

雅思口语Part2: Describe a toy you had(词汇思路)


Describe a toy you had in your childhood是经常考的题目,大家按照今天学到的词汇来思考一下可以怎么说。


Airport posts adorable pics of child's lost stuffed toy on epic journey home


Just about every child has a favorite toy. It's not just something they play with(一般说play with a toy,不是play a toy), but something that gives them comfort and even companionship — and they aren't easily replaced.

(My barbie doll was essential to me cos not only was it something I played with, but it also gave me comfort and companionship.)

This is what Ra Ra, a raggedy little stuffed dog(毛绒玩具狗), is to Phoebe Steel, a 4-year-old girl living in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Recently, on the way back from a family vacation in the U.K., she lost Ra Ra.

Courtesy of Jen Heuvelmans Steel?

It happened during a layover at Toronto Pearson International Airport in Canada.

'Somehow [Ra Ra] got dropped and we didn't realize until the plane took off,' Jennifer Steel?, Phoebe's mom, told TODAY.com

Phoebe was devastated(非常伤心的).

(I was devastated when I found out that my doll was lost.)

'[She] had a bit of a breakdown, unfortunately,' said Steel. 'Eventually she calmed down, and I explained that I would contact the airport to see if they could find him once we landed.'

Steel said Phoebe and Ra Ra share a deep bond(关系非常好).

(My doll was really important to me because ...you know, I was an only child in my family; I had no siblings to play with, so I shared a deep bond with my barbie.)

'We got Ra Ra as a baby gift when she was just born and they have been together ever since,' she said. 'Ra Ra is usually with her everywhere she goes. They are inseparable(形影不离的).'

(I was with it every single day; we were inseparable.)

Steel tried replacing the stuffed pooch, but Phoebe wanted nothing to do with the replacement toy.

Eventually, Steel turned to social media.

'I put a post on [the airport's Facebook page] of a picture of my daughter and Ra Ra and told them she lost him and if they could keep an eye out for him,' she said.

An airport official replied that employees would keep a look out. Soon after, a post on the same thread said the toy had been found.

'We're in the business of connections and we knew we had to help Ra Ra reunite with his family(重聚),' Shabeen Hanifa, a spokeswoman for the Greater Toronto Airports Authority, told TODAY.com. 'Our digital team reached out to our customer service team with the photo and they found Ra Ra.'

'Phoebe was overjoyed(非常开心的). Once they posted the pictures of Ra Ra's adventure she couldn't wait to have him home.'

(I was overjoyed when I got this barbie doll as a birthday gift)






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