

BBC News:运动应该是癌症治疗的重要部分

Macmillan癌症慈善机构在一份报告中指出:所有得癌症病人的治疗应该每周做两个半小时的身体锻炼。 这个机构说,要求病人在治疗后休息和放松的做法是已过时的观点。



之前的研究表明,适度的锻炼可以减少乳腺癌的复发率达40%,减少前列腺癌死亡率最高达30%。通过做一周大约6小时适度的身体锻炼,肠癌病人死于该病的风险可以减少大约50%。Ciaran Devane是Macmillan癌症慈善机构的总执行官,他说身体锻炼对于求生和康复过程是非常重要的。


Jane Maher,他的身份是Macmillan癌症慈善机构医药总长和一家有领导力的医疗所的肿瘤学家,他说:“以前我给我的病人的建议是让他们放松,休息。但现在我的建议有了显著的变化,因为锻炼身体是一剂良方,它够得上上头条。“Martin Ledwick,英国癌症研究所的首席信息员,她更多的是有一些谨慎。”对癌症病人来说,任何能增加幸福感、减少治疗副作用的措施都是一件好事。但关于病人的锻炼承受量的各项证据还没有一个结论。记住,没有两个癌症病人是一样的,所以包括身体锻炼在内的康复程序需要根据每个病人量体裁衣,这非常重要。“

卫生部发言人表示将在引导癌症病人过有活力的生活方面给予帮助,这是必不可少的。”锻炼身体和健康的生活方式能对战胜癌症产生积极的影响,并且,作为国家癌症生存创始组织的一部分,我们正在和Macmillan一起工作,争取把锻炼身体的各种活动整合到癌症康复的指导节点上去。” 在当地具有领导力的创始机构,比如让‘我们动起来’协会,很好地树立了一个让癌症患者参与社区体育活动的标杆。


All patients getting cancer treatment should be told to do two and a half hours of physical exercise every week, says a report by Macmillan Cancer Support.

Being advised to rest and take it easy after treatment is an outdated view, the charity says.

Research shows that exercise can reduce the risk of dying from cancer and minimise the side effects of treatment.

The Department of Health says local initiatives can get people moving.

Macmillan's report,Move More, says that of the two million cancer survivors in the UK, around 1.6 million are not physically active enough.

Adult cancer patients and cancer survivors should undertake 150 minutes of moderate intensity physical activity per week, the reports says, which is what the Department of Health guidelines recommend.

In the report, the American College of Sports Medicine also recommends that exercise is safe during and after most types of cancer treatment and says survivors should avoid inactivity.

Getting active, the report says, can help people overcome the effects of cancer and its treatments, such as fatigue and weight gain.

'The evidence review shows that physical exercise does not increase fatigue during treatment, and can in fact boost energy after treatment.'

'It can also lower their chances of getting heart disease and osteoporosis.

'Also, doing recommended levels of physical activity may reduce the chance of dying from the disease. It may also help reduce the risk of the cancer coming back.'

Previous research shows that exercising to the recommended levels can reduce the risk of breast cancer recurring by 40%. For prostate cancer the risk of dying from the disease is reduced by up to 30%.

Bowel cancer patients' risk of dying from the disease can be cut by around 50% by doing around six hours of moderate physical activity a week.

Ciaran Devane, chief executive of Macmillan Cancer Support, said physical activity was very important to the survival and recovery process.

'Cancer patients would be shocked if they knew just how much of a benefit physical activity could have on their recovery and long term health, in some cases reducing their chances of having to go through the gruelling ordeal of treatment all over again.

'It doesn't need to be anything too strenuous, doing the gardening, going for a brisk walk or a swim, all count.'

Traditionally cancer patients were told to rest after their cancer treatment, but the report says this approach could put cancer patients at risk.

Jane Maher, chief medical officer of Macmillan Cancer Support and a leading clinical oncologist said: 'The advice that I would have previously given to one of my patients would have been to 'take it easy'.

'This has now changed significantly because of the recognition that if physical exercise were a drug, it would be hitting the headlines.'

Martin Ledwick, head information nurse at Cancer Research UK, was a little more cautious.

'Anything that improves wellbeing and reduces treatment side effects for cancer survivors has to be a good thing.

'But the evidence that exercise has a bearing on survival is not conclusive. It is important to remember that no two cancer patients are the same, so rehabilitation programmes that include physical activity will need to be tailored to the individual.'

A spokesperson from the Department of Health said it was vital that people with cancer are given the support to lead an active life.

'Physical activity and a healthy lifestyle can impact very positively on cancer outcomes and, as part of the National Cancer Survivorship Initiative, we are working with Macmillan to integrate physical activity services into cancer care pilot sites.

'Locally led initiatives such as Let's Get Moving are also well placed to signpost cancer patients to community-based physical activity opportunities.'

来源: 中国癌症康复与姑息治疗

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