




Here I recommend some of the unique places you must visit in Macedonia 🙂 

1. The Painted Mosque 

Tetovo's beautiful Painted Mosque is like  something out of the Arabian Tales and quite unique in the Balkans. First built in the 15th century, it was razed to the ground two centuries later in a great fire that annihilated half the city; the design and architecture you see today is a 19th-century reconstruction. The facade is a patchwork of rectangular panels worked in a fresco technique; inside, the decoration becomes rich and floral, with geometric and arabesque ornamentation. Truly one of the most amazing and beautiful mosques I have ever seen! 

2. Sveti Jovan Bigorski Monastery

This revered 1020 Byzantine monastery is located, fittingly, up in the gods along a track of switchbacks off the Debar road, close to Janče village. Legend attests an icon of Sveti Jovan Bigorski (St John the Baptist) miraculously appeared here, inspiring the monastery's foundation; since then the monastery has been rebuilt often – apparently, the icon has occasionally reappeared too. The complex went into demise during communist rule but has been painstakingly reconstructed and today is as impressive as ever, with some excellent views over Mavrovo's mountains. It is known for its 19th century masterful colossal wood carvings and stone architecture. This monastery is so impressive that I could spend all day here admiring its architectural beauty!  

3. The Sunken Church, Mavrovo National Park

One unusual thing about Lake Mavrovo is the submerged St. Nicholas Church. It was purposely flooded in 1953 when the lake was dug, but has since become partially exposed, creating an unexpected sight. It’s such a cool postcard-worthy cute little surprise! 

4. Mavrovo National Park 

The gorges, pine forests, karst fields and waterfalls of Mavrovo National Park offer a breath of fresh, rarefied air for visitors travelling between Skopje and Ohrid. Beautiful vistas abound, and the park is home to North Macedonia's highest peak, Mt Korab (2764m). This National Park is Macedonia’s biggest, stretching over 192,000 acres from Lake Mavrovo to the Albanian border. Mavrovo National Park is home to the highest peaks in Macedonia and country’s best skiing (and biggest ski resort). Lake Mavrovo is the largest artificial lake in the country. In the summer it becomes a popular swimming and boating destination.

5. Leshok Monastery

Located on the south-east side of the Shar Mountain, the Leshok Monastery is a beautiful complex which welcomes all those who love peace, outstanding nature and relaxation. The complex of Leshok Monastery involves the Monastery Church of St. Atanasij which was built in 1335 and the Holy Mother of God Church which dates back to the 13th century. According to some researches there were 77 churches and monasteries in and around Leshok and today the most popular of them is the Church of Holy Mother of God which is a beautiful example of splendid Byzantine architectural style.

Its excellent location and the pleasant climate make the Leshok Monastery one of the most visited moonasteres in Macedonia, a place where all visitors enjoy fresh air, tranquil environment and magnificent natural beauties.


Ohrid(奥赫里德)古城位于马其顿西南部,接近阿尔巴尼亚边界。曾因一度拥有360多座教堂,古城居民每天都可以去不同的教堂做礼拜,因而得名“巴尔干半岛的耶路撒冷”。拜占廷时期,Ohrid成为非常重要的经济文化中心。作为东正教的主教中心,它在公元9世纪建立了第一个斯拉夫大学。11世纪初,Ohrid更成为马其顿中世纪最伟大的统治者塞缪尔王国的首都,当时坚固的城堡至今仍完好保存。这里曾是东罗马帝国的核心,鼎盛时期这里共有360多座教堂,“巴尔干圣城”的称谓不胫而走。然而,这些教堂中保存至今的只有23座。这些拜占庭时期的建筑,展现了这座城市几百年间的辉煌。其中最为著名的教堂是“圣索菲亚教堂”,这座教堂从11世纪到18世纪,一直是马其顿整个地区的中心教堂。教堂内的湿壁画已经有800多年的历史,这些壁画向人们述说着早已逝去的那个年代。 1979年及1980年, Ohrid和Ohrid湖先后被联合国教科文组织列为世界文化与自然遗产。 这也是目前为止马其顿共和国唯一的一处世界遗产!




沿途湖光山色,美不胜收。坐在返程的小船上,望着渐渐远去的教堂、沐浴着天顶的阳光、享受着来自远古问候的湖水,陪伴我们的,还有一位老船长…… 一个人在外漂泊,心境就像那孤舟扬帆,静静沉浸在这湖光山色中,默默品味异国风土人文。


Breathtaking sunset in old town Ohrid... As an UNESCO World Heritage site and one of the oldest human settlements in the entire Europe, Ohrid is the jewel in North Macedonia’s crown. An ancient town of vast history and heritage, it is an equal part culture trip of historical significance as it is a heaven of outstanding natural beauty. 

Sublime Ohrid is North Macedonia's most seductive destination and the pinnacle of the Macedonian experience. It sits on the edge of serene 3-million-year-old Lake Ohrid, one of the most picturesque lakes and the deepest, oldest and longest-existing lake in Europe, with an atmospheric old quarter that cascades down steep streets, dotted with beautiful centuries-old churches, monasteries, unique architecture, city beach and lakefront bars. and topped by the bones of a medieval castle. 

Traditional restaurants and lakeside cafes liven up the cobblestone streets, which in high summer can be very lively indeed. Ohrid trout is an ancient living fish, an endemic species of trout in Lake Ohrid thus a proud delicacy displayed by the local restaurants although it’s in severe danger nowadays. Outside of July and August, the tourist circus subsides and the town becomes more lived in.

Ohrid is small enough to hop from historic monuments into a deck chair and dip your toes in the water – a lovely little town beach and boardwalk make the most of the town's natural charms. A holiday atmosphere prevails all summer, especially during the popular summer festival.

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