




S is short of Shop owner, and B is short for buyer.


S: Hi, my friend, welcome to Africa Summit souvenir shop, we have the most complete collection of African souvenir, such as blackwood sculpture, ceramal bracelet, delicate handicrafts, jewels, jades, and some animal products.


B: Wow, let me have a look, is this blackwood?


S: Of course, this is the premium blackwood sculpture made by our top carvers, and it reflects our African unique creatures. You can check it, It is heavy, and it sinks in water.


B: It looks like your product is too deep black, and it looks like been soaked in black shoe polish for more than ten years. I think a good blackwood should not be like this.


S: Oh, Sir, because all products here are polished by our top artists. They endeavor themselves to present their most exquisite artificial skills on these sculptures, and you can feel their enthusiasm and passion by touching the smooth surface of the wood, observing the lines of the shape, and looking at the vivid style of these animals. They are really good sculptures, you won’t regret buying them.


B: You are really a good salesman, you know how to promote your products, but I am a realistic man. Please tell me how to differentiate the real and fake blackwood.


S: That’s easy. Hold a blackwood, a heavy one is the real one.


B: But how heavy should it be?


S: OK, I have a common wood product, please hold these two and compare them, and you can easily find them out. The real one is as heavy as a stone.


B: I got it. But your blackwood products are so expensive, I learned that some other shops can give a price of 10 percent of yours.


S: No, their products are so small, and they don’t have so good craft as mine.


B: I think I need to go to some other shops to check, your price is not right.


S: Sir, wait. I can give you the best price.


B: OK,what is your price?


S: I can offer you the same price as others.


B: OK, let me find some good crafted sculptures. I have already selected five out of them, how much for all?


S: 100 US dollars.


B: Are you kidding? I can buy them for 20 dollars in other shops.


S: How about 50 dollars?


B: I’d rather go to other shops now.


S: OK, can you tell me how much you can pay?


B: 30 Dollars for these 5 items.


S: OK, Deal!



sculpture/'sk?lpt??/: 雕塑,雕刻

ceramal/s?'r?m?l/: 陶瓷的

bracelet/?bre?sl?t/: 手镯

delicate/'del?k?t/: 微妙的,精美的

jade/d?e?d/: 翡翠,碧玉

premium/'pri?m??m/: 高价的,优质的

exquisite/?k'skw?z?t/: 精致的,细腻的

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雅思口语| Part1话题: Art艺术
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