

最佳运维实践之自动化基础设施管理 (AIM) 系统


BICSI 009-2019 Data Center Operations andMaintenance Best Practices--10.2.6 Automated Infrastructure Management (AIM) Systems 理解分享,由于知识产品和版权方面的限制。

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Automated Infrastructure Management (AIM) Systems

自动化基础设施管理 (AIM) 系统

AIM System Overview

AIM systems are defined in ISO/IEC 18598and ANSI/TIA-5048 as systems comprising of integrated hardware and softwarethat automatically detects the insertion or removal of cords in order toautomatically document the cabling infrastructure. This includes connectedequipment enabling management of the infrastructure and data exchange withother systems.

AIM 系统在 ISO/IEC 18598 和 ANSI/TIA-5048 中定义为由集成硬件和软件组成的系统,可自动检测电线的插入或移除,以便自动记录布线基础设施。这包括连接设备,以便管理基础设施和与其他系统的数据交换。

AIM systems include connectivity hardwarewith port sensors to automatically detect the insertion and removal of cords,and software that collects and stores the resulting connection information.This relates the connection information to cabling connectivity information,relates the cabling connectivity information to information from other sources,and makes the connection information accessible to either an authorized user orto other systems.

AIM 系统包括带有端口传感器的连接硬件,用于自动检测电线的插入和拆卸,以及收集和存储生成的连接信息的软件。这将连接信息与布线连接信息相关联,将布线连接信息与其他来源的信息相关联,并使授权用户或其他系统可以访问连接信息。

Additionally, compliant AIM systems includeeither application program interfaces (APIs) or data exchange formats (RESTfulor SOAP based) to allow data from the AIM system to be shared with othersystems used by the organization. This is an important aspect for enhancing andautomating the management and operational functions in buildings and datacenters.

此外,兼容的 AIM 系统包括应用程序接口 (API) 或数据交换格式(RESTful 或基于 SOAP),以便与组织使用的其他系统共享来自 AIM 系统的数据。这是增强和自动化建筑物和数据中心的管理和运营功能的一个重要方面。



Poorly documented systems are difficult totroubleshoot. AIM system can provide automated up-to-date connectivitydocumentation that can improve system availability. Easily accessible andcurrent documentation that is updated in real time as connections are added orremoved allows organizations to spend less time obtaining information necessaryto troubleshoot infrastructure and network problems.

记录不良的系统难以排除故障。AIM 系统可以提供自动化的最新连接文档,从而提高系统可用性。易于访问和当前文档,在添加或删除连接时实时更新,使组织能够花费更少的时间获取解决基础架构和网络问题所需的信息。


Asset Management

AIM systems are capable of automaticallydiscovering and/or manually documenting asset information for networked devicesas well as passive components. AIM systems also have the capability to performdevice discovery as well as to maintain acquired information about the networkconnectivity status and derived location of network distribution equipment suchas routers, switches, wireless access points (WAPs) as well as end devices suchas servers, personal computers (PCs), Internet Protocol (IP) telephones, IPcameras, access control equipment etc.

AIM 系统能够自动发现和/或手动记录联网设备和无源组件的资产信息。AIM 系统还能够执行设备发现,并维护有关网络分发设备(如路由器、交换机、无线接入点(WAP))以及终端设备(如服务器、个人电脑 (PC)、互联网协议(IP) 电话、IP 摄像机、访问控制设备等)的网络连接状态和派生位置的信息。


Capacity Management

An organization can use the records ofcapacity and utilization of telecommunications infrastructure facilities,network distribution equipment or end devices maintained by an AIM system toimprove the speed and accuracy of planning of moves, adds and changes byproviding real time information about the status of connectivity ports andnetwork ports.

组织可以使用由 AIM 系统维护的电信基础设施、网络分配设备或终端设备的容量和利用率记录,以提高移动、添加和更改规划的速度和准确性,提供有关连接端口和网络端口状态的实时信息。

Examples include

· An AIM system can be used to identifynetwork equipment ports with a patched connection but without an end-deviceconnection, to create work orders to remove cords from unused ports ensuringthe maximum use of existing ports and potentially negating the need to purchaseadditional capacity.

· AIM 系统可用于识别具有修补连接但无终端设备连接的网络设备端口,以创建工作订单,从未使用的端口上移除电源线,确保最大限度地使用现有端口,并可能消除对购买额外的容量。

· An AIM system can maintain a record oftotal telecommunications infrastructure ports and rack space to accuratelyassess the available space to house incoming telecommunications infrastructureequipment and to assist in the planning of new deployments.



Change Management

Changes to the cabling infrastructure,network distribution equipment and end devices are maintained within AIMsystems and include but are not limited to the real-time information about

对布线基础设施、网络分配设备和终端设备的更改在 AIM 系统内进行维护,包括但不限于有关

· Authorized and unauthorized patching activities.


· Generation of move, add, change workorders that are sent electronically to the AIM system hardware for retrievaldirectly at the location where the prescribed changes need to be implemented.

生成以电子方式发送到 AIM 系统硬件的工作订单,直接在需要实施规定的更改的位置进行检索。

· Minimizing possibilities of human errorsto improve accuracy during move, add, change work orders via visual guidanceprovided by the AIM system hardware.

通过 AIM 系统硬件提供的视觉指导,最大限度地减少人为错误的可能性,以提高移动、添加、更改工作订单时的精度。

· Linkage with work order managementsystems to reduce the time required to implement connectivity changes.


· Automated tracking of work ordercompletion.

· 自动跟踪工作订单完成情况

· Scheduled work order history.

· 计划工作订单历史记录。

· Monitoringchanges to connectivity, providing user defined alerts, maintaining a changehistory.

· 监视对连接的更改,提供用户定义的警报,维护更改历史记录。


Incident Management

AIM systems are able to record events andgenerate notifications, alerts and alarms in response to the recorded events. Afacility can enhance security and MTTR by notification of unauthorizedconnections, disconnections or access to the AIM system. The real time eventnotification may be sent using a variety of methods depending on the functionalityof the AIM system (e.g. email, text messaging, SNMP traps), and correctiverestoration procedures can be automated with electronic work orders.

AIM 系统能够记录事件并生成通知、警报和警报,以响应记录的事件。设施可以通过通知未经授权的连接、断开或访问 AIM 系统来增强安全性和 MTTR。根据 AIM 系统的功能(例如电子邮件、短信、SNMP 陷阱),可以使用多种方法发送实时事件通知,并且使用电子工作单可以自动执行更正恢复程序






 Wake.Li   数据中心总监,交付2座3600机架规模的数据中心项目经验,现运营管理2300机架规模的数据中心,数据中心基础设施全生命周期的工作经验,拥有电气项目及数据中心领域超过12年的工作经验。机械设计制造及其自动化专业毕业,并取得武汉大学MBA工商管理硕士学位,数据中心取得uptime institute ATD设计专家证书,uptime institute AOS运维管理专家证书,经历数据中心uptime institute M&O认证项目。
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