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Why it’s time for private cloud to replace on-premiseinfrastructure


Jon Lucas是Hyve Managed Hosting的联席董事
By moving on from the challenges of on-premise, organizationscan build a private cloud solution that blends performance, cost, and securityfor their precise needs



The momentum away from on-premise infrastructure to placingworkloads in the cloud is well established.
Indeed, many businesses yet to pursue a cloud strategy do soout of concern that the migration process will be too challenging andcomplicated.
But in almost every case those issues need no longer be abarrier, particularly as private cloud services have evolved to offer a growinglist of advantages. But, where do the main challenges lie for users ofon-premise infrastructure, and how can private cloud offer a better option?

Leaving the legacy
Whether they like it or not, many organizations still relyheavily on legacy IT infrastructure that is hosted on-premise. Some are restrictedby budgets – a problem particularly evident across the public sector - whileothers use bespoke, mission-critical applications often seen as incompatiblewith the cloud. There are also many organizations that persist with oldtechnologies because it hasn’t broken - so why fix it?
Here’s one very good example that illustrates the problem withthat approach: in less than two months, Windows 7, still widely used across thepublic and private sector, goes ‘end of life’. On January 14th, 2020, Microsoftwill stop providing security updates and support for it, and users will eitherneed to pay for extended support, upgrade to the current version of Windows orkeep using it regardless of the increased security risks it will present in thefuture.
这里又一个很好的例子说明问题的紧迫:在未来2个月内,在公共和私营企业部门目前仍广泛使用的Windows 7将“停止更新”。2020年1月14日后,微软将停止提供安全性更新和技术支持,客户需要为延长技术支持、升级到现有Windows版本而付费,如果继续使用将承受日益增长的安全风险。
Clearly, that’s not a viable, long-term strategy, and for thatbig example, there are many similar issues out there on a smaller, but not lessimportant scale. For industries such as finance or government, moving toprivate cloud, where the solution is solely dedicated to the needs of anindividual client or organization, delivers the most up-to-date hardware,software, and services, removing the legacy burden and allowing users tobenefit from the latest product features and performance improvements.
很显然,这不是可行的长远之计,除了上面Windows 7的例子,仍有很多稍小但同样紧要的问题广泛存在。对金融业或政府部门而言,迁移到私有云上可以满足个体客户或机构的特定需求,并提供最新的软硬件和服务,解除旧有负担,并让用户从最新的产品功能和性能改进中受益。

Build better security
Even when the age of technology isn’t a factor, investing inon-premise infrastructure where applications and data are located on-sitepresents a range of security risks. The costs of managing on-premise physicalsecurity to a high standard can create a significant financial burden. Incontrast, good private cloud providers will ensure all locations are Tier 3enhanced and ISO 27001:2013 certified. Their physical security measures, suchas 24/7 CCTV, biometric scanners, card readers and video monitors often exceedthose seen in on-premise facilities.
即便技术的应用年限不是其中一个因素,仅在运行应用和存储数据的本地设施侧投资也意味着一系列安全风险。管理从本地物理安全升级到更高安全标准在费用上也将成为可观的财务负担。对比之下,好的私有云提供商将确保各托管场所达到Tier 3增强级和ISO27001:2013认证水平。私有云提供商的物理安全措施如24/7 CCTV、指纹/面部生物识别仪器、读卡机和视频监控器等设施都将优于本地部署。
Similarly, if backups are only stored in the same building asphysical infrastructure, catastrophic data loss is always a remote possibilityin the event of a serious fire, for example. Migrating to the cloud allowsoffsite backups to be sent to another data center – reducing the possibility ofserious downtime.

Improve cost-efficiency
Purchasing and maintaining software, hardware, servers, andother IT equipment via capital expenditure can be costly, with a high initialinvestment required build on-premise infrastructure. Along with the cost ofequipment, on-premise hosting requires space, electricity, cooling, networking,and physical security. In addition, there’s also the cost of employing theskilled technicians needed to build and maintain on-prem infrastructure.
Taking the private cloud option is appealing to manyorganizations who don’t want the financial burden. A managed private cloudsolution can help to decrease that initial capital investment (Capex) and anyongoing operational expenses (Opex) by passing on the responsibility ofcreating or maintaining infrastructure to the service provider.

Maximize performance
Migrating to private cloud makes it easier for businesses toenhance application performance, reduce downtime and scale computing resources.Organizations running their own hardware on-site run the repeated risk ofbuying equipment that isn’t right for their needs or doesn’t work well withtheir applications. In those circumstances, problems have to be diagnosed andrectified in-house, or at greater expense, with the help of outside expertise.
Private cloud migration, however, presents a good opportunityto streamline systems, build a better architecture and load balanceapplications. However, organizations considering their options for privatecloud should look for a partner that can provide a dedicated team of experts, abespoke migrations plan made up of informed recommendations that will deliverthe optimum performance for the entire organization.
By moving on from the challenges of on-premise infrastructurestrategy and risky legacy hardware, organizations can build a private cloudsolution that blends performance, cost, and security for their precise needs.In doing so, they can arrive at a win-win situation where they have the dedicatedresources that were always the hallmark of on-prem, to a solution that deliversthe ongoing flexibility and power of the private cloud.


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