

Fast Reports Inc. - Fast Reports News
+ added new VB6 demos: Pictures, UserDataset and Dynamic
+ added IPersistPropertyBag interface to TfrxPreviewX ActiveX
+ added Delphi for .NET example - keep reports in database
+ added new Delphi for .NET demos (DataSetDemo and StreamExample)
* initial support of VB6 events
* added streaming methods to IfrxPictureView interface
- fixed ‘Size‘ property of the .NET Stream warapper
- fixed IfrxReport::SelectDataset method. Corrected behaviour for deselection (Selected = false).
- fixed IfrxComponent::FindObject method. It does not throw exception anymore in .NET environment
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03/21/2006  | FastReport 3.21 released
+ [server] added lot of properties in configuration file (config.xml)
* [server] changed format of configuration file
* [server] updated server/service demo
+ added unicode in HTML, "Rich Text" (RTF) and XML exports
+ added Slovak language resources
* update Brazilian, Danish, Dutch resources
- fixed incorrect page breaks in RTF export
- fixed copying grouped objects
- fixed setting of printer parameters
- fixed bug with RTL reading brackets in PDF export
- fixed bug with bcb5 (cannot use function with parameters)
- fixed large font issues
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02/21/2006  | Become our guest on CeBit 2006!
As you can know we shall participate inCeBit 2006
We shall be glad to see you as our guests - Hall 5, Stand B70/3.
You can see FastReport and FastReport Studio in work. Also we with Alexander Tzyganenko shall first time demonstrate our new product - FastReport Server.
Our new customers, who shall register FastReport Studio or FastReport from 20 february to 8 march can receive ticket to CeBit 2006 for free as gift from us.
The quantity of tickets is limited!
02/09/2006  | Kylix FAQ on fast-report.com
We have composed a list of frequently asked questions concerning Kylix and answers on them.
See Kylix FAQ here...
12/21/2005  | FastReport Studio 3.20
- added interface IfrxFont.
- added IfrxFrame interface
- added IfrxDisplayFormat interface
- added method ResetDataSet into IfrxDataBand interface
- added support of NET streams
- fixed OnSaveReport event (added SaveAs argument)
- added IfrxShapeView interface
- added C# example of OnLoadreport and OnSaveReport events.
- added OnLoadreport and onSaveReport events to IfrxDesignerEvents interface
- added IfrxPage interface and GetPage enumerator for IfrxReport
- fixed IfrxMemmoView interface (added lot of properties - align, color, and etc)
- property EnableLoadSaveEvents of IfrxDesigner interface splitted to EnableLoadEvent and EnableSaveEvent
- updated C++ demo Variable (added lot of comments and emo report changed)
- updated C# DataSetDemo example
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12/20/2005  | FastReport 3.20 released
- improved exports
- update German, Turkish resources
- added TfrxReport.OnBeforeConnect event
- added ADO, IBX support in frf importer unit
- added CommandTimeout property to ADO query
- AVG function now counts only non-Null values
- RichView object is now WYSIWYG
- [server] fixed bug with parameters in report refresh
- bug fixes
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10/28/2005  | FastScript 1.9 released
+ full multi-thread support
+ improved performance
+ added packages for Delphi2006
+ added separate Tee package
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10/24/2005  | FastReport 3.19 released
+ added separate frxTee package for TeeChart
+ added CJK Font support in PDF export
+ added frxHiButtons.pas unit (hi-color button images). Just add to your uses list.
+ added "Classes" tab to DataTree
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10/24/2005  | FastReport Studio 3.19
+ added new Delphi for .NET demo
+ added new C# demo: Report client for FastReport Server
+ added new C# demo: Picture - shows how to use IfrxPictureView interface
+ added new interface IfrxPictureView
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09/20/2005  | FastReport 3.18 released
* D2006 ready
+ added strikeout text support in HTML export
+ added char spacing support in PDF export
+ added support of BALTIC_CHARSET (windows-1257) in PDF export
+ added support TfrxShapeView diagonal lines in PDF export
+ added FRF import unit. To use it, simply include frx2xto30.pas into your "uses" list.
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09/16/2005  | FastQueryBuilder 1.03 released
Whats new:
+ added d2006(DeXter) packages and compatibility
+ Danish, Portuguese language added
+ joins between fields of the compatible types
+ Designer saves its own position and size
09/13/2005  | FastReport VCL 2.55 released
* changed RTF and XLS export filters (TfrRtfAdvExport, TfrOLEExcelExport)
- fix FielIsNull()
- fix stretched bug in TfrPictureView
- fix TfrReport.Clear
- fix bug with number of copies in ‘Print‘ window.
- fix TfrButtonControl.SaveToFR3Stream
- fix TfrView.SaveToFR3Stream
- fixed bug with stretched breaked bands
- bug fixes
09/05/2005  | FastReport 3.17 Studio released
+ added Language selector in Designer (View menu)
+ added GIF export
+ new command-line keys (/dpi=xx /quality=xx /mono /unite /crop)
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09/05/2005  | FastReport 3.17 released
+ added full screen mode in Preview (F11 hot-key)
+ added popup menu in Preview
* improved PDF export filter
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09/02/2005  | The first issue of “The InterBase and Firebird Developer Magazine”
The first issue of “The InterBase and Firebird Developer Magazine” is published. It is a free electronic magazine in PDF devoted to InterBase`and Firebird database development.
You can download the first issue and subscribe to the next issues at/www.ibdeveloper.com
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FastReport.Net C#程序邦定报表模版
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