



中英文个人简历模板 广东省 XXXX 大街 108 号 +86-136-****-2800 | job@job592.com 教育背景 2012.09-2014.06 北京大学 应用数学 理学硕士 Top 10% 2009.09-2012.06 中山大学 信息技术 理学学士 Top 30% 实习经历 2012.07 – 2012.08 XX 制药公司 销售部暑期实习生  协助销售同事负责 XXX 区共计 11 家医院的走访与销售,拜访关键人物,建设基层关系,协助同事在 8 月超额 40%达成销售指标;www.jianli-sky.com  负责某高峰论坛的来宾邀请,在一周时间内通过 cold call 共邀请到 50 位嘉宾,占总与会人数的 70%,并保证嘉宾的出席与满意度;  和同事一起首度拜访某在建民营医院负责人,了解明年医院采购的方向,和意向,并在之后一周全程陪同两位负责人了解公司产品线,达成初步采购意向。 2012.01-2012.02 XX 研究公司 市场访问员  负责强生婴儿、露得清与李施德林等品牌的问卷调查,在 1 个月的时间内共完成2,421 份问卷,问卷的完整性和可信度均居所在小组 30 位访问员的第 1 名;  直接与第一线消费者沟通,了解普通消费者对各品牌,产品的理解,习得科学的,成体系的市场研究方法,发现品牌更多的潜在市场和可能性。 社团经历 2011.06-2012.06 北京大学 强生未来领袖学院 (TLS) 主 席  成立公益项目组,打造强生大学的公益门户,1 年中发展了 300 余名志愿者,并成功将项目推广进周边高校,赢得公司志愿者团队的支持与参与;  带领团队开展第一场由学生自主策划完成的商业大赛,得到选手及公司的一致好评,90%的同学提升了对公司和 TLS 的品牌认知度;  积极参与学习营销类课程,掌握 insight, brand equity, 4C, 4P 等市场理论知识。 2010.09 - 2011.09 中山大学 化学院研究生会 宣传部部长  策划接连 2 场商业性质宣讲会宣传,说服同学参与到宣传工作,讲座上座率达到87/100 和 180/200,为宣讲会制定了系统的策划流程;  临时负责艺术节投标,仅 30 分钟准备,以总分第 1 名(1/9)得到项目承办资格。 获奖情况 2012.04 XX快消公司社交网络竞赛决赛第二名 获奖比例:2% 2011.10 中山大学研究生优秀课程 获奖比例:10% 2011.10 优秀社会工作奖 二等奖(2次) 获奖比例:10% 2006.12 北京大学综合课程奖学金 获奖比例:20% 技能与兴趣  英 语:CET-4(604)/ CET-6(541)  计算机:熟练使用Excel/PowerPoint/Word软件  兴趣:长跑、旅行 Tiny J. XXXXXXXXAddressXXXXXXXXX +86-136-3155-2800 | job@jianli-sky.com EDUCATION Sep 2010– Jun 2013 BeiKing University Mathematics Master Top 10% Sep 2006– Jun 2010 zhongshan University Information System Bachelor Top 30% INTERNSHIP Jul 2012– Aug 2012 XX Pharmaceutical Company Sales Summer Intern  Supported the team’s visiting and sales management of 11 hospitals, the revenue in Aug was 40% exceeding the target;www.jianli-sky.com  Be responsible for the invitation for XXX forum. Invited 50 guests (70% of total) in one-week time via cold call, and ensure their attendance and satisfaction level;  Visited the newly opened hospital to understand their needs. Successfully invited key decision makers to visit our plant and reached the initial purchasing alignment Jan 2012– present XX FMCG Company Marketing Interviewer  Conducted the market survey for Johnson’s Baby, Neutrogena, and Listerine. Accomplished 2,421 surveys within one month, the completion and credibility rate was the top among 30-interviewer team;  Gain the 1st line experience to interact with customers, understand the systematic market research knowledge, and brand position and segmentation. CAMPUS ACTIVITY Jun 2011– Jun 2012 Johnson &Johnson Tomorrow Leader School (TLS) President  Launched a project team, developed 15 core members, and over 300 volunteers in 1 year, widely promoted the activity to other campuses;  Held the 1st Business Challenge “EDIT DREAM” thoroughly planned and run by TLS members, enhanced 90% of participants’ understanding of J&J and TLS;  Took an active part in MKT course, gained knowledge of insight, brand equity, and 4P. Sep 2010– Sep 2011 Postgraduate student union of School of Chemistry Minister of Publicity Dep.  In charge of two commercial lectures held in succession, attendance up to 87/100, 180/200; The propaganda mode was still used today;  Won the Bid Conference with highest score (1/9). HONOR & SCHOLARSHIP Apr 2012 Second Prize of C Company Social Media Competition Top 2% Oct 2011 Award for social work in A University A Class Top 10% Oct 2011 Second prize of Academic Scholarship (Twice) Top 10% Dec 2006 Academic award of B University in three years Top 20% SKILLS & INTERESTS  English: CET-4 (604) / CET-6 (541)  IT: proficient in Excel/PowerPoint/Word  Hobby: jogging, traveling
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