

高考阅读理解必备 高考英语熟词生义500词例释及练习答案(4)
190.hand n.帮助,控制(熟义:手)
  It's really heavy———can you give me a hand?真的很重——帮一下忙,好吗?
  The boys have got out of hand.男孩们变得难以管教了。
191. handsome  熟义:adj. 英俊的,端庄的,美观的
  I hope I will get a handsome present at my birthday.   adj.  大方的,慷慨的
192. heavy   熟义:adj.  重的
193. My father is a heavy smoker.    adj. 超出一般规模、数量、力量的
  The traffic today is especially heavy.   adj. 交通拥挤的
194. height  熟义: n. 高度,身高
  In the height of the summer many people choose to visit the seaside.  n. 顶点,极度
195.happen v.碰巧=chance(熟义:发生)
  It happened that the new person in the office was the woman he had met at the
196.head v.动身去(熟义:头)
  The ship was heading for Shanghai.这艘船开往上海。
197.help (熟义:帮助) 生义:避免;抑制
  Don't tell him more than you can help.不要把不该告诉他的话告诉他。
198.high adj.正盛的;开始有臭味的(熟义:高的)
  a high wind强风;high summer盛夏
  The meat has a high flavour.这些肉有臭味了。
199.home (熟义:家)
  The cars are made for the home market.adj.本国的,国内的
200.hold v.容纳(熟义:握;拿;举行)
  The case can hold all my clothes.这个箱子可以装得下我所有的衣服。
  His promise still holds.    vi. 有效,适用
201. hold on(熟义:别挂断;等一等)
They didn’t know if they would be able to hold on until help arrived.
继续坚持做(难做之事) 译:他们不知道能否坚持到援军到达之时。
202. hold out(熟义:伸出)
The people of Hechuan held out for 36 years on the Fishing Castle. 够用;坚持(抵抗)
203. hit 熟义:v. 击中,打击
The film Hero is quite a hit of this year. n. 成功,红极一时的人或事
204. hot 熟义:adj. 炎热的
We’re waiting for the hot news on the election results. adj. 最新的
205. hunt 熟义:v. 猎杀,追猎
Please hunt the cat away from the garden. vt. 驱赶
206.if conj.即使;虽然(熟义:如果)
If she is poor,she is honest.虽然她穷,但她诚实。
207. ill 熟义:adj. 生病的
It’s no good speaking ill of others. adj/adv 坏的/地
208. industry n.努力,勤勉(熟义:工业)
His success was due to industry.他的成功是由于他工作努力。
209. immediate 熟义:adj. 立刻的,即时的
Is there a post office in the immediate neighbourhood? adj. 最接近的
210. industry 熟义: n. 工业;产业
His success was due to industry. n. 努力;勤勉
211. instead of不仅没有??反而(熟义:代替)
Instead of disturbing her,the news had a strangely calm effect.
212. institute vt.建立(机构、制度等);开始;开始执行(熟义:学院、研究所)
The government instituted a consumer protection agency. 政府建立了消费者保护协会。
213. instruct v.教,训练(熟义:命令,指示)
I instruct you in English.=I teach you English.
214. intelligence 熟义:n. 智力,脑力
Scientist manage to get important intelligence thanks to satellite. n. 情报,信息(尤其指有军事价值的) 215. interest n.利益;利息;股份;同业者(熟义:兴趣)
Don’t look after your own interests. 不要只顾自己的利益。
It’s in /to your interest(s)to work hard. 努力工作对你有利。
I have an interest in the company.我在公司有股份。
Our family has interest in the business. n. 利益,股份
216. disinterested adj.公正无私的(勿望文生义)
His action was not altogether disinterested.他的行为不完全公正。
217. introduce v.以??开始(熟义:介绍、引进)
He introduced his speech with a joke.他的演讲以一个笑话开始。
The company is introducing a new family saloon this year. v. 初次投入使用或运作,采用 He introduced his speech with a joke. v. 以... 开始
218. invent 熟义:v. 发明
He invented an excuse for his being late. v. 捏造,虚构
219. invite v.招引,吸引(熟义:邀请)
Don’t leave the windows open----it’s inviting thieves to enter. 不要把窗户打开了——这个要招贼来。220. iron.&v.熨斗;用熨斗烫(熟义:铁)
Mother is ironing my shirt with an electric iron.妈妈用电熨斗在给我熨衬衣。
221. identify 熟义: v. 鉴定,说明身份
One can’t identify happiness with wealth. v. 认为某事物等同于
222. indicate 熟义: v 表明,显示
I indicated that his help was not welcome. v. 暗示;间接提及;示意
223. inspire 熟义:v. 激励;鼓舞
His best music was inspired by the memory of his mother. v. 启发
224. institution 熟义:n. 机构
Giving presents on Christmas is an institution. n. 由来已久的风俗习惯;制度
225. impress 熟义: v 给...留下印象
He impressed the importance of their work on them. v. 使意识到(重要性或严重性)
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