


T is for Tourist, O for officer.


O: Please show me your passport and boarding pass.

T: Here you are.

O: You have been staying in our country for six months? What did you do here?

T: As you can see, I am a tourist here and just visited many beautiful landscapes. Your country is really amazing.

O: I don’t think you are a tourist, you must be working here. It’s illegal.

T: Work? Sorry, I don’t understand what you are talking about, I came to your country with tourist visa, and the visa is still valid.

O: Look, our tourist visa is only valid for three months, but you stayed here for nearly six months.

T: I’ve extended the visa for another three months. You could see the stamp of extension, and I also keep the invoice for my extension with me. Anyhow, if you want to accuse me of illegal working, you must prove it.

O: Nobody will travel here for six months; I suspect you did something illegal here.

T: I can’t agree with you, I did nothing illegal.

O: You want to catch your plane, right?

T: Sure.

O: I can give you a solution, pay me and you can go now.

T: Gentleman, you are the immigration officer and represent your country; I hope you can leave a friendly image to travelers. What you asked is unbecoming of your position.

O: Are you kidding? You Chinese always stay here working with tourist visas, because it’s easier to obtain.

T: I don’t care what impression you have about Chinese, but I did not work here, I am a tourist.

O: You are lying, If you don’t confess, I will put you into prison.

T: Sorry, you are not a judge, and we are not in a courtroom.You have no right to convict me. If you want to accuse me of any wrongdoing, I suggest you collect evidence first.

O: Are you a lawyer?

T: It has nothing to do with my visa, so what if I am a lawyer?

O: Oh….

T: I suggest you let me go because I did nothing wrong. Otherwise, I will report this issue to your boss, the head of immigration office.

O: You don’t know my boss, you can’t complain to anyone.

T: My hotel is near to the immigration offices headquarter, and there is an office for complaints on the first floor. And your name and work ID, I can see it on your working ID card. Yes it’s 033651 and Mr. Jonathan.

T: Mr. Jonathan, I learned that your country welcome those who visit your country and spend much money here, a third of your country’s GDP comes from tourism. So your parliament legislated many laws for the convenience of foreign travelers, which include some regulations to immigration officers. So please show some professionalism and finish this issue now.

O: OK, you win, you can go now.


Tips: The author was treated unfairly by many countries’ immigration officers. This dialogue occurred some years ago in Kenya, which relies much on the tourism industry.

But for some countries, such as Angola, Nigeria, and Russia, they are notorious for their corrupted police system, you have no choice but give money to them.



boarding pass: 登机牌

landscape /'l?nd'skep/: 风景,景色

amazing /?'mez??/: 惊艳的,令人诧异的

illegal /?'ligl/: 非法的,违法的

stamp /st?mp/: 图章,印章

extension /?k'st?n??n/: 延期,延长

invoice /'?nv??s/: 发票

accuse /?'kjuz/: 指责,控告。常用于accuse sb of sth.

unbecoming /,?nb?'k?m??/: 不得体的,不适当的

impression /?m'pr???n/: 印象

confess /k?n'f?s/: 承认,坦白

courtroom /'k?rt'r?m/: 法庭,审判室

convict /k?n'v?kt/: 证明......有罪,宣告......有罪

wrongdoing /'r??du??/: 坏事,不道德的行为

parliament /'pɑrl?m?nt/: 议会,国会

legislate /'l?d??slet/: 立法,制定法律

professionalism /pr?'f???n?'l?z?m/: 专业精神

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