


Balancing Life Safety, Infrastructure Investment,and Downtime


FOCUS | OCTOBER 2017By Matt Stansberry, Senior Director of Content and Publications, and Uptime Institute Technical Staff

According to Uptime Institute’sannual data center industrysurvey, about one-third oforganizations allow maintenanceactivities on energized electricalequipment at voltage levels thatcould cause health or human-safety consequences (see Figure1). Accidents, including shock andarc flash, can derail data centeroperations and cause seriousharm to workers and equipment.Costs to businesses can includelost work time, downtime, OSHAinvestigation, fines, medicalcosts, litigation, lost business,equipment damage, and mosttragically, loss of life. According tothe Workplace Safety AwarenessCouncil (WPSAC), the averagecost of hospitalization for electricalaccidents is US$750,000, withmany exceeding US$1,000,000.

根据 Uptime Institute的数据中心行业年度调查,有大约三分之一的公司允许维护的电气设备处于激活状态,此时的电压等级是高于人体安全接触电压的。(见图一)在维护期间偶尔的一些震动或者电弧会导致数据中心运行不当,并且会引发一些严重的人身安全事故和仪器设备的损害。企业的损失包括丢失工作时间,停工期的运行成本,OSHA的调查,罚款,医疗费用,诉讼,丢失生意订单,仪器的损坏,最严重的就是人员的伤亡。根据工作环境安全意识委员会的记录,电气事故引起的住院医疗保险的平均花费是75万美元,其中很多都超过了100万美元。

The U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and the National Fire ProtectionAssociation (NFPA) Standard 70E address electrical safety in the workplace and provide guidanceand regulations on safety programs, warning labels, personal protective equipment, boundaryrequirements, and hazard analysis. And yet, there is widespread confusion over how the codesshould be applied in the data center industry, as evidenced by the responses from North Americandata center operators and executives (see Figure 2).


Even highly informed experts can disagree on how these regulations should be applied. Confusionover how regulations and codes should be applied is clearly a major issue facing this industry. Theconfusion creates opportunities for accidents and operational exposures to risk that can causesignificant injuries and even death.


The most effective way to eliminate the risk of electrical shock or arc flash hazard is to de-energizethe equipment. Uptime Institute’s Tier III and Tier IV criteria both require design and installationof systems that enable equipment to be fully de-energized to allow planned activities such asrepair, maintenance, replacement, or upgrade without exposing personnel to the risk of working onenergized equipment.

最有效清除电击或者弧闪的方法是将用电设备断电。Uptime Institute的Tier III和Tier IV 标准都要求在设计和安装的数据中心系统能够在进行有计划的活动时完全的断电。 例如维修,维护,更换或者升级设备时不会让工作人员面对被电击的风险。

Industry Standards and Regulations


To prevent these kinds of accidents and injuries, it is imperative that data center operatorsunderstand and follow appropriate safety standards for working with electrical equipment. Boththe NFPA and OSHA have established standards and regulations that help protect workers againstelectrical hazards and prevent electrical accidents in the workplace.


OSHA 29 CFR Part 1910, Subpart S and OSHA 29 CFR Part 1926, Subpart K include requirementsfor electrical installation, equipment, safety-related work practices, and maintenance for generalindustry and construction workplaces, including data centers.


NFPA 70E is a set of detailed standards (issued at the request of OSHA and updated periodically)that address electrical safety in the workplace. It covers safe work practices associated withelectrical tasks and for performing other non-electrical tasks that may expose an employee toelectrical hazards. OSHA revised its electrical standard to reference NFPA 70E-2000 and continuesto recognize NFPA 70E today.

美国国家防火协会 70E条例是一套详细的条例(根据美国职业安全健康管理局的要求发布并定期更新),为了处理工作环境中的电气安全问题。它涵盖了与电气任务相关的安全工作实践,以及执行其它的可能使员工暴露在电气危害的环境中。如今美国职业安全健康管理局修改了其电气标准,参考了美国国家防火协会的70E-2000条例,并继续认可美国国家防火协会 70E条例。

OSHA requires that facilities: 


 · Provide and be able to demonstrate a safety program with defined responsibilities


 · Calculate the degree of arc flash hazard 


 · Use correct personal protective equipment (PPE) for workers 


 · Train workers on the hazards of arc flash 


 · Use appropriate tools for safe working 


 · Provide warning labels on equipment.


NFPA 70E further defines “electrically safe work conditions” to mean that equipment is not and cannotbe energized. To ensure these conditions, personnel must identify all power sources, interrupt theload and disconnect power, visually verify that a disconnect has opened the circuit, lock out and tagthe circuit, test for absence of voltage, and ground all power conductors, if necessary. 

美国国家防火协会70E条例更进一步定义了安全工作环境,指的是电气设备不能被激活。 为了确保这些安全的环境,工人必须确认全部的电源,终端所有的负载,断开所有的电源。视觉上能够确认断开连接,电路开路。如果有必要,封闭电路贴上标签,进行无电压检测,所有的电源导体接地。

Justification for “Hot Work”NFPA 70E and OSHA requireemployers to prove that workingin a de- energized state createsmore or worse hazards thanthe risk presented by workingon live components or is notpractical because of equipmentdesign or operational limitations,for example, when workingon circuits that are part of acontinuous process that cannotbe completely shut down. Other exceptions include situations in which isolating and deactivatingsystem components would create a hazard for people not associated with the work, for example,when working on life-support systems, emergency alarm systems, ventilation equipment forhazardous locations, or extinguishing illumination for an area.


In addition, OSHA makes provision for situations in which it would be “infeasible” to shut downequipment. For example, some maintenance and testing operations can only be done on liveelectric circuits or equipment. The decision to work hot should only be made after careful analysisof the determination of what constitutes infeasibility. In recent years, some well publicized OSHAactions and statements have centered on the matter of how to interpret this term. 

此外,美国职业健康管理局做了预备措施用来针对无法被关停的设备。 举一个例子,一些维护和测试操作只能在接通的电路或者设备上进行。只有在仔细分析所有不可行的决定后,才能决定是否要在设备通电的情况下进行维护和测试操作。 近年来,一些广为宣传的行动和声明都集中在如何解释这个项目的合理性。

Electrical Safety Measures in Practice 


Only qualified persons should work on electrical conductors or circuits that have not been putinto an electrically safe work condition. A qualified person is one who has received training inand possesses skills and knowledge in the construction and operation of electric equipment andinstallation and the hazards involved with this type of work. Knowledge or training should encompassthe skill to distinguish exposed live parts from other parts of electric equipment, determine thenominal voltage of exposed live parts, and calculate the necessary clearance distances and thecorresponding voltages to which a worker will be exposed.


An arc flash hazard analysis for any work must be conducted to determine the appropriatearc flash boundary, the incident energy at the working distance, and the necessary protectiveequipment for the task. 


NFPA 70E outlines strict standards for the type of PPE required for any employees working inareas where electrical hazards are present based on the task, the parts of the body that needprotection, and the suitable arc rating to match the potential fl exposure. PPE includes items suchas a flash suit, switching coat, mask, hood, gloves, and leather protectors. Flame-resistant clothingunderneath the PPE gear is also required. 

美国防火协会 70E概要表明必须要严格规范在任何有可能电气危害发生的地方,必须穿戴的个人保护设备类型。这些保护设备的类型时根据任务,不同人体部位和弧闪发生时对应功率产生的曝光亮度。个人保护设备包括一套防弧闪服,可调节的大衣,面具,弧闪保护罩,手套和羽绒保护服。防火服也需要携带。

After an arc flash hazard analysis has been performed, the correct PPE can be selected according to theequipment’s arc thermal performance exposure value (ATPV) and the break open threshold energy rating(EBT). Together, these components determine the calculated hazard level that any piece of equipment iscapable of protecting a worker from (measured in calories per square centimeter). For example, a hardhat with an attached face shield provides adequate protection for Hazard/Risk Category 2, whereas anarc flash protection hood is needed for a worker exposed to Hazard/Risk Category 4. 


PPE is the last line of defense in an arc flash incident; it is not intended to prevent all injuries, butto mitigate the impact of a flash should one occur. In many cases, the use of PPE has saved livesor prevented serious injury.




It can be argued that some of today’s data center operations approach the status of being “essential”for much of the underlying infrastructure that runs our 24x7 digitized society. Data centers supportthe functioning of global financial systems, power grids and utilities, air traffic control operations,communication networks, and the information processing that support vital activities ranging fromdaily commerce to national security. 

如今数据中心的运转,对于运行我们的数字虚拟社会的大多数底层基础设施来说是必不可少的。 数据中心支持全球金融系统, 电网和公共设备,空中交通管制,网络通讯和虚拟网络的信息传递从日常的商业贸易到国家信息安全。

Each facility must assess its operations and system capabilities to enable adherence to safeelectrical work practices as much as possible without jeopardizing critical mission functions. Inmany cases, it may become a jurisdictional decision as to the answer for a specific data centerbusiness requirement.


Balancing the need for appropriate electrical safety measures and compliance with the need tomaintain and sustain uninterrupted production capacity in an energy-intensive environment is achallenge. But it is a challenge the data center industry is perhaps better prepared to meet thanBalancing Life Safety, Infrastructure Investment,and DowntimeRISK &RESILIENCYmany other industry segments. It is apparent that those in the data center industry who subscribeto high-availability concepts such as the Tier Standards: Topology and Operational Sustainabilityhave adopted a rigorous approach to cleaning, maintenance, installation, training, and other tasksthat forestall arc flash.


Organizations that subscribeto Tier standards and maintainstringent operational practicesare better prepared to take onthe challenges of compliancewith OSHA and NFPA 70Erequirements, in particularthe requirements for safelyperforming work on energizedsystems, when such work isallowed per the safety standards.

这些概念比如层级标准:拓扑和操作可持续性。组织接受Tier标准和保持严格的操作实践能够为了达成OSHA和NFPA 70E标准做出充足的准备,尤其是在按照安全标准下的通电系统工作。

No measure will ever completely remove the risk of working on live, energized equipment. Ininstances where working on live systems is necessary and allowed by NFPA 70E rules, theapplication of Uptime Institute Tier III and Tier IV criteria can help minimize the risks. Tier III and IVboth require the design and installation of systems that enable equipment to be fully de-energizedto allow planned activities such as repair, maintenance, replacement, or upgrade without exposingpersonnel to the risks of working on energized electrical equipment.

没有措施能够一劳永逸的移除带电设备工作的风险。举一个例子,在必须带电作业和遵守NFPA 70E条列的场合下,Tier III和 Tier IV能够帮助最小化事故风险。Tier III 和Tier IV都要求系统的设计和安装能够使得设备完全开路,为了允许计划的任务能够展开,比如维修、维护、替代或者升级,杜绝工人接触到通电设备发生故障的风险。

· Does this data center [specify] perform site work and maintenance on energized electrical equipment?


 o If no, and you are in a Tier III or IV Certified data center that—by design and Uptime Institute award—your organization has no reason to risk exposure to hot work. 

如果没有,并且你是在Tier III 或者Tier IV 认证(这个认证是Uptime Institute设立的奖励)的数据中心工作,你的公司没有理由冒着风险带电作业。

o If no, and you are not in a Tier III or IV Certified data center, then you are exposed to the risk of equipment failure due to indefinitely deferred site work and maintenance. 


 o If yes, these questions may help you to understand your risk exposure of life safety, unplanned downtime, disrupted business process, code violation and penalty, and/or adverse revenue impact: 


— What is the established corporate policy for performing work on energized electrical equipment?


 — Who is informed of, and signed off on, this policy?


 · Data Center Operations 


 · Maintenance & Site Work Contractors · 


IT Systems 


· Risk/Compliance 


· Life Safety/Health


 · Regulatory/Oversight (3rd-Party or Internal)


 — When was the last time that work was performed on energized electrical equipment? 


 — Who was alerted before the work was performed on energized electrical equipment? · 


Data Center Operations


 · IT Systems 


 · Risk/Compliance


 · Life Safety/Health


 · Regulatory/Oversight (3rd-Party or Internal) 


— Who and how many performed the work (contractor or employees)?


— What were the safety precautions?


— Who and how many performed the work (contractor or employees)?


 — What were the safety precautions? 


— How long was the ‘hot work’ period scheduled for? 


— How long did it actually take?


 — What was the process of QA/QC before the ‘hot work’ period concluded and normal operations restored? 


— What are the scheduled and upcoming ‘hot work’ periods? 


— As noted in this article, regulatory and code affecting hot work is changing. Who is responsible to check up on the latest impacts to corporate policy and site work activities? · How often does that check up occur?





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