lazy or antisocial to order a liquid shot from a barista. 6 The “mouth of the cultural river” has shifted from New York and Los Angeles to San Francisco, says Mr Dixon.


nerd    [n??d]    n. 书呆子(这里指的就是技术宅)

stretch    [stret?]    v. 伸展

constantly    ['k?nst(?)ntl?]    adv. 不断地

mainstream    ['me?nstri?m]    n. 主流

rationale    [,r???'nɑ?l]    n. 基本原理

gadget    ['g?d??t]    n. 小配件

embrace    [?m'bre?s]    v. 包含

antisocial   [?nt?'s???(?)l]    adj. 反社会的

liquid    ['l?kw?d]    adj. 流体的

barista    [b?'r?st?]    n. 咖啡师


1、pay attention to    关注

2、venture capitalist    风险资本家,风险投资者

3、hint at    暗示

4、too+adj to do    太......以至于不能

5、take a break    休息


1 As a result, companies had better pay attention to the rise of a “nerd economy” that stretches well beyond their direct technology needs. 

分析 本句主干是companies had better pay attention to the rise。that stretches well beyond their direct technology needs修饰“nerd economy”。

翻译 因此,企业应当充分重视“技术宅经济”的崛起,而这一概念也早已不再局限于技术上的需求了。

2 Venture capitalists were first to pick up on this. 

分析 本句主干是Venture capitalists were first to pick up。

翻译 风险投资家们最早意识到这一点。

3Chris Dixon of Andreessen Horowitz, a Silicon Valley venture-capital firm, says he is constantly watching “what the smartest people are doing on the weekends”, because it hints at what the mainstream will be up to in ten years’ time. 

分析 本句主干是Chris Dixon says。of Andreessen Horowitz修饰Chris Dixon。a Silicon Valley venture-capital firm是Andreessen Horowitz的同位语。he is constantly watching “what the smartest people are doing on the weekends”是says的宾语从句;“what the smartest people are doing on the weekends”是watching的宾语从句,because it hints at what the mainstream will be up to in ten years’ time引导原因状语从句,从句主干是it hints at what。

翻译 位于硅谷的风险投资公司安德森·霍洛维茨基金(Andreessen Horowitz)创始人克里斯·狄克逊(Chris Dixon)就表示自己经常关注“那些世界上最聪明的人周末的时候会做些什么”,因为他们的所作所为意味着未来十年里的主流趋势将迈向何方。

4 With this rationale, Andreessen Horowitz has invested in various gadgets and products that early adopters have embraced, including a nutrient-rich drinkable meal for engineers too busy to take a break from coding, called Soylent. 

分析 本句主干是Andreessen Horowitz has invested in various gadgets and products。that early adopters have embraced修饰gadgets and products。including相当于which are including。

翻译 带着这种想法,安德森·霍洛维茨基金投资了各式各样新颖的小产品,其中包括Soylent,一种营养丰富的代餐粉,从此工程师们不用再担心忙于编程而没时间吃饭了。

5 Another investment is in a company called Nootrobox, which makes chewable coffee for people too lazy or antisocial to order a liquid shot from a barista. 

分析 本句主干是Another investment is in a company called Nootrobox。which引导的非限制性定语从句中的主干是which makes chewable coffee。

翻译 另一项投资是针对一家名为Nootrobox的公司,该公司发明了一种可以嚼的咖啡,给那些懒到不爱出门买咖啡的人带来了福音。

6 The “mouth of the cultural river” has shifted from New York and Los Angeles to San Francisco, says Mr Dixon.

分析 本句主干是says Mr Dixon,says之前的内容是says的宾语从句,从句主干是The “mouth of the cultural river” has shifted。

翻译 狄克逊表示“文化输出口”俨然已从纽约和洛杉矶转移到了旧金山。


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