

Fortuneteller II 命运算算看(下)

Jenny: No wonder your luck's been so bad recently. 
Tim: What are you talking about? 
Jenny: Your apartment's feng shui is all messed up. 
Tim: You getting superstitious on me again? 
Jenny: You have a beam right over your bed. 
Tim: So what? It keeps the ceiling from falling on me. 
Jenny: It also cuts your energy in half while you sleep. You should put some fabric over it. 
Tim: Well, it would look prettier that way, I guess. 
Jenny: and your plants are in the wrong corner of the room. 
Tim: But they get the most light right there. 
Jenny: If you moved them to the southeast corner, you'd start earning more money. 
Tim: No. If I switched jobs, I'd make more money. 
Jenny: Tim, feng shui is a five thousand years old science. 
Tim: There's nothing scientific about it. 
Jenny: Do you feel tired in the morning? 
Tim: Yes. It's because Beth's whining wears me out too much. 
Jenny: No. It's because your bed points towards the door. 
Tim: Whatever. Just help me put these posters up, would you? 
Jenny: I thought you wanted my advice. Whatever. You'll see the light, eventually. 
Tim: Not if you make me move my bed. OK, let's get to work.


1. 在这段对话中,讲到了很多关于风水的问题。好,现在我们来看对话,Jenny来到了Tim的公寓,仔细观察之后说,怪不得Tim最近的运气那么糟糕,原来是Tim房间的风水出了问题。这里用汉语拼音feng shui,来表示“风水”。

2. Tim说Jenny又要跟他来封建迷信那一套,他可不相信。superstitious表示“迷信的,沉溺于迷信的”,用法是superstitious on sth or about sth,比如说,I always put my left shoe on first; I'm superstitious about it. 我穿鞋总是先左后右,我是很迷信这件事的。

3. Jenny指出Tim的床的正上方有一道横梁,就是beam。 Tim说那又怎么样呢?这样天花板就不会落在他身上了。keep sb/sth from doing sth,表示“防止某人某物做某事”。

4. Jenny解释说,这道横梁会在睡觉的时候将你的能量减半,应该挂一些布给它遮住。这里的fabric就是指“纺织品”。Tim同意了Jenny的提议。不过不是因为他同意Jenny关于风水的说法,而是他觉得这样布置会让房间漂亮一些。Jenny又说Tim房间的盆栽也放错了位置,但是Tim觉得盆栽放在那里可以吸收到最多的太阳光线,对植物的生长有利。

5. Jenny告诉Tim,如果他把盆栽移到东南边的角落,你就会开始赚更多的钱。Tim才不相信,如果他换了工作,会赚更多的钱倒是真的,而不是换盆栽的位置。Jenny看Tim不相信feng shui,说,feng shui is a five thousand years old science.风水学可是一门有五千年历史的科学。

6. 可是Tim觉得这里面根本没有科学性可言。Jenny为了证明feng shui是有科学性的,问他是不是早上起来经常感觉到累。Tim说的确是这样,不

过不是因为床的正上方有横梁的缘故,而是因为他的女朋友Beth的唠叨让他没有办法好好睡觉。whine的意思是“装可怜,发牢骚,以哀求的声音说某事”。 比如说,"I want to sleep," he whined. 他哀求着说:“我要睡觉。”

7. wear sb out,表示“让某人感到疲倦”。Just listen to her silly chatter wears me out. 我听着她无聊的谈话就让我昏昏欲睡。而wear sth out,表示“用完,耗尽某物”,比如说,I wore out three pair of boots on the walking tour. 我徒步旅行就穿坏了三双靴子。

8. Jenny说Tim之所以早上起来会觉得累是因为他的床正对着门。Tim才不管这些,只想让Jenny帮他把这些海报挂上就好了。Jenny还以为Tim想听她的建议呢,无所谓了,她认为Tim最后会明白的。

9. 汉语里面有一种说法是“看见一道曙光”,英语里也有这么一句see the light,只不过这句“看见光”是指“明白”的意思。也就是说,当你看见那道光,你就什么都明白了。比如说,---I don't believe in God. ---Some day you'll see the light. ---我不相信上帝。---总有一天你会明白的。

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