


  Drivers &Bootloaders,也就是“驱动和引导”项,是MultiBeast的第4个大选项。这个选项主要用来设置驱动、安装引导、启动时间和利于黑苹果设置的小软件。



  “Kexts &Enablers”大概可以译为“kext文件和引导”,简单的说,Kext文件相当于windows系统下的硬件驱动文件,“引导”呢,则说的是引导黑苹果启动的选项。这都是针对没有DSDT文件的黑苹果来说的,再强调一下:选择之前请确保你知道相关选项的意义。

  Realtek ALC8xx 项(包括ALC8xxHDA和AppleHDA Rollback子项):Realtek ALC888,ALC887/888b, ALC889,ALC885/889a和ALC892等板载高清声卡驱动。
  ALC8xxHDA:MacMan制作的Realtek ALC888, ALC887/888b, ALC889,ALC885/889a和ALC892等板载声卡驱动.如果没有使用DSDT文件,必须同时选择HDAEnabler。ALC8xxHDA.kext将会安装到/System/Library/Extensions目录下。
  AppleHDARollback:用未修改的雪豹10.6.2系统的AppleHDA.kext,代替Lion系统下的AppleHDA.kext文件,用来恢复RealtekALC888, ALC887/888b, ALC889和 ALC892等高清声卡驱动。适用于10.6.3及更新版系统。

▲Non-DSDT HDAEnabler和Universal
  Non-DSDT HDAEnabler(无DSDT时声卡驱动项 ):当安装ALC8xxHDA.kext来驱动RealtekALC888, ALC887/888b, ALC889,ALC885/889a和ALC892等板载声卡,同时又没有DSDT文件时,必须选择对应声卡的选项项。选择此项将会安装HDAEnabler8xx.kext到系统/System/Library/Extensions目录。
  Universal(通用):使用开源的 VoodooHDA 来驱动大多数声卡。这类驱动都依据Intel HighDefinition Audio (HDA) 规格,主要基于 FreeBSD hdac driver代码编写。它的目的是自然是取代苹果系统的AppleHDA。
  VoodooHDA 0.2.1 / 0.2.2——VoodooLabs 分支版本0.2.1.
  VoodooHDA / / /——Project OS X分支版本0.2.61。将安装VoodooHDA.prefPane文件到/System/Library/PreferencePanes目录。

  3rdParty SATA(第三方SATA驱动):ASMedia ASM1061, JMicron 36x(又称GSATA)和Marvell 88SE912 SATA控制器驱动.连接到这些接口的设备将会识别为内置磁盘显示在桌面上,不能够热插拔。将安装AHCI_3rdParty_SATA.kext到/System/Library/Extensions目录。
  3rdParty eSATA(第三方eSATA驱动):ASMedia ASM1061, JMicron 36x(又称GSATA)和Marvell 88SE912 SATA控制器。连接到这些接口的设备将识别为移动设备显示在桌面,同样不支持热插拔。将安装AHCI_3rdParty_eSATA.kext 到/System/Library/Extensions目录。
  JMicron36x ATA:MacMan 修改的JMicronATA驱动。打开JMicron 36x(又称GSATA)芯片的IDE支持。支持光驱盒硬盘。将安装JMicron36xATA.kext 到/System/Library/Extensions目录。

  Install to 打开 QE/CI显卡加速。只有当默认的显卡侦测开(GraphicsEnabler=Yes)不起作用时才使用。
  ATI 48xx Patch (AMD HD48xx显卡补丁):Netkas.org 发布的开HD 48xx系列显卡 QE/CI补丁包,支持10.7.0/10.7.1。将安装修改版ATI4800Controller 和 ATIRadeonX2000 到/System/Library/Extensions目录。
  ATI 48xx Device Injector:安装 ATI48xxInjector.kext 到/System/Library/Extensions目录,提供所有 ATI 48xx 显卡识别ID。
  NVIDIA GF100 Fermi Patches – OpenCLEnabler:netkas.org发布,针对系统文件/System/Library/Extensions/GeForceGLDriver.bundle的补丁,主要是用来开启GF100 Feimi核心显卡OpenCL支持。
  Miscellaneous即杂项设置。主要是针对没有DSDT文件的黑苹果,提供必要的增强硬件支持和一些比较杂的小驱动,比如USB3.0驱动。如果使用EasyBeast 或用DSDT文件安装,这一项会自动设置。

  EvOreboot:如果没有DSDT,没有此驱动关机或重启会不正常。将安装EvOreboot.kext 到/System/Library/Extensions目录。
  FakeSMC:FakeSMC.kext 是绝对必要安装的驱动, 启动黑苹果必须。原本由netkas编写,新的Project OSX分支。将安装 FakeSMC.kext 到/System/Library/Extensions目录。
  FakeSMC Plugins:安装ACPIMonitor.kext, IntelCPUMonitor.kext 和 SuperIOFamily.kext等FakeSMC插件到系统/System/Library/Extensions/目录。这些插件允许软件监控主板的硬件状态。
  IOUSBFamily Rollback:非DSDT、10.6.3或更新版本时,选择此项可以将IOUSBFamily.kext 和IOUSBMassStorageClass.kext恢复为10.6.2和10.6.4系统内版本。
  NullCPUPowerManagement:关闭AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement.kext 以避免没有编辑好HPETDSDT的CPU核心崩溃。将安装NullCPUPowerManagement.kext 到/System/Library/Extensions文件夹。
  PS/2 Keyboard/Mouse/Trackpad :开启 非USB键盘鼠标和触摸板支持。将安装AppleACPIPS2Nub.kext和ApplePS2Controller.kext 到/System/Library/Extensions文件夹。
  USB 3.0 – NEC/Renseas and Etron :开启NEC/Renesas D720200、EtronEJ168控制器的USB 3.0支持, LaCie驱动由modbin提供补丁。将安装 PXHCD.kext到/System/Library/Extensions文件夹。

  Lnx2Mac's RealtekRTL81xx Ethernet:选择此项将打开Lnx2Mac的 Realtek 81xx以太网控制器驱动安装程序,将安装RealtekRTL81xx.kext到/System/Library/Extensions文件夹。

▲选择此项将打开Lnx2Mac的 Realtek 81xx 驱动程序
  Hnak's AppleIntelE1000e Ethernet:开启Intel 825xx以太网控制器驱动。基于hnak'e1000.sourceforge.net 32/64 位Linux版Intel有线以太网控制器驱动。将安装AppleIntelE1000e.kext到系统/System/Library/Extensions文件夹。
  Realtek Gigabit Ethernet 2.0.6:适合10.7版系统的Realtek 官方 81xx以太网控制器驱动2.0.6 版,将安装AppleRTL8169Ethernet.kext到苹果系统/System/Library/Extensions/IONetworkingFamily.kext/Contents/PlugIns文件夹。

  选择此项,会安装修改版的变色龙chimera,它的作用是直接从硬盘启动系统。Chimera的v1.6.0r1394版是MacMan的变色龙(Chameleon 2.0)分支。这个版本添加了ATI GPU的支持并修正了Chameleon2.1svn r1649版本的 FaceTime 问题。

  Boot Options是启动选项设置,主要是通过预编辑或脚本的方式去编辑/Extra/org.chameleon.Boot.plist 文件,来开启或关闭特殊的启动引导选项。
  注意:预编辑的文件,或者通过EasyBeast和DSDT文件安装,都是针对org.chameleon.Boot.plist文件,但预编辑的选项会少一些。 如果你使用EasyBeast 或 UserDSDT, 只能用脚本来添加“PCI Root ID修正”或“快捷菜单”选项。
  32-bit Apple Boot Screen(32位苹果启动界面):预编辑的 32位org.chameleon.Boot.plist文件。包含GraphicsEnabler=Yes (可开启大多数NVIDIA 和ATI 显卡),苹果启动界面,32位内核, npci=0x2000 和 darkwake=0 kernelflags(内核标志)。安装到/Extra。
  32-bit GraphicsEnabler=No(32位,显卡识别关):预编辑的32-bitorg.chameleon.Boot.plist文件,包含GraphicsEnabler=No, 苹果启动界面和32位内核,npci=0x2000,darkwake=0 内核标志。安装到/Extra。
  64-bit Apple Boot Screen(64位苹果启动界面):预编辑的64位org.chameleon.Boot.plist文件,确保只在使用DSDT时选择。包含 GraphicsEnabler=Yes(开启大多数 NVIDIA 和 ATI显卡), Apple Boot Screen ,npci=0x2000 和 darkwake=0kernel flags. 安装到/Extra。使用EasyBeast和UserDSDT时不用选。
  64-bit GraphicsEnabler=No(64位显卡识别关):Pre-edited 64位org.chameleon.Boot.plist文件,包含 Contains GraphicsEnabler=No,苹果启动界面,npci=0x2000,darkwake=0 kernel flags(内核标志)。安装到/Extra文件夹。
  PCI Configuration Fix(PCI设置修正):给/Extra/org.chameleon.Boot.plist添加npci=0x2000 脚本到 Kernel Flags(特定的核心区域,也就是org.chameleon.Boot.plist的特定位置)。
  PCI Root ID Fix(PCI Root ID修正):添加 PCIRootUID=1 到/Extra/org.chameleon.Boot.plist 文件的特定位置。
  Instant Menu(快捷菜单):给/Extra/org.chameleon.Boot.plist 文件添加 InstantMenu=Yes脚本,或取代 Timeout=n 脚本。
  Generate CPU States(生成CPU状态):添加GenerateCStates=Yes 和GeneratePStates=Yes 脚本到/Extra/org.chameleon.Boot.plist文件。
  Use KernelCache(使用内核缓存):添加UseKernelCache=Yes语句到/Extra/org.chameleon.Boot.plist文件。使用EasyBeast 或UserDSDT时不用选。


  MacPro3,1 是使用 EasyBeast和 UserDSDT 时的默认选项,不喜欢可以选择对应的型号:有iMac、MacPro、MacBook Pro、Mac mini可选。

  Chameleon Default:默认变色龙主题;tonymacx86 Classic :tonymacx86主题;tonymacx86 Remixed :tonymacx86 网友complx修改的主题。
  OSx86 Software:有用的OSx86工具软件,安装到Applications目录下。个人经验是全选,这样有备无患,用起来方便。

  Kext Utility :cVad编写的kext安装, 权限和缓存修复工具。使用起来很简单,拖动文件或文件夹到程序列表或者Dock中的KextUtility软件上即可。软件安装在/Applications文件夹,已支持10.7版Lion系统。
  Extension Migration Tool的作用是 /Extra/Extensions文件夹的内容到/System/Library/Extensions文件夹,删除/Extra/Extensions 和/Extra/Extension.mkext,重建缓存并添加 ”UseKernelCache=Yes“脚本到/Extra/org.chameleon.Boot.plist文件。只有从Mac OS X10.6雪豹系统升级时才需要选择这一项。

  总结:MultiBeast软件其实相当于一个软件包,通过选择不同选项,软件包会安装不同的驱动文件,有一些是软件所不足的,比如启动设置项是通过一些脚本来更改Extra目录下的org.chameleon.boot.plist 文件来实现,但可选的脚本并不多,只是做了一些简单的更改。

【MultiBeast 5.2.2 2012-08月13日更新?】
MultiBeast 5.0.2 Released 2012-08-13
MultiBeast 5.0.2 for Mountain Lion
Visible Changes:
- Renamed NVIDIA GTX 470/480/560Ti 448/570/580 Support to NVIDIAGTX 470 / 480 / 560Ti 448 Cores / 570 / 580 Support
- Renamed NVIDIA GTX 670/680/690 Support to NVIDIA GTX 670 / 680 /690 Support
- Added missing description for Drivers & Bootloaders ->Drivers -> Graphics -> NVIDIA GTX 670 / 680 / 690Support
Internal Changes:
- Fixed Drivers & Bootloaders -> Drivers -> Graphics-> NVIDIA GTX 670 / 680 / 690 Support installation issue
- Fixed Drivers & Bootloaders -> Drivers -> System ->Legacy USB Support installation issue
- Fixed Drivers & Bootloaders -> Drivers -> Audio ->Realtek ALC8xx -> With DSDT installation issue
- Fixed Drivers & Bootloaders -> Drivers -> Audio ->Realtek ALC8xx -> Without DSDT installation issue
MultiBeast 5.0.1 Released 2012-08-13
Internal Changes:
- Fixed Drivers & Bootloaders -> Drivers -> Miscellaneous-> USB 3.0 - 3rd Party installation issue
【MultiBeast 4.5.2 2012-4月5日更新?】
【MultiBeast 3.7 2011-9月12日更新】
Visible Changes:
- Replaced Chimera v1.4.1 r877 with v1.5.4 r1394. This version addsGraphicsEnabler support for additional ATI and NVIDIA cards alongwith adding support for Intel HD3000 GPU in Sandy Bridge CPUs. Alsoincludes olegpronin's Facetime fix for non-RAID volumes. You needto add SkipFTFix=Yes to /Extra/org.chameleon.Boot.plist whenbooting from a RAID volume.
- Added to Customization -> Boot Options -> PCI ConfigurationFix. Adds npci=0x2000 to Kernel Flags in/Extra/org.chameleon.Boot.plist
- Replaced JMicron36x SATA with 3rdParty SATA. This new kextsupports ASMEDIA, JMicron and Marvell SATA controllers.
- Replaced JMicron36x eSATA with 3rdParty eSATA. This new kextsupports ASMEDIA, JMicron and Marvell SATA controllers.
- Replaced IOPCIFamily Fix with Customization -> Boot Options-> PCI Configuration Fix.
- Added Macmini5,1 smbios
Internal Changes:
- Installation of Chimera will rename /Extra/com.apple.Boot.plistto /Extra/org.chameleon.Boot.plist
- Added npci=0x2000 to all kernel flags
- Updated EasyBeast and UserDSDT to install Chimera v1.5.4r1394
- Updated EasyBeast to use 3rdParty SATA instead of JMircon 36xSATA.
- Updated Kext Utility to 2.5.0b
- Changed all boot options choices to useorg.chameleon.Boot.plist
3.8.0 Released 2011-07-11
Visible Changes:
- Added to Customization -> Boot Options -> Generate CPUStates. Adds GenerateCStates=Yes and GeneratePStates=Yes to/Extra/com.apple.boot.plist.
- Added ATI 48xx Patch for 10.6.8 from netkas
- Added to Drivers & Bootloaders -> Kexts & Enablers-> Miscellaneous -> IOPCIFamily Fix
- Changed Drivers & Bootloaders -> Kexts & Enablers-> Miscellaneous -> FakeSMC Plugins to a menu choice.
- Added to FakeSMC Plugins -> Motherboard Plugins which onlyinstalls the motherboard plugins.
- Added to FakeSMC Plugins -> AMD RADEON Plugin which onlyinstalls the AMD RADEON GPU plugin.
- Added to FakeSMC Plugins -> NVIDIA Plugin which only installsthe NVIDIA GPU plugin.
- Removed Chameleon 2.0 RC5 - Prerelease; superseded byChimera
- Removed NVEnabler; superseded by Chimera
Internal Changes:
- Updated FakeSMC to 3.1.0 Revision 493
- Updated FakeSMC Plugins to 3.1.0 Revision 493
- Added IOPCIFamily Fix to EasyBeast
- Added IOPCIFamily Fix to UserDSDT
3.7.3 Released 2011-06-24
Visible Changes:
- Removed ATI; superseded by OS X 10.6.8.
- Removed NVIDIA 256.02.05f01 from Graphics; superseded by officialNVIDIA drivers available athttp://www.nvidia.com/object/quadro-macosx-256.02.25f01-driver.html
3.7.2 Released 2011-06-02
Internal Changes:
- Fixed IOUSBFamily Rollback installation in EasyBeast.
- Fixed IOUSBFamily Rollback installation.
- Fixed installation of ShowAllFiles.
3.7.1 Released 2011-05-28
Internal Changes:
- Fixed Chimera v1.4.1 r877 standalone installation to installcorrect version
- Fixed Chameleon 2.0 RC5 - Prerelease installation to installcorrect bootloader
- Changed FakeSMC Plugins installation to delete IntelThermal aspart of the install process.
3.7.0 Released 2011-05-26
Visible Changes:
- Replaced IntelThermal with IntelCPUMonitor in FakeSMCPlugins.
- Removed Chameleon 2.0 RC5 - ATI Experimental; superseded byChimera.
- Removed Chameleon 2.0 RC5 - Sandy Bridge; superseded byChimera.
Internal Changes:
- Upgraded Chimera to v1.4.1 r877
- Upgraded Chameleon 2.0 RC5 - Prerelease to trunk r877
3.6.0 Released 2011-05-09
Visible Changes:
- Added ATI to Graphics. This is the latest complete ATIdrivers from the iMac 2011 10.6.7 update that provides Radeon HD6000 support. Backs up current drivers to~/Desktop/ATI-Backup/.
- Removed ATI from Graphics.
- Added NVIDIA 256.02.05f01 to Graphics. This is the latestcomplete NVIDIA drivers from the iMac 2011 10.6.7 update thatprovides Fermi support and is equivalent to tonymacx86 NVIDIAUpdate 2.0. Backs up current drivers to~/Desktop/NVIDIA-Backup/.
- Added iMac12,1 and iMac12,2 to System Definitions.
- Removed iMac11,3 from System Definitions.
- Renamed Chameleon Instant Menu to Instant Menu as it for Chimeraand Chameleon.
- Changed the boot menu Timeout in all com.apple.Boot.plists from 1to 2.
Internal Changes:
- Upgraded Chimera to v1.3.0 r760
3.5.2 Released 2011-05-01
Internal Changes:
- Upgraded Chimera to v1.1.0 r753
3.5.1 Released 2011-04-29
Visible Changes:
- Temporarily removed Marvell Yukon Ethernet due to issues inversion used
Internal Changes:
- Upgraded Chameleon 2.0 RC5 - Prerelease to trunk r753
3.5.0 Released 2011-04-27
Visible Changes:
- Added Chimera v1.0.0 r750 bootloader. This is MacMan's branch ofChameleon that merges Kabyl's ATI code and some of valv's SandyBridge code.
- Changed EasyBeast and UserDSDT to use the Chimera bootloader bydefault
- Updated Chameleon 2.0 RC5 - Prerelease to r750
- Added ATI 48xx Patch for 10.6.7 from netkas
- Added Realtek Gigabit Ethernet 2.0.6 plugin
- Added Marvell Yukon Ethernet a patched AppleYukon2 plugin thatadds support for the Marvell Yukon-88E8056 and Yukon-88E8057ethernet controllers.
Internal Changes:
- Changed UserDSDT script to install without a DSDT for a DSDT-Freeinstall. Notification is in /private/var/log/install.log forwhether a DSDT was installed or not.
3.4.0 Released 2011-03-23
Visible Changes:
- Added ATI Drivers to Graphics. These are all of theupdated ATI drivers from the Mac OS X v10.6.7 Update for early 2011MacBook Pros. This option will backup the currently installedversions to a folder on the desktop. NOTE: ATI4500Controller.kextis no longer included.
- Added MacBookPro8,1 smbios.plist
- Corrected description for Voodoo PS/2 Controller to Enablesnon-USB keyboard/mouse and is 32-bit only.
- Added Voodoo PS/2 Trackpad to Miscellaneous. This adds trackpadsupport for Laptops and requires Voodoo PS/2 Controller to also beinstalled. 32-bit only.
Internal Changes:
- Changed Voodoo PS/2 Controller to install in/System/Library/Extensions
- Changed VoodooHDA installation to delete AppleHDA as part of theinstall.
3.3.0 Released 2011-03-03
Visible Changes:
- Replaced ElliottForceLegacyRTC with LegacyAppleRTC inEasyBeast
- Updated Chameleon 2.0 RC5 - ATI Experimental to r748
- Fixed HDAEnabler for ALC888 as it was 32-bit only, unlike theother HDAEnabler's which were 32/64-bit.
- Renamed all HDAEnablers to include the codec it enables. So thereis now HDAEnabler888, HDAEnabler888b, HDAEnabler889, HDAEnabler889aand HDAEnabler892.
- Added to Customization -> Boot Options -> Chameleon InstantMenu. Adds Instant Menu=Yes or replaces Timeout=n in/Extra/com.apple.boot.plist
3.2.0 Released 2011-02-01
Visible Changes:
- Removed AppleRTL8169Ethernet
- Removed RealtekR1000SL
- Replaced Realtek Gigabit Ethernet with Lnx2Mac's RealtekRTL81xxEthernet. NOTE: When chosen it will launch Lnx2Mac's Installer atthe end of the MultiBeast install.
- Replaced Intel 82566 Family Gigabit Ethernet with hnak'sAppleIntelE1000e Ethernet. This is a port of thee1000.sourceforge.net Intel Wired Ethernet for Linux driver.
- Added Chameleon 2.0 RC5 - Sandy Bridge. This is valv's branch ofChameleon 2.0 RC5 that adds initial support for Sandy BridgeCPUs.
- Removed ATY_Init Uakari
- Removed ATY_Init Vervet
- Changed description for NVEnabler to reflect that it's only usedfor older NVDIDIA graphics cards.
- Replaced LegacyAppleRTC with ElliottForceLegacyRTC in EasyBeastand Miscellaneous.
3.1.0 Released 2011-01-18
Visible Changes:
- Added ATI 48xx Patch for 10.6.6 from netkas
- Updated Chameleon 2.0 RC5 - Prerelease to RC5 r699
- Updated Chameleon 2.0 RC5 - ATI Experimental to r700
- Replaced fakesmc 2.5.0 with FakeSMC 3.1.0.
- Added to Drivers & Bootloaders -> Kexts & Enablers-> Miscellaneous -> FakeSMC Plugins. It installs thefollowing FakeSMC plugins in /Extra/Extensions: ACPIMonitor.kext,IntelThermal.kext and SuperIOFamily.kext. Additional plugins can befound athttp://www.projectosx.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=1643
Internal Changes:
- Updated ALC8xxHDA to version 1.0.1. This version restores GreenLine Out and Headphone functionality to how Legacy8xx works.
- Added bdmesg command line tool as part of all Chameleoninstalls.
3.0.3 Released 2010-12-30
Internal Changes:
- Fixed installation of IOUSBFamily Rollback
- Added to installation of standalone themes deleting current Themefolder
3.0.2 Released 2010-12-29
Internal Changes:
- Fixed installation of tonymacx86 theme remixed by complx
3.0.1 Released 2010-12-29
Internal Changes:
- Fixed all of the incorrect smbios.plist choices
3.0.0 Released 2010-12-28
Visible Changes:
- Enabled all Choices by default. Remember to NOT check the toplevel choice and only the specific sub-choice options. Checking theroot option will most likely corrupt your installation byinstalling unwanted or unneeded options.
- Restructered menus: Advanced Options is now separated intoDrivers & Bootloaders and Customization
- Updated Chameleon 2.0 RC5 - Prerelease to RC5 r668
- Updated Chameleon 2.0 RC5 - ATI Experimental to r679
- Updated Chameleon post install script to correctly install on adual boot system.
- Added tonymacx86 theme remixed by complx to Themes
- Changed EasyBeast and UserDSDT to install tonymacx86 themeremixed by complx
- Removed all CPU specific smbios.plist definitions.
- Removed Chameleon 2.0 RC4 by AsereBLN 1.1.9
- Replaced all Legacy88xHDA kexts with the new universal ALC8xxHDAkext.
- Replace LegacyAppleRTC with ElliottForceLegacyRTC
- Updated EasyBeast and UserDSDT to use Chameleon 2.0 RC5r668
- Updated EasyBeast to use ElliottForceLegacyRTC instead ofLegacyAppleRTC
- Added iMac11,2 and iMac11,3 smbios.plist
2.6.3 Released 2010-12-17
Internal Changes:
- Fixed Chameleon 2.0 RC5 - ATI Experimental to install the correctboot file.
2.6.2 Released 2010-12-16
Internal Changes:
- Changed all Chameleon install options to allow fordowngrades.
2.6.1 Released 2010-12-09
Internal Changes:
- Rolled JMicron36xATA back to previous version.
2.6.0 Released 2010-12-05
Visible Changes:
- Updated Chameleon 2.0 RC5 - Prerelease to RC5 r651
- Changed EasyBeast to install Chameleon 2.0 RC5 prerelease
- Changed UserDSDT to install Chameleon 2.0 RC5 prerelease
- Removed PC-EFI 10.6
- Renamed Advanced Options -> Kexts -> Graphics -> PCIRoot ID Fix -> For Chameleon 2.0 RC4 by AsereBLN to ForChameleon 2.0
2.5.1 Released 2010-11-21
Visible Changes:
- Added Auto-Detect CPU to Advanced Options -> smbios.plist-> iMac11,1
- Added Auto-Detect CPU to Advanced Options -> smbios.plist-> MacPro3,1
- Added Auto-Detect CPU to Advanced Options -> smbios.plist-> MacPro4,1
- Added Auto-Detect CPU to Advanced Options -> smbios.plist-> MacPro5,1
Internal Changes:
- Fixed all of the incorrect smbios.plist choices
- Fixed all Mac Pro smbios.plists to have valid system-identifiersfor each model serial number
- Changed EasyBeast smbios.plist to MacPro3,1 Auto-Detect CPU
- Changed UserDSDT smbios.plist to MacPro3,1 Auto-Detect CPU
2.5.0 Released 2010-11-20
Visible Changes:
- Updated Chameleon 2.0 RC5 - Prerelease to RC5 r643 for Fermibased card support
- Added Chameleon 2.0 RC5 - ATI Experimental in Advanced Options-> Chameleon
- Added ATI 48xx Patch for 10.6.5 to Advanced Options -> Kexts-> Graphics -> ATI
- Changed Advanced Options -> smbios.plist -> MacPro to amenu
- Moved existing MacPro4,1 smbios.plists to Advanced Options ->smbios.plist -> MacPro4,1
- Added MacPro3,1 smbios.plists to Advanced Options ->smbios.plist -> MacPro3,1
- Added MacPro5,1 smbios.plisst to Advanced Options ->smbios.plist -> MacPro5,1
2.4.1 Released 2010-11-14
Visible Changes:
- Replaced IOUSBFamily 10.6.2 Rollback with USB Rollback inAdvanced Options -> Kexts -> Miscellaneous
- Updated EasyBeast to use USB Rollback
- Fixed the swapped smbios.plist for iMac Core 2 Duo and Mac ProQuad-Core Xeon
- Fixed Chameleon RC5 Default Theme install
- Fixed EasyBeast to install the tonymacx86 theme
2.4.0 Released 2010-11-10
Visible Changes:
- Added i3 smbios.plist to Advanced Options -> smbios.plist-> iMac
- Added i3 smbios.plist to Advanced Options -> smbios.plist-> Mac Pro
- Added USB 3.0 driver for NEC/Renesas D720200 controller inAdvanced Options -> Kexts -> Miscellaneous
- Removed VoodooHDA 0.2.70 with prefPane from Advanced Options-> Kexts -> Audio -> VoodooHDA Experimental
- Merged VoodooHDA Official and Experimental choices in AdvancedOptions -> Kexts -> Audio -> as VoodooHDA
- Clarified VoodooLabs and Project OS X branches in VoodooHDAdescriptions
- Added VoodooHDA 0.2.72 with prefPane to Advanced Options ->Kexts -> Audio -> VoodooHDA
- Renamed JMicron36xATA to JMicron36x ATA in Advanced Options ->Kexts -> Disk -> JMicron36x (AKA GSATA)
- Renamed JMicron36xSATA to JMicron36x SATA in Advanced Options-> Kexts -> Disk -> JMicron36x (AKA GSATA)
- Renamed JMicron36xeSATA to JMicron36x eSATA in Advanced Options-> Kexts -> Disk -> JMicron36x (AKA GSATA)
- Added Chameleon RC5 r594 Prerelease in Advanced Options ->Chameleon
- Added Chameleon RC5 Default Theme in Advanced Options ->Themes
Internal Changes:
- Replaced all MacPro3,1 with MacPro4,1 in Advanced Options ->smbios.plist -> Mac Pro
- Changed in all VoodooHDA kexts VoodooHDAVerboseLevel to 0
2.3.0 Released 2010-09-25
Visible Changes:
- Modified UserDSDT to use any file ending in .aml instead of onlyDSDT.aml
- Upgraded the official Realtek RTL8169 driver to the latestversion, 2.0.5.
- Added VoodooHDA 0.2.70 with prefPane to Advanced Options ->Kexts -> Audio -> VoodooHDA Experimental.
Internal Changes:
- All smbios.plist choices were edited to remove all unnecessarykeys and values.
- Corrected Chameleon Theme to install the correct theme.
- Corrected PC-EFI Theme to install the correct theme.
- Added VoodooHDA.prefPane to Advanced Options -> Kexts ->Audio -> VoodooHDA Experimental -> VoodooHDA 0.2.61.
2.2.2 Released 2010-09-14
Internal Changes:
- Corrected all smbios.plist choices to install the correctsmbios.plist
2.2.1 Released 2010-09-14
Internal Changes:
- Corrected all com.apple.boot.plist choices to install the correctcom.apple.boot.plist
2.2.0 Released 2010-09-12
Visible Changes:
- Added ATI 48xx Patch for Snow Leopard Graphics Update 1.0
- Renamed EasyBeast for Supported CPU to EasyBeast
- Removed EasyBeast for Unsupported CPU
- Removed from Advanced Options -> Optional Kernels
- Removed ATI 5xxx Support (8408) from Advanced Options-> Kexts -> Graphics -> ATI as it been replace by SnowLeopard Graphics Update 1.0
- Removed ATI 4800 10.5 Rollback from Advanced Options -> Kexts-> Graphics -> ATI
Internal Changes:
- Fixed Realtek RTL8169 Ethernet to install in correct location/System/Library/Extensions/IONetworkingFamily.kext/Contents/PlugIns
2.1.4 Released 2010-08-13
Visible Changes:
- Renamed ATY_Init to ATY_Init Uakari to reflect which ATI 5xxxFrame Buffer is configured
- Added ATY_Init Vervet which uses the Vervet Frame Buffer for 57xxcards
- Renamed ATI 5xxx Support to ATI 5xxx Support
- Removed ATI 5xxx Support (Mac Mini Drivers)
- Removed Verbose Options from com.apple.boot.plist
- Added 32-bit GraphicsEnabler=No to Advanced Options ->com.apple.boot.plist
- Added 64-bit GraphicsEnabler=No to Advanced Options ->com.apple.boot.plist
2.1.3 Released 2010-08-08
Visible Changes:
- Renamed ATI 5xxx Support to ATI 5xxx Support
- Added ATI 5xxx Support
Internal Changes:
- Upgraded ATY_Init to a version that includes support for ATIRadeon 5700 Series
- Fixed ATI 5xxx Support so that it no longer installsATY_Init
- Added to ATI 5xxx Support every ATI 5xxx device id fromAMD Developer site
2.1.2 Released 2010-08-05
Internal Changes:
- Fixed VoodooHDA 0.2.2 to install the correct version
- Fixed VoodooHDA 0.2.56 to install the correct version
- Fixed VoodooHDA 0.2.61 to install the correct version
2.1.1 Released 2010-07-24
Internal Changes:
- Fixed permissions problems with HDAEnabler and VoodooHDA
2.1.0 Released 2010-07-23
Visible Changes:
- Added VoodooHDA to Advanced Options -> Kexts -> Audio
- Added VoodooHDA Experimental to Advanced Options -> Kexts-> Audio
- Moved VoodooHDA 0.2.1 to Advanced Options -> Kexts -> Audio-> VoodooHDA Official
- Added VoodooHDA 0.2.2 to Advanced Options -> Kexts -> Audio-> VoodooHDA Official
- Moved VoodooHDA 0.2.61 to Advanced Options -> Kexts ->Audio -> VoodooHDA Experimental
- Restored VoodooHDA 0.2.56 to Advanced Options -> Kexts ->Audio -> VoodooHDA Experimental
- Added PCI Root ID Fix to Advanced Options -> Kexts ->Graphics
- Added Advanced Options -> Kexts -> Graphics ->Enablers
- Moved NVEnabler from Advanced Options -> Kexts -> Graphicsto Advanced Options -> Kexts -> Graphics -> Enablers
- Moved ATY_init from Advanced Options -> Kexts -> Graphicsto Advanced Options -> Kexts -> Graphics -> Enablers
- Added Advanced Options -> Kexts -> Graphics -> ATI andmoved all ATI options under it
- Renamed ATI 48xx for 10.6.2 in Advanced Options -> Kexts ->Graphics -> ATI to ATI 4800 10.5 Rollback to better reflect whatit is.
- Renamed ATI 48xx QE Exotic Patch for 10.6.3 in Advanced Options-> Kexts -> Graphics -> ATI to ATI 48xx Patch for10.6.3
- Added ATI 48xx Patch for 10.6.4 in Advanced Options -> Kexts-> Graphics -> ATI
- Added ATI 5xxx Support in Advanced Options -> Kexts ->Graphics -> ATI
- Removed LegacyATI4800Controller in Advanced Options -> Kexts-> Graphics
- Added ATI 48xx Device Injector which contains every ATI 48xxdevice id from AMD Developer site to Advanced Options -> Kexts-> Graphics -> ATI
- Added Realtek Gigabit Ethernet to Advanced Options -> Kexts-> Network
- Moved RealtekR1000SL to Advanced Options -> Kexts ->Network -> Realtek Gigabit Ethernet -> Realtek R1000SL
- Added Realtek RTL8169 Ethernet to Advanced Options -> Kexts-> Network -> Realtek Gigabit Ethernet
- Renamed Intel82566MM to Intel 82566 Family Gigabit Ethernet inAdvanced Options -> Kexts -> Network
- Replaced USBFamilyMOD 9.9.9 in Advanced Options -> Kexts ->Miscellaneous with IOUSBFamily 10.6.2 Rollback
- Removed 10.3.1 Supported Kernel from Advanced Options ->Optional Kernels as it's unnecessary with 10.6.4.
- Added 10.4.0 Patched Kernel to Advanced Options -> OptionalKernels
- Changed all MacPro4,1 smbios.plist's to MacPro3,1smbios.plist
- Renamed MacPro4,1 in Advanced Options -> smbios.plist to MacPro
- Renamed iMac11,1 in Advanced Options -> smbios.plist toiMac
- Renamed MacBookPro6,1 in Advanced Options -> smbios.plist toMacBook Pro
Internal Changes:
- Changed EasyBeast Supported and Unsupported to use IOUSBFamily10.6.2 Rollback instead of USBFamilyMOD 9.9.9
- Updated ATY_init in Advanced Options -> Kexts -> Graphics-> Enablers to the latest version supporting ATI 5xxx.
- Added to ATI 48xx Patch for 10.6.3 every ATI 48xx device id fromAMD Developer site
- Added to ATI 48xx Patch for 10.6.4 every ATI 48xx device id fromAMD Developer site
- Added to ATI 5xxx Support every ATI 5xxx device id from AMDDeveloper site
2.0.5 Released 2010-07-04
Internal Changes:
- Fixed LegacyATI4800Controller to install in /Extra/Extensions not/System/Library/Extensions
- Fixed bug with PackageMaker forgetting downgrade option.
2.0.4 Released 2010-06-30
Internal Changes:
- Fixed 888b HDAEnabler to use correct layout id of 887
- Fixed 889 HDAEnabler to use correct layout id of 889
2.0.3 Released 2010-06-25
Internal Changes:
- Fixed bug with missing scripts in HDAEnabler.
2.0.2 Released 2010-06-19
Internal Changes:
- Fixed bug with PackageMaker forgetting downgrade option.
2.0.1 Released 2010-06-18
Visible Changes:
- Replaced USBFamilyMOD 2.0 with USBFamilyMOD 9.9.9 in AdvancedOptions -> Kexts -> Miscellaneous.
- Fixed System Utilities -> Rebuild Caches to not create/System/Library/Extensions.mkext
- Fixed UserDSDT to automatically create/Extra/Extensions.mkext
- Fixed UserDSDT where it wasn't installing smbios.plist,com.apple.boot.plist and CHameleon theme
Internal Changes:
- Fixed bug in UserDSDT
2.0.0 Released 2010-06-04
Visible Changes:
- Added software license agreement.
- Removed GigaBeast. The functionality of what GigaBeast providedcan be duplicated by using UserDSDT with a DSDT for yourmotherboard from the DSDT Database athttp://tonymacx86.blogspot.com/2009/12/dsdt-database-for-p55-motherboards.htmlor using EasyBeast.
- Disabled the ability to install all choices in EasyBeast,Advanced Options and most choices within Advanced Options. The endresult is these choices are now gray instead of black, forcing youto choose a sub choice or choices within.
- Improved Chameleon RC4 compatibility with multiple OperatingSystems, i.e., dual and triple booting.
- Changed installation of Chameleon 2.0 RC4 by AsereBLN and PC-EFI10.6 by netkas to hide /boot.
- Replaced IOUSBFamily 10.6.2 with USBFamilyMOD 2.0 in AdvancedOptions -> Kexts -> Miscellaneous.
- Renamed AppleHDA 10.6.2 to AppleHDA 10.6.2 Rollback in AdvancedOptions -> Kexts -> Audio
- Replaced VoodooHDA 0.2.56 with VoodooHDA 0.2.61
- Renamed Patched Kernels to Optional Kernels in AdvancedOptions
- Added 10.3.1 Supported Kernel to Advanced Options -> OptionalKernels. This kernel supports additional Core i CPU's. For currentlist of supported CPU's checkhttp://tonymacx86.blogspot.com/2010/05/iboot-supported-with-vanilla-kernel-for.html
- Changed Advanced Options -> smbios.plist -> MacPro4,1 to amenu
- Added MacPro4,1 Quad-Core Xeon smbios.plist to Advanced Options-> smbios.plist -> MacPro4,1
- Added MacPro4,1 i5 smbios.plist to Advanced Options ->smbios.plist -> MacPro4,1
- Added MacPro4,1 i7 smbios.plist to Advanced Options ->smbios.plist -> MacPro4,1
- Added iMac11,1 Core 2 Duo smbios.plist to Advanced Options ->smbios.plist -> iMac11,1
- Added MacBookPro6,1 smbios.plist to Advanced Options ->smbios.plist
- Disabled verbose boot for EasyBeast and UserDSDT installs. Toenable at boot time, type -v at the Chameleon prompt.
- Changed default com.apple.boot.plist in EasyBeast and UserDSDTinstalls to 32-bit Apple Boot Screen. Install Advanced Options-> com.apple.boot.plist -> 64-bit Verbose to restore toMultiBeast 1.1.1 behavior.
- Changed default smbios.plist for EasyBeast and UserDSDT installsto iMac11,1 with no SMcputype. Install Advanced Options ->smbios.plist -> iMac11,1 -> Core i5 to restore to MultiBeast1.1.1 behavior.
Internal Changes:
- Improved 10.6.3 compatibility in EasyBeast Supported andUnsupported by including USBFamilyMOD 2.0 by default
- Improved 10.6.3 compatibility in Legacy888HDA, Legacy888bHDA andLegacy889HDA by including 10.6.2 AppleHDA.kext by default
- Moved GraphicsEnabler=Yes from Kernel Flags to a stand alone keyin all standalone com.apple.Boot.plist and in EasyBeast andUserDSDT com.apple.Boot.plist
1.1.1 Released 2010-05-21
-Fixed bug with 10.6.2 AppleHDA.kext downgrade option.
-Fixed bug with 10.6.2 IOUSBFamily downgrade option
-Added allow downgrade to VoodooHDA 0.2.1 and Vood00 0.2.56
1.1.0 Released 2010-04-30
- Updated Gigabyte GA-P55M-UD2 DSDT
- Updated Gigabyte GA-P55M-UD4 DSDT
- Added Gigabyte GA-P55A-UD7 to GigaBeast
- Corrected wrong LegacyHDA in GigaBeast for numerous boards
- Changed LegacyHDA to the new tonymacx86 Legacy88xHDAversions.
- Corrected version of VoodooHDA 2.5.6 to VoodooHDA 0.2.56
- Corrected version of VoodooHDA to VoodooHDA 0.2.1
- Changed choice Disk Utilities to System Utilities.
- Added tooltips on most install choices
- Reworked descriptions and documentation
- GigaBeast supported motherboards and BIOS:
1.0.2 Released 2010-04-23
-Fixed bug with 10.6.2 IOUSBFamily downgrade option
-Edited description of VoodooHDA.kext - installs toSystem/Library/Extensions
1.0.1 Released 2010-04-17
-Fixed bug with 10.6.2 AppleHDA.kext downgrade option.
1.0.0 Released 2010-04-12
-Initial Release
原地址: http://www.tonymacx86.com/Public/iBoot.zip(已失效)
iBoot (ATI):http://ishare.iask.sina.com.cn/f/8769865.html
原地址: http://www.tonymacx86.com/Public/iBoot-ATI.zip(已失效)
iBoot Legacy 2.7.2(For Unsupported CPUs & GPUs)http://www.tonymacx86.com/1010110101/iBoot-Legacy-2.7.2.zip
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