

Nature Nanotechnology 十年图集!

Nature Nanotechnology从2006年开刊至今已有十个年头。作为十年记,Nature Nanothnogolgy通过文章精选图集的方式,展现了这十年了纳米领域的发展。

Placing DNA shapes

Nat. Nanotech. 4, 557–561 (2009)

DNA origami shapes placed on lithographically patternedsurfaces. The atomic force microscopy image shows DNAtriangles that have edges of 127 nm placed in 500-nm-widelines patterned on a diamond-like carbon surface.

A graphene touch screen

Nat. Nanotech. 5, 574–578 (2010)A  exible and transparent touch-screen panel prototypebased on conducting multilayer graphene —— grown by a combined

chemical - vapour deposition and roll-to-roll method - transferred

onto a polyethylene terephthalate substrate. The device can beconnected to a computer via suitably printed electrodes.

Nanoparticle analyser

Nat. Nanotech. 6, 308–313 (2011)

A false-colour  uorescence image of nanoparticles owing through ahigh - throughput particle analyser. This image shows the ow of polystyrene

nanoparticles traversing the integrated nano lter in the micro uidic system,

which can analyse 500,000 particles per second.


Nat. Nanotech. 9, 1054–1062 (2014)

Fluorescent image of squalenoyl adenosine nanoassemblies(green spots) internalized by human cerebral microvascularendothelial cells. The nanoassemblies localize in the cellcytoplasm. The red areas show the cell membrane and theblue areas mark the cell nucleus.

Terahertz source

Nat. Nanotech. 6, 103–106 (2011)

Core–shell zinc oxide microspheres.

The shell is composed of a number ofrectangular nanocantilevers that,

on excitation with green light, couple to forma standing wave of mechanical vibrations

causing emission in the terahertz region.

Precise quantum dots

Nat. Nanotech. 9, 505–508 (2014)
Indium atoms arranged by a scanning tunnellingmicroscope tip on an InAs surface to form quantumdots with atomic precision. The red areas show
the density of states for electrons in di erentquantum states.

Breast cancer

Nat. Nanotech. 7, 757–765 (2012)An immunohistochemistry specimen showingthe extracellular matrix of the middle portion of alate-stage breast tumour obtained from a transgenicmouse. Brown staining represents laminin-1 expressionthat relates to tissue sti ening as cancer progresses

Plasmonic colours

Nat. Nanotech. 7, 557–561 (2012)
Lena image reproduced by tuning
the plasmonic resonance of metalnanostructures on a silicon substrate.The image has a resolution of
~100,000dots per inch, the maximum achievableresolution that can be resolved bydiffraction - limited optics.

Twist-controlled resonance

Nat. Nanotech. 9, 808–813 (2014)

Grey-scale plot of the tunnelling current between two graphenelayers intercalated by a boron nitride barrier. The mutualorientation of the two graphene layers is controlled to optimizethe tunnelling conditions.

Nanoparticle printing

Nat. Nanotech. 2, 570–576 (2007)

The directed assembly of nanoparticles can be usedto print a variety of structures with single-particleresolution, including a design by the seventeenth-century alchemist Robert Fludd. The ‘Sun’ shown hereis made up of around 20,000 gold nanoparticles.

Bicontinuous electrodes

Nat. Nanotech. 6, 277–281 (2011)
Nickel inverse opal forms one of the twophases of a battery cathode. Togetherwith an electrochemically active phase,this electrode architecture allows for
a rapid ion and electron exchange andtransport for fast recharging batteries.

Single-atom transistor

Nat. Nanotech. 7, 242–246 (2012)

Scanning tunnelling microscopyimage of a transistor fabricated ona phosphorus-doped silicon layer.The active region of the device isa single phosphorus atom locatedunder the small bright spot in thecentre of the image.

Single-walled carbon nanotubes

Nat. Nanotech. 9, 481–487 (2014)
Intravital micrograph of a tumour region showing nanotube-ladenmonocytes entering the tumour interstitium and interacting with thevascular endothelium in the tumour. Tumour cells are shown in green,blood vessels in red and nanotubes in grey-scale.

Full-colour displays

Nat. Nanotech. 10, 237–242 (2015)

A full-colour display comprisingupconversion nanocrystals. Thedisplay is realized with only one

type of nanocrystal and the di erentcolours are obtained by varying theexcitation conditions


研之成理面向所有感兴趣的朋友征集专栏作家,主要包括专业软件(比如Digital Micrograph, TIA, Photoshop,Chemoffice,Material studio等)和基础知识(XRD结构精修,热分析,核磁,程序升温实验,同步辐射,质谱,AFM,STM)的分享,以及相关领域最新文献赏析。目前,由于小编人数有限,总结的周期会比较长,如果有更加专业的人来分担一部分的话,应该可以让大家更快更好地学到更多内容。

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