

Philippine–Liquefaction of Nickel Ore菲律宾&nbs...

Please let us refer you to our circular no.10-026 dated 1st Feb. 2011, “Indonesia and the Philippines – Safe Carriage of Nickel Ore Cargoes”.


There has been increase of nickel ore shipment from Philippine as Indonesia banned this shipment in 2014. In addition, due to rainy season now at local, it appears that some vessels have faced liquefaction problems. We provide you with guidance from local P&I Correspondents, Pandiman Philippines, Inc. Your kind attention again to the problem and cautious manners would be appreciated.


另外,因当地现在是雨季,有迹象表明一些船舶面临货物液化问题。在此协会向客户提供当地通代Pandiman Philippines, Inc.的指导意见。请贵司对此问题再次给予关注,保持谨慎行事。




Introduction 引言

As members may be aware, in October and November 2010, three vessels, the Jian Fu Star, Nasco Diamond and Hong Wei, sank during the carriage of nickel ore from Indonesia to China with the loss of forty four seafarers. The cause of the sinkings has not yet been definitively determined but nickel ore, like iron ore fines and many concentrates, is a cargo which may liquefy, if the moisture content of the cargo exceeds the Transportable Moisture Limit (TML) when loaded. Liquefaction of such a cargo can result in loss of stability which in turn can lead to a vessel capsizing. It is therefore very possible that all three vessels were lost as a result of cargo liquefaction.

正如会员可能了解到的,201010月和11月发生了三起装载镍矿船舶(JIAN FU STAR, NASCO DIAMONDHONG WEI)在印尼到中国途中沉没事件,44位船员因此殒命。尽管船舶沉没原因尚未明确,但由于如果装载货物含水率超过适运含水量限制(TML),镍矿、铁矿粉和很多精矿石都十分容易发生液化,从而使船舶失去稳性导致倾覆。据此,这三艘船的沉没极有可能是货物液化导致的。

There have been a number of other recent reports of cargoes of nickel ore loaded in both Indonesia and the Philippines liquefying and causing loss of stability to the carrying vessel but fortunately not resulting in the loss of the vessel. In one such case the carrying vessel grounded causing extensive hull damage. Currently nickel ore is only loaded in four locations in the Philippines: Santa Cruz (Luzon), Surigao and Tubay (Mindanao) and Rio Tuba (Palawan Island). Liquefaction of some ore cargoes can be caused by the normal incidents of a sea voyage, for example the motion of the ship in the seaway or vibrations caused by the running of the main engine or other on-board machinery.


The International Group informally raised its concerns about the loading and carriage of nickel ore from Indonesia and the Philippines, with the Indonesian and Philippine delegations that attended the 88th session of the IMO Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) which was held between 24 November and 3 December 2010. Intercargo made an intervention at that session expressing its concerns with respect to the hazards and risks associated with the carriage of cargoes that can liquefy such as nickel ore. In addition Intercargo pointed out that some Charterers and Masters had been put under extreme pressure to accept Shippers’ declarations and testing reports without having been permitted the opportunity of independently verifying such declarations and reports. The Marshall Islands supported Intercargo’s intervention and the Indian delegation outlined the actions that the Indian authorities were taking to improve the safe carriage of iron ore fines cargoes loaded in India.


Specific Concerns Associated with the Loading and Carriage of Nickel Ore


The loading and carriage of nickel ore cargoes from both Indonesia and the Philippines has given rise to the specific concerns set out below.


(a) Most mines are situated in remote locations and loading/port facilities are therefore non-existent or very limited and loading equipment and methods rudimentary. Cargo is stock-piled, uncovered, on the beach and accordingly totally exposed to the prevailing weather conditions.


(b) The traditional practice has been to ship nickel ore cargoes in the dry season, from February to May/June when rainfall in past years was negligible. However in recent years anecdotal evidence suggests that the distinct demarcation between the wet and dry seasons has been substantially eroded and heavy rainfall is now experienced during the dry season. The stock-piles do not therefore benefit to the same extent from solardrying as in the past.


(c) The mines are not easily accessible due to their remoteness and it is therefore difficult for independent surveyors/experts acting for the vessel to attend the mines and take samples of the cargo to be loaded.


(d) There are few if any independent laboratories in Indonesia and the Philippines. The mines generally have their own laboratories but it is often not possible to determine whether the correct testing equipment is available and in a satisfactory condition or whether they are following the procedures laid down under the International Maritime Solid Bulk Cargoes Code (the Code) when testing cargo samples. Such audits as it has been possible to carry out, of mines’ equipment and testing and sampling procedures, suggest not. Accordingly the reliability of the information and documentation which the Shipper is required to provide under the Code, which became mandatory internationally on 1 January 2011, most notably the Transportable Moisture Limit (TML) certificate and the Flow Moisture Point (FMP), is questionable.


(e) The composition and physical properties of nickel ore vary considerably from location to location. Since the cargo is not homogenous it is difficult to accurately determine the TML and moisture content of the cargo as a whole. Frequently Shippers will only provide one TML certificate for a cargo that has been drawn from a number of different sources and is not homogenous, which is contrary to the Code.


(f) Nickel laterite has a high clay content. Because of this, testing the FMP of a sample using the usual flow table method can be subjective and the results questionable. If the flow table method of testing is not suitable, section 1.1.1 of the Code provides that the procedures to be adopted should be those approved by the relevant authority of the Port State.


(g) Vessels are invariably loaded whilst at anchor from barges or landing craft which have themselves been loaded from stockpiles situated on the beach. The stock-piled cargo may well have been subject to rainfall after samples have been taken and tested, during transportation from the mine to the beach and while stockpiled on the beach. The Code requires that the interval between testing for the moisture content and loading shall never be more than seven days but in many instances this period is not observed.


(h) There have been a number of reports of surveyors appointed on behalf of vessel interests to take cargo samples and conduct independent testing, being subject to extreme pressure by Shippers to accept the results of the tests carried out by the mines. In certain instances the ‘pressure’ has been nothing short of physical intimidation.


International Maritime Solid Bulk Cargoes Code (IMSBC Code)

国际海事固体散货规则 (IMSBC Code)

The Code is issued under SOLAS 1974 and its Protocols. The Code sets out the internationally agreed provisions for the safe stowage and shipment of solid bulk cargoes, including cargoes that may liquefy, such as nickel ore. Those cargoes not specifically listed are covered by section 1.3 of the Code. It became mandatory internationally on 1 January 2011.


Regulation VI/2, SOLAS 1974 requires the Shipper to provide the Master or his representative with all relevant information relating to the cargo sufficiently in advance of loading to enable precautions which may be necessary for the proper stowage and safe carriage of the cargo to be put into effect.


Section 4 of the IMSBC Code sets out the obligations and responsibilities imposed on the Shipper for providing information about the cargo.


Most importantly for cargoes that may liquefy (Group A cargoes), certificates should be provided evidencing the moisture content of the cargo at the time of shipment and the transportable moisture limit (TML). The TML is defined in the Code as 90% of the Flow Moisture Point (FMP). The FMP can only be determined by laboratory analysis of cargo samples. Any cargo with a moisture content in excess of the TML should not be accepted for loading (unless on specially constructed or fitted ships). Nickel Ore does not have its own schedule in the Code but should be regarded as being a Group A cargo.


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