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American Crime Story: The People v OJ Simpson

美国犯罪故事:人民 vs OJ 辛普森

We're nearly a month into the new year, the US Television Critics Association press tour has just wrapped up, and the networks and streaming services have unveiled their massive TV slates for 2016. So many premieres, so little time. So let's whittle things down some: here are 10 series that, for a variety of reasons, stand out above the rest, and which we're incredibly stoked to see.

The murder case of former football star Orenthal James Simpson, who was accused and later acquitted of killing his ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpson and waiter Ronald Goldman, captivated the country in 1994 and 1995.A new anthology series tackles the case over the course of 10 episodes, touching on everything from the Bronco freeway chase to the infamous "If the glove don’t fit, you must acquit" defense… as well as the role played in the trial by a certain Hollywood royal family known as the Kardashians.The series has quite the behind-the-scenes pedigree.It was created by Scott Alexander and Larry Karaszewski, who penned immensely inventive biopics of real-life figures like Ed Wood (1994's Ed Wood), Larry Flynt (1996's The People vs Larry Flynt) and Andy Kaufman (1999's Man in the Moon). It's executive produced by Ryan Murphy and Brad Falchuk who are primarily responsible for the revived popularity of the anthology series format with their show American Horror Story.And it's got a cast to die for: John Travolta as defense attorney Robert Shapiro, Sarah Paulson as prosecutor Marcia Clark and Oscar-winner Cuba Gooding Jr as what appears to be an especially raw and emotionally ragged Simpson. Premieres 2 February on HBO. (Credit: FX)


前橄榄球运动员Orenthal James Simpson被指控杀死他的前妻Nicole Brown Simpson和服务生Ronald Goldman,随后被宣判无罪,这起谋杀案于1994至1995年间让整个国家陷入了一阵困惑之中。一部新的独立单元剧把这起案件分成10集,从Bronco 高速公路上的追逐到臭名远扬的“如果戴不上这只手套,你一定是无罪的”的辩护…以及在那场审判中作为“卡戴珊姐妹”而广为人知的好莱坞王室所扮演的角色,事无巨细,此剧中都会有所涉及。这部连续剧颇有些幕后背景此剧由Scott Alexander和Larry Karaszewski创作,此前他们已经为一些真实的人物写了一些极具创造力的名人传记片,比如Ed Wood(1994年的《艾德·伍德》),Larry Flynt(1996年的《性书大亨》)和Andy Kaufman(1999年的《人在月球》)。此外,这部电视剧还让Ryan Murphy 和Brad Falchuk担任执行制片人,此前独立单元剧重新兴旺起来的人气也和这两人有莫大的关系,正是他们创作出了《美国恐怖故事》。并且,这部电视剧的演员阵容也十分吸人眼球:John Travolta饰演辩护律师Robert Shapiro,Sarah Paulson饰演检控官Marcia Clark,奥斯卡得主Cuba Gooding Jr饰演脾气不好且直白的Simpson。此剧于2月2号在HBO首映。(致谢: FX)



Who better to direct a tale of 1970s excess than Martin Scorsese?The iconic, award-winning film-maker directs the two-hour pilot of this new HBO series from Boardwalk Empire creator Terence Winter that follows the sex-and-drug-addled adventures of a record label president (Bobby Cannavale) who attempts to revitalise his company at the dawn of the punk, disco and hip-hop era.Scorsese is sure to lend the series the swirling sense of lunacy and forward-thrust intensity that is his stock in trade. Adding to the hedonistic verisimilitude: Rolling Stones frontman Mick Jagger is an executive producer and has helped shape many of the storylines. Premieres 14 February 2016 on HBO. (Credit: HBO)

对于一个以20世纪70年代为背景的重口味剧本,谁能比Martin Scorsese更适合执导呢?这位获奖无数的偶像级电影制作人为这部HBO新剧长达两小时的试播集担任导演,并且会以《大西洋帝国》的制片人Terence Winter为创片人。这部电视剧主要讲述了一个被性爱和毒品弄得失去理智的唱片公司总裁(Bobby Cannavale饰)尝试在朋克、迪斯科和嘻哈风潮刚刚兴起的时候使自己的公司重获生机的故事。Scorsese肯定会让这部电视剧充满精神失常般富有冲击力的镜头,而这正是他惯用的手法。为这部剧增加了享乐主义的真实性的是:滚石乐队主唱Mick Jagger在此剧中担任了执行制片人并且帮忙制定了一些剧情。此剧于2016年1月14日在HBO首映。(致谢: HBO)

The Night Manager


No discussion of spy stories is complete without a mention of author John le Carré, a master of the form.His 1993 espionage novel The Night Manager is the basis for AMC and the BBC's six-episode miniseries.It was directed by Academy Award winner Susanne Bier (In a Better World) and stars Tom Hiddleston (better known as Loki from Thor and The Avengers), as a former British soldier tasked with infiltrating the inner circle of a notorious arms dealer.Could this be another classic in the vein of the 1979 British miniseries Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy, starring the great Alec Guinness as le Carré's wily intelligence agent George Smiley? We can certainly hope. Premieres April 2016 on AMC. (Credit: AMC/BBC)

谈到间谍故事就不能不提到这类作品的大师,作家John le Carré。AMC和BBC的六集迷你剧《夜班经理》就是根据他1993年的同名间谍小说制作而成。此剧由奥斯卡得主Susanne Bier(《更好的世界》)执导,并由Tom Hiddleston(其在《雷神》和《复仇者联盟》中饰演的Loki更广为人知)主演。Tom Hiddleston在此剧饰演一个前英国士兵,受命潜入臭名昭著的军火商内部圈子。此剧能不能像1979年由伟大的Alec Guinness饰演John le Carré笔下狡猾的间谍George Smiley的《锅匠,裁缝,士兵,间谍》一样,成为又一部经典?我们当然可以期待一下。此剧于2016年四月在AMC上首映。(致谢: AMC/BBC)

Codes of Conduct


How do you follow up the brutal, critically acclaimed period piece 12 Years a Slave (2013)?Oscar winner Steve McQueen turns his pointed sights to a more contemporary story in this six-episode HBO miniseries, which early reports say is somewhat in the vein of his 2011 sex-addict study, Shame.The setting is New York City, and the main character, played by newcomer Devon Terrell, is a mysterious young African-American who infiltrates Manhattan high society; Paul Dano, Helena Bonham Carter and Rebecca Hall play some of the people he attempts to charm and exploit.McQueen is directing every episode, and also co-wrote each installment with Lions for Lambs and World War Z scribe Matthew Michael Carnahan.It's sure to bear his uniquely clinical stamp and make plenty of caustic observations about human nature. Premieres 2016 on HBO. (Credit: HBO)

你怎么评价那部血腥而在评论上备受赞誉的古装电影《为奴十二年》(2013)?奥斯卡得主Steve McQueen这次把他锐利的目光对准了这部更现代的六集HBO迷你剧,早前不少报告称此片多少会延续他2011年在《羞耻》里那种对性瘾进行研究的手法。故事背景设在纽约市,主角,由新人Devon Terrell饰演,是一个渗入曼哈顿高层社会神秘的非裔美国年轻人;Paul Dano, Helena Bonham Carter 和Rebecca Hall则饰演了一些他打算吸引和利用的人。McQueen会执导每一集并且和《狮入羊口》和《星球大战Z》的作家共同写了每一个部分。此片想必会有他独特而冷静的特点和大量对人性的腐蚀性的观察。此片将于2016年在HBO首映。(致谢: HBO)

The Crown


Netflix enters the regal fray with their $156 million, 10-episode series about the rise of Elizabeth II (Claire Foy) from princess to queen. The production was created and written by Peter Morgan, who penned an award-winning feature about her royal highness, The Queen, as well as the play The Audience, both starring Helen Mirren. The emotional heart of this series appears to be the tempestuous relationship between Elizabeth and her husband Prince Philip (Doctor Who's Matt Smith), who becomes increasingly agitated about being in his wife's shadow. Really, we're most excited to see John Lithgow, who seems to be having a grand old time hamming it up as Winston Churchill. Premieres 2016 on Netflix. (Credit: Netflix)

围绕英国皇室展开的故事不可能缺乏戏剧性。Netflix用这部花费1亿5千6百万美元,描写了伊丽莎白二世(Claire Foy饰)从公主到女王的晋升过程的10集连续剧加入了这场宫廷斗争。这部剧由Peter Morgan制片和写作剧本,他过去创作了一个关于女王的剧本,《女王》,和戏剧《女王召见》,它们都是由Helen Mirren主演。这个连续剧的情感中心似乎是伊丽莎白和她的丈夫,对活在她的阴影下越来越感到不安的菲利普亲王(由Doctor Who里的Matt Smith饰演),之间的跌宕起伏的关系。说真的,能见到John Lithgow我们再激动不过了,他似乎真的很享受那段夸张饰演温斯顿·丘吉尔的时光。(致谢: Netflix)



Sarah Jessica Parker headlined one of HBO's biggest hits – the often ribald sitcom Sex and the City. Will lightning strike twice for the actress' new series, a comic take on a woman's drawn-out divorce? It certainly has a number of talented people involved: Parker's costars include Thomas Haden Church, Molly Shannon and August, Osage County playwright/actor Tracy Letts. And the show was created by Irish writer and actress Sharon Horgan who made a splash recently with the UK dark comedy Catastrophe, about a woman who becomes pregnant after a transatlantic wild weekend. Surely Horgan and Parker can find as much black humour in the d-word. No premiere date set. (Credit: HBO)

Sarah Jessica Parker在HBO的一部最受欢迎的剧集担任了主角---充满粗俗片段的《欲望都市》。这么罕见的事发生两次吗?这位女演员的新剧也会大受欢迎吗?这部描写一个女人搞笑而漫长的离婚路的电视剧?当然这当中也有很多的大牌明星:Parker的合作主演包括Thomas Haden Church, Molly Shannon 和《八月:奥色治郡》的编剧/演员Tracy Letts。并且此剧由爱尔兰女作家兼演员Sharon Horgan创作,她最近在一部英国黑暗喜剧《灾难》中大放异彩,《灾难》讲的是一个女人在一个横跨大西洋的疯狂周末之后怀孕的故事。显然Horgan 和Parker能在那个D字开头的单词中找到同样多的黑色幽默。(致谢:HBO)

The Get Down(暂无中译名)

Aussie film-maker Baz Luhrmann is known for his over-the-top cinematic sense, and not even the small screen appears to have tempered the The Great Gatsby director's aesthetic ardour. His new 13-episode Netflix series, co-created with The Shield's Shawn Ryan, is a 1970s-set period piece that follows a group of South Bronx teenagers as they come of age in the era of hip-hop and punk.There's sure to be plenty of earnest and emotively tragic melodrama, as well as some soul-searching musical numbers, which Luhrmann showed he could handle (in his own inimitable fashion) with the 2001 musical romance Moulin Rouge.We're fully prepared to cry along and sing-a-long. No premiere date set. (Credit: Netflix)

澳大利亚电影制作人Baz Luhrmann因其夸张的电影镜头感而广为人知,而且即使是小银屏似乎也也不能减弱这位《盖茨比》导演的美学热情。他新的一部十三集Netflixlian'xu'j由他与《盾牌》的导演Shawn Ryan共同制作。此剧以20世纪70年代为背景 ,讲述了一群南布朗克斯青年在嘻哈和朋克的世界里长大成人的故事。剧中想必有大量如情景剧一般真挚而感伤的事件,肯定也不乏探索灵魂的歌舞表演,而Luhrmann在他2001年的音乐爱情剧《红磨坊》里的演出就已经证明他可以搞定这些表演了(用他那种旁人无法模仿的方法)。我们早已准备好在看这部剧的时候一边哭一边唱了。首播日期尚未确定(致谢: Netflix)

The Girlfriend Experience


Steven Soderbergh's 2009 feature The Girlfriend Experience was a probing, satirical look into the life of a Manhattan call girl played by former porn star Sasha Grey.Soderbergh returns as an executive producer on this 13-episode television adaptation of the film, which stars Riley Keough as a law student who becomes fascinated with the call girl lifestyle.Making this a must-watch is the fact that the series was co-written and helmed by two extremely talented independent film-makers, Lodge Kerrigan (director of 1998's Claire Dolan and 2004's Keane) and Amy Seimetz (director of 2012's Sun Don't Shine and costar of Shane Carruth's mind-bending 2013 sci-fi romance Upstream Color). No premiere date set. (Credit: Getty Images)

Steven Soderbergh执导,2009年上映的《应召女郎》是一部描写一位曼哈顿应召女郎的生活的具有探索性和讽刺性的电影,这部电影由前色情明星Sasha Grey主演。Soderbergh在这部由电影《应召女郎》改编而成的 13集电视剧中作为执行制片人回归。这部电视剧由Riley Keough主演,在剧中她饰演一个着迷于应召女郎生活的法学生。使这部电视剧更值得一看的是这部连续剧由两名极具天才的独立电影制作人合作编写剧本并且执导,Lodge Kerrigan(1998年《克莱尔·多兰》和2004年《基恩》的导演)和Amy Seimetz(导演了2012年《太阳不发光》并合作主演了2013年Shane Carruth执导的带来强大思维冲击的科幻爱情剧《逆流的色彩》)。目前尚未确定首映日期。(致谢: Getty Images)



Sci-fi geeks surely have fond memories of the Michael Crichton-directed thriller Westworld (1973), starring Yul Brynner as a cyborg cowboy run amok at an adult-themed amusement park.Jonathan Nolan, brother of Interstellar's Christopher Nolan, co-created this star-studded, 10-episode update of the film.Ed Harris steps into the shoes of Brynner's gunslinger, while Anthony Hopkins plays the creative director of the theme park, which is sure to run awry in a number of horrifying ways.

Rounding out the cast are Evan Rachel Wood as a cyborg who becomes sentient, Thandie Newtown as a sharp-tongued Madame and Jeffrey Wright as the chief architect of Westworld's robotic citizenry.It all sounds like a true recipe for success. Please let us be proven right. No premiere date set. (Credit: HBO)

科幻迷想必都会对Michael Crichton执导的惊悚片《西部世界》(1973年)有着美好的回忆,片中Yul Brynner饰演了一个在成人主题娱乐公园发狂的机器牛仔。Jonathan Nolan,《星际穿越》导演Christopher Nolan的弟弟,合作创作了这部电影的后续电视剧,此剧共十集且明星云集。Ed Harris来饰演Brynner曾扮演的持枪歹徒,而Anthony Hopkins则扮演主题公园里富有创造力的主管,这位主管想必会用各种令人恐惧的方法走上错误的道路。其他的演员分别是饰演有感知能力的机械人的Evan Rachel Wood,饰演语言刻薄的Madame 的Thandie Newtown,而饰演《西部世界》里机械公民的首席建筑师的Jeffrey Wright。这一切听起来似乎注定成功,希望我们是对的。首播日期未定。(致谢: HBO)

The Young Pope


Award-winning Italian film-maker Paolo Sorrentino, whose Youth – starring Harvey Keitel and Michael Caine – is currently making the awards-season rounds, created this eight episode miniseries about Pope Pius XIII (Jude Law).With Sorrentino behind the scenes, it is sure to be both a visual treat and narratively provocative.We'll also have the pleasure of seeing Annie Hall herself, Diane Keaton, as Sister Mary, a Vatican City-residing nun who helps Pius achieve his goals.Well, la-dee-da! No premiere date set. (Credit: HBO)

备受赞誉的意大利电影制造人Paolo Sorrentino创作了这部关于教皇皮乌斯八世(Jude Law饰)的八集迷你剧,而他由Harvey Keitel 和Michael Caine主演的《年轻气盛》目前正在这个颁奖季里巡回于各个颁奖典礼。此剧有Sorrentino在幕后操刀,想必会在视觉提供一顿饕餮盛宴的同时在叙事上也会十分诱人。我们也将有幸看到Annie Hall本尊,Diane Keaton饰演住在梵蒂冈城的Mary修女,她将会帮助教皇达成他的目标。好了,啦嘀嗒!首播日期尚未确定。(致谢: HBO)

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