



Drills 分解练习
To emphasize the anchor and the streamline position.
Some of the drills you might do would be underwater swimming, maybe three pulls and a kick.
That will be done with a straight body line, there will be no fluctuation of frequency.
That line will stay straight.


A lot of that can be created by underwater swimming breaststroke.

One of the things that we do in practice to maintain that long-line integrity is the pulse pull drill
And this is gonns replicate what I think helps me become a world class swimmer, and maintaining that line.


Most time we do it with fins, and it's a posture position where either your hands are out in your streamline position,
you're laying on the water or your hands behind you.


But the importance of the drill is to stay high on the water and really feel like your body is one and that
you are almost weightless that you could just do one motion and your body can just maintain that velocity of that one motion forever.

做这练习重要的是要在高水位上, 感受全身体都参与进来
几乎没有重量地在向前波动, 似乎可以维持这速度一直波动下去

That's the variation, the hands leading the body, but very effortless and weightless out front.
Not moving, but just extending the core line and making it experience the balance position with his arms way out front.

这是这练习的另一种方式, 双手前伸不要出力去带动波浪,就只是伸向前
用你的核心去产生流线波动, 身体在双手前伸姿势下体会在波动前进中如何平衡稳定

We will repeat that with a pulse pull.
So you will do that and you'll take a pull of breaststroke and maintain that body position for [ extending other ] time.
To know what it feels like to have that long position and to have long distance per stroke, and a good glide.

做这练习要注意良好的身体流线, 尤其是两手向前延伸时
每一划的距离要长, 从手前伸的滑行中体会直体流线滑行的感觉

Imagine swimming like this ↗↗↗ through the water,
obviously the resistance is gonna be a lot higher than swimming almost like a dolphin through the water.
在水中像这样游 ↗↗↗ 显然阻力会大大超过运用蝶腰穿行的游法

Some of the drills that we'll do to accomplish that is we'll seperate the pull and the kick,
and will stay in a streamline long position a lot longer.

水下划手三下踢一次腿, 接着出水做一次完整蛙泳配合游
此练习是将划手与踢腿分开来做, 注意在水下划手的同时保持良好的超直体

So I'll do a lot of breaststroke swimming underwater and I'll eliminate any type of frequency,
what I try to maintain that line while pulling and kicking.


The visual effect we are creating is that would be able to move along through the water with minimal drag rather than forcing our way through the water.
理想的游法是在游进全程中保持好流线, 将阻力降到最小

The back position emphasizes the line from the shoulder to his knees,
the [ polo ] kick allows him just warm up his ankle flexion, one leg of ankle all the time.


Breaststroke is always be deemed a feel stroke, your breaststroke is gonna be [ fast ] when you feel like you are swimming and your technique is together.
And these drills are done to replicate that feel of balance and positioning on the water that suit your body the best.

蛙泳总被视为是个感觉的泳姿, 竞泳时你感觉将所有的技术运用起来了你就游得快

Again.There is a variation, the pull buoy keeps the knees somewhat closer,
like to get the kick completely under water, so you feel the recovery through the finish of the kick.


This is gonna be kick in a variety of positions, ..?.. back to kicking breaststroke on his back and the pull buoy acctually makes
concentrate harder on your line position, cause it puts an artificial float so you got to presses his back position even [ more ].


Take the next step with your line, our first process is gonna be through your arms.
And what we are gonna visualize here is the anchoring effect comes through swimming with tight core and
arms that anchoring position where you move your body over the anchor.


We are gonna emphasize that a lot by doing a lot of sculling, many different sculling position, sculling where on your back, on your stomach, feet first.
That's done by slowing your stroke down and feeling your corner especially.


A lot of people do sculling drill but don't really know what they are doing in the process.
We are trying to maintain here to recondition where your hands are in the water and where they would be during the stroke.
So we are doing lots of sculling, your feet forward, your feet behind you, position instead.


You won't only recognize where your hands would be, but it's awareness of the width you pull and the strength of your anchor.
So when you would go to swim after that, will easily make more recognizable what quadrint of the water your hand easy be end and location your body.


One of our sculling drii is one arm at time, just working corner anchoring and feel.
It's maintaining its core balance forward position. So he has to balance to get a great feel for it.


Everybody is gonna have different catch with their arms,
but whether your think you are pulling water or you're sculling it,
it's the same sense that you're gonna be holding on through the water, and moving your body beyond that hold position.


There's certain drills that before a breaststroke set that I want to warm up with and get my ankles and knees involved for that,
when I'm ready to go I almost feels to like I have a motor behind me that's directly perpendicular to my swimming line
that everything that I'm doing with my kick relates to the forward speed.


Some of these drills are going to be wall-kick.
What that does allows extra pressure to be put against my ankles to force them in thrie flex position.


Verticle kick,the same way with it.
Maybe you weight something to force you down again to stress the ankle position.


So all these relate,I think to that ankle position and total knee flexion and what's that gonna allow a bigger range of kick
and that's gonna keep that line long and increase your distance per stroke.


Diving 跳发

There is one philosophy: that's fastest and [furtherest].
As soon as you come up that block,it got be pure explosion.


We're gonna get in, we're gonna get in that long line.
We have a powerful pull-out, and we're gonna come up further and faster. That's the goal.


I think the start is pretty indvidualized.
I think you have to feel comfortable up there.
First thing first, you got to feel like you belong up there.


The most important thing is you have to feel like:
As soon as that gun's off, all your energy can go directly into the water.


Turns 转身

The technique of the turn is to reach the ultimate point which is to get on the wall and off the wall the fastest.

So that to me is done by coming in on a full stroke ,
touching with both hands and immediately dropping one elbow and driving the knees up to the wall.


And therefore that's done, a perfect turn can be executed with a strong push-off in a long line.
Again, we're talking about that long line, the least amount of resistance is gonna get you further on every pull-out.


Emphasizing the amount of time spent in this position is a huge part of the race and a lot of people don't realize that.
All work of my pull-out and turns is to the point where I can come up within half a yard or about point one or point two of a second.
That's a repetition that I practice, so when the race comes along I can simulate this in an easy manner.


This eliminating point one or point two of your turn is gonna get you a faster time.
That's something without even working. You're gonna have to do it.
It's easy time that you should emphasize perfection on the walls.


以下问答以及陆上练习,辅具三部分为 sycamore 泳友所听写,再次感谢


(Hero is) someone that I think portrays me. Again, along the line of the similarity is Steve Prefontaine .
Something Prefontaine had was that ability to just love and have a passion for a sport, and be willing to do anything that he possibly could to become his best.

He ate, breathed, everything was around his running, you know. He was always trying to find a way to be better.
And I think that’s what I am trying to do in the same sense, you know.

I think that’s very important to take your swimming or any sport to another level,
is to have such a passion that you are always looking for an answer as what can make you better.

Q : What is it that was so unique or so [ ? ] about your racing technique that you now emphasize in [putting] to practice on the routine basis?

Like what I have said, I had to take that race stroke that I had developed
and that I had a natural ability when competition was [on line].

And I had to pursue that in practice if I was gonna better.
And what that was was my ability to use my strength and size for a powerful stroke [ ? ] in distance per stroke.

And that was done through maximizing my line.
And when I’m saying my line, I’m saying that I wanna be in a least resistance position as possible when I’m swimming.

That’s my streamline position.
So I wanna use my pull and kick and perfect a technique that allowed me to be in that long line the most amount of time.

And what that was was developing strength, my rollback capacity to have them practice and
be able to mirror image what I was doing in competitions for a longer period of time in training.
And that would relate to me becoming a better breaststroker.

Q : So how you bring freshness to work that has so much repetition?

Short term challenges, that’s the only way you can.

[ Sit? ] on Monday, and say this weekend I wanna do this [ex] amount of time,
you gotta [ sit? ] on Monday and say tonight’s practice I want to do this.

If I don’t do this, that’s not gonna allow me to do what I wanna do on Saturday.

Come Tuesday, you gotta repeat the process.
To get a look at each day as a new day and a new challenge.

I don’t look at it as a big picture, because again, not many people can swim and stare a black line for 5 hours.
It’s a draining process, but you have to find little tasks each day that excite the athlete.

Q : Mental side. Tell me a little about how you set up the mental side of your approach both to
training and certainly to those performances possible?

Well, the mental side, like you said, is just as demanding as the physical side.
I feel like, you know, when I come to practice, that’s almost the easy part that any physical [demanding … giving me my best].

But, there are mental aspects that involve sacrifice and effort, and [whether gone] in your life.
You cannot just go out there and work hard every day.
[And give it all you are expected, that’s gonna do it.]

There are ups and downs with everything.
I think if you try and minimize those, and see the big picture,
and realize that there are other things in life that are just as important to you, you’ll have a peace of mind and continue on with that [ ? ].

Q : Tell me once again who is your favorite face to see at 4:30 in the morning?

My favorite face to see at 4:30 in the morning is at the back of my eye. I don’t get up that early first of all.

Dryland training    陆上训练

An import aspect of cross training swimming with dryland is that you maintain the integrity of your stroke.

A lot of the work I do here would be emphasizing, particularly in paralleling what I do in the water.

We want work that is specific and directly towards what we want.
So by coming up with the dry land routine, that directly mirrors what the stroke would look like,
what we are trying to achieve in the water, I think we have increased performance.

Everything I do in dry land has an impact directly on my stroke, whether it’s knee flexion,
ankle flexion, maintain in the core line, anything that I think is gonna overload the body.

So when I swim breaststroke, it’s gonna feel like I’m floating.


Toys that I use are just gonna reinforce our philosophy in breaststroke with the kick and the pull.
They are just gonna put resistance in the motion that we are trying to stress. So it’s an overload.

Stress cord attached to a bucket.
They obviously made this one look easy by putting some holes in the bottom.


If I’m stressing them to a higher range of degree than I would when I’m swimming, my body would adjust to that.
It feels like that range is being adapted into my stroke.

Probably one of my favorite ones is the stretch cord.
This’s gonna attach to my waist, and you could imagine, [ tightened ] pretty much a leash.

I’ll use anything that will force my ankle position to be more extreme than normal,
anything to force my knee position to be more than normal, ( [ It's a ] standard weight belt.This one feels like it’s about ten pounds )
anything to feel my line lower more than normal.

So what we are trying to do is overload these areas so that
when I do swim the breaststroke, they feel natural and strong to me the same time.

[ is as long as it makes me tired we are using it ].
We began with a standard paddle and just used finger tubing to strap it on somewhat awkwardly to the inside of the foot
to create more resistance when he kicked in breaststroke.

What I saw in that was similar to what you see with any type of [ ? ].
You put a resistance somewhere where you wanted.
You stressed that resistance and then you built up strength to it.

Ed tailored the cut to the contour of his ankle.
I readjusted the holdings, sawed it down, put some pull design on it to make it unique to myself, and the thing worked.


据参与设计的运动员Dave Denniston说就是受摩西启发的

Now with the better [ fit ] and positioning new holes for extra [ fingertubes ] , you’re gonna have more refined engineer kick paddle for breaststrokers.
将划手板多钻几个穿绳的洞并剪裁的更合脚 ,现在你将拥有一个更完美的蛙泳专用脚板

[ A squeeze method, we are not working with that paddle. ]
What we are trying to is have a full flexion with a pushback and a close.
This paddle allowed that. And that was a huge step, I think, to developing my kick.


The breaststroke kick machine is the same concept we are trying to achieve here,
is resistance against the ankles and the kick to develop strength in your kick.

First time we used it to [ kick ] back and said that the tension coming off the heel didn’t create pressure the way he liked to feel the kick.

So when you went to kick, the tension was coming from the ankle point that really wasn’t relevant to your kick.
It was just more relevant to an extension.

You can get that same force by going to the weight room.
So we reengineered it so that the point of tension was coming from the outside of the foot.

What this allowed was when the tension were to tighten
and you [will] have to pull against it, it would [flexure] foot out in a proper breaststroke position.

You can’t go into a weight room and reproduce the kick like you can in the water.
So we want to put the resistance in the same fashion that the kick is and these toys are allowing us to do that.

The paddles are allowing us to do that.
It would reproduce the effect of a resistance training against this ankle flex kick,
that allows for when I take this off, I’m gonna feel exactly like what you would feel swimming with paddles when you take it off.
And you have a good catch and you are maximizing your range of motion.

[  ?  ] ever beat you in challenges on those toys?
I don’t like that happen. There’s no way.

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Breaststroke - Under Lane蛙泳
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