

Social and Economic Problems Caused by Crime

Social and Economic Problems Caused by Crime

Our social and economic problems are often a direct result of crime.  In a vicious circle, these problems can fuel crime even more.  For example, those who commit theft and burglaries often do so because of their need for money.  These individuals may be unemployed, incapable of finding work, homeless, sick or impoverished.  These crimes become a tempting way to quickly acquire money.  Unfortunately, when left unpunished, these individuals get the misconception that crime pays.  It is this thinking that encourages some individuals to continue their criminal ways, discouraging them from finding other activities that would give them some normality and stability in their lives.  This way of thinking reinforces crime.

Another crime, prostitution, is frequently associated with drug addiction.  Many prostitutes find it difficult to change their work because of their drug addiction.  Drugs require significant cash and prostitution provides this, faster and easier than legitimate work.  Prostitution often will lead to other crimes such as people trafficking, sexual abuse, and rape.  Those who exploit women often have no regard for people’s lives.  This disregard often leads to physical abuse and even murder.  In addition, prostitution can increase the spread of diseases such as AIDS, other STD’s and hepatitis. 

On a larger scale, drug addiction fuels the illicit drug industry.  Through our web site War on Drugs, you can learn more about the social and economic problems that drugs cause.  In organized crime, you will find other violations related to drug trafficking.  These include money laundering, smuggling and illegal sale of weapons, credit card fraud and counterfeiting.  Poverty often leads to the problem of homelessness.  Those who live on the streets often experience hunger and disease making them more likely to resort to committing theft and burglary as a means to eat or to obtain medicine.  Out on the streets the homeless are exposed more to the risks of drug addiction and other unwanted social behaviors.  All of these factors fuel crime.

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