


1. I'm thirsty. Would you like to bring me some         

A. fruits   B. meat   C.  tomatoes   D. water

2. Amy always wins high       from both her teachers and classmates because of her creative thinking.

A.  price   B. prize.  C.  praise   D.  pride

3.  Simon, my American friend in Xuzhou, has learned to use           well and can eat beef noodles the way most local people do.

A. chopsticks   B. forks   C.  knives   D.  spoons

4. --It is my first time to visit Beijing. I am afraid I will be lost.

--Don't worry! The          can help you.

  A. camera    B. dictionary   C. map   D. ruler

5. --Oh, my God! We have missed the last bus. What shall we do?

--I'm afraid we have no          but to take a taxi.

A. choice   B. decision    C. reason   D. idea

6.  I am sure Cindy will be able to find the hotel--she has a pretty good          of direction.

A. idea    B. feeling   C. experience   D. sense

7.  If you want to learn or hear more about something, it means you have an           in it.

A. experience   B. interest   C. opportunity   D. ability

8.  He was born in Germany, but he has made China his____.

A. family   B. address   C. house   D. home

9.  If someone comes to see me, ask him or her to leave a        .

A. letter    B. message   C. note    D. notice

10. --Lin Tao has great          in finishing the task by himself. Could you help him?

--No problem.

A. difficulty   B. success   C. advice   D. fun

11. This piece of music made me think of the          of a running stream.

A. voice    B. noise    C. sound   D. shout

12.  I'm not sure about the meaning of the word. You'd better look it up in a_________.

A. notice   B. postcard   C. dictionary   D. letter

13. In winter, we can wear        to keep our hands warm.

A. shoes  B. socks   C. gloves   D. scarfs

14. --Tom, where is Kate?

-- She          be in the garden. She sometimes plays with her dog there.

A. must   B. need   C. shall   D. may

15. ---Must I park my car behind the building?

--No, you don't have to.  You        park it here.

A. must    B. should   C. may   D. have to

16. --I don't care how other people feel.

--Well, in fact you____________.

A. might   B. could   C. would   D. should

17. I'm afraid you       enter the museum. Look at the sign 'Closed'.

A. mustn't    B. mightn't    C. needn't    D. can't

18. Nancy            be here today.  She is on the way to Beijing.

A. can't   B. may  C. can  D. mustn't

19. Those streams are so small that they        be shown in the maps.

A. mustn't   B. may not   C.  can't   D. may

20. --Shall we take a bus to the library?

--The library is very near here.  I think we          take a bus.  Let's walk there.

A. mustn't   B. couldn't   C. can't   D. needn't

21. I have to learn to control myself.  It        be easy, but it          be done.

A. may; can  B. may; can't

C. may not; can't  D. may not; can

22. Pollution is a serious problem now. Something          be done to stop it.

A. can   B. may   C. must   D. might

23. --What will the weather be like tomorrow?

--It          be sunny, cloudy or rainy.  Who knows?

A. might   B. should   C. must   D. can't

24. You          tell others about this--it's a secret.

A. can   B. mustn't   C. could   D. needn't

25. --Mum, could you come home earlier?

-- OK. I          before 9 o'clock.

A. come   B. was coming

C. will come   D. have come

26. --             I borrow your ruler?

-- Of course, you can. Here you are.

A. Can    B. Will   C. Should   D. Must

27.          you make a kite for me, Dad? I want to fly a kite tomorrow.

A. Can    B. May   C. Need    D. Must

28. --Mum, must I get up at once? I didn't go to bed until midnight last night.

-- Oh, my darling, you           . You don't want to miss the wonderful concert, right?

A. mustn't   B. may   C. needn't   D. have to

29. --Jack said he would have to stay up late to prepare for his geography project tonight.

--But he           . Mr Wu said we could hand it in next week.

A. mustn't   B. shouldn't  C. needn't   D. couldn't

30.Drivers    wear seat belts (安全带) while they are driving.

A. need   B. can   C. may   D. must

31. --         you leave now?

-- Sorry, but I have to.  Mum told me to be back home before ten.

A. Can   B. May  C. Need   D. Must

32. -- Excuse me, how do you say this in French?

--Sorry, but I            speak French.

A. mustn't   B. can't  C. shouldn't   D. needn't

33. --Our team won the school football match last week.

--Congratulations! You          be very proud of them.

A. must   B. need   C. would   D. can

34.--Can I wear my jeans to school?

--No, you          wear school uniforms. That's the school rule.

A. must   B. may   C. can   D. need

35.--Have you decided where to go for your summer vacation?

--Not yet. We        go to Qingdao.  It is a good place for vacation.

A. need   B. should   C. may   D. must

36. You will soon fall behind          you work hard from now.

A. unless   B. though   C. because   D. so that

37. It's going to rain. You'd better take an umbrella,          you may get wet.

A. but   B. and   C. or   D. so

38. This is an exciting game, but it's dangerous. One can't do it           he or she has got some training.

A. if    B. after   C. when   D. unless

39. --Mike, what were your parents doing at 8.00 last night?

-- My mother was reading          my father was playing computer games.

A. while  B. when    C. unless   D. as long as

40. I know nothing about it          my friends told me.

A.  since   B. if    C. until   D. because

41.--Let's go swimming, Linda.

--It sounds good,             I'm too busy.

A. so   B. for   C. or   D. but

42. The students were all reading in the classroom quietly       __ a boy suddenly laughed out.

A. while   B. after   C. since    D. when

43. I was watching my favorite TV program        someone knocked at the door.

A. unless  B. while   C. when  D. since

44. We didn't enjoy the tour          the weather was terrible.

A. if    B. though   C. because   D. when

45. How time flies! It's almost three years          we met last time.

A. since   B. before   C. while   D. when

46. You are not allowed to enter the theater          you have a ticket.

A. because    B. When    C. if    D. unless

47. More than two million people have visited the science museum           it opened ten years ago.

A. after   B. before  C. since   D. until

48. My hobby is          swimming          skating.  It's climbing mountains.

A. either; or   B. both; and

C. not only; but also   D. neither; nor

49. The football player hurt his leg badly,           the coach asked someone to take his place.

A. so   B. but   C. either  D. nor

50. --Shall we go for a picnic in the forest park this weekend?

--Yes,             it rains heavily.

A. if    B. unless   C. because   D. when

51. I am sure you will make it in the end          you have worked so hard.

A. so    B. although   C. but   D. because

52. --You have to turn off your mobile phone. This is the class rule.

--          .

A. OK. Thank you for letting me know

B. Yes, I'll take your advice

C. Sure, here you are

D. Sorry, I didn't hear that

53.--I was just in time to get there for the meeting. Thank you for lending me the bike.

--            .

A. That's right  B. Of course not

C. You're welcome  D. The same to you

54.--I failed the Maths exam again. I'm going to give it up.

--          It was just a test. I am sure you can do better next time.

A. That's right.

B. Cheer up!

C. My pleasure.

D. You are welcome.

55. --The charity show is a big success. We have raised a great deal of money.

--Great!                   .

A. The grass is greener on the other side

B. Many hands make light work

C. Every dog has its day

D. The early bird catches the worm

56. --Thank you for showing me the way, Benny.

-- __________________ .

A. Bad luck   B. What a pity

C. My pleasure   D. That's right

57. We can't afford to make any mistakes. To us,                   .

A. a miss is as good as a mile

B. east or west, home is best

C. it never rains but it pours

D. when in Rome, do as the Romans do

58. --Have you seen the film Zoopotia?

--Yes. I have never seen           film before.

A. a greater    B. the greater

C. a greatest   D. the greatest

59.--What do you think of Jack's songs?

--Great! I have never heard a          voice.

A. better   B. best   C. worse   D. worst

60. ---The stuntman is planning to walk on the wings of a flying plane.

--What? I have never heard of          idea before.

A. a crazier   B. the crazier

C. a craziest   D. the craziest

61.-- How can you be excused for such a          reason?

--I don't care whether you accept it or not.

A. special   B. silly   C. serious   D. shy

62.--Dad, I was the first to win the first prize in the math competition.

--Good job, Mary.  I'm          of you.

A. afraid   B. tired   C. proud   D. successful

63. ---How was your job interview last week?

--Oh, I couldn't feel           . I could hardly answer most of the questions they asked.

A. worse   B. easier    C. happier   D. better

64.--How do you feel about the hat?

--Perfect! I don't think I can find a            one.

A. good   B. best   C. better   D. well

65. When you talk with a foreigner, remember to be           one thing: Don't talk too much about yourself.

A. interested in   B. frightened of

C. careful about   D. pleased with

66. After a week's rest, I.isa felt much      and went back to school.

A. good   B. bad   C. better   D. worse

67.--I traveled to Africa last summer and I saw a lot of wild animals.

 --         unforgettable experience you had!

A. What   B. How   C. What an   D. How an

68. --             weather it is! We can't go on a picnic in South Hill.

   -- Don't worry.  Let's go to the museum instead.

A. What good   B. How good

C.  How bad   D. What bad

69. --Excuse me, sir. When can we have a swim in the pool?

--Not until it          next month.

A. repairs  B. will repair

C. is repaired  D. will be repaired

70. The girls          how to dance a month ago and now they can dance well.

A. taught   B. were taught

C. will teach   D. will be taught

71. The 24th Winter Olympic Games         on the fourth of February, 2022 in Beijing and Zhangjiakou.

A. will be held   B. have held

C. will hold   D. were held

72. --Could you tell me             ?

--'Rome was not buit in a day.' You should try to give it enough chances to become strong.

A. what I can do to have a good memory

B. when I can have a good memory

C. why I should have a good memory

D. how can I have a good memory

73. --James, can you tell me            ?

-- Paul? I haven't seen him for years. He used to be a shy and quiet boy.

A. what Paul looks like

B. what Paul is like

C. what Paul likes

D. what does Paul look tike

74.-- There's a little time left.  I wonder                  

--Don't worry. I.et me help you.

A. how did I get to school

B. why I am late for class

C. when did I go to the library

D.  if I could finish the work on time

75.--Excuse me, could you tell me                         .

--In ten minutes.

A. how long I can keep the magazine

B. how many magazines I can keep

C. how soon I can get on the train

D. how far it is from the bus stop to the train station

76. -- Could you tell me           ? I'll meet you at the airport.

--At 11:00 am.

A. what time will you arrive

B. what time you will arrive

C. what your flight number is

D. what is your flight number

77. --Could you tell me          ? I am going to pick you up at the airport.

--At 15:45 this Friday.

A. where you meet me

B. who you are coming with

C. when you came here

D. what time you are arriving

78. Lily will give a talk tomorrow. She is thinking about           to make it lively and interesting.

A. who to talk with B. where to speak

C. what to say D. when to speak

79. --Could you tell us                ?

--Sometimes, if I have time.

A. how long you play computer games

B. how often you go to the park

C. how soon you will see a film

D. how much time you spend on homework everyday

80. --Excuse me, do you know                      ?

--Sure, there is a bookstore down the street near here.

A. why I can get some postcards

B. where I can get some postcards

C. how can I get some postcards

D. when I can get some postcards

81. --Can you tell me             in Beijing?

--Yes. At 7 o'clock tomorrow evening.

A. when they will arrive

B. when will they arrive

C. when they arrived

D. when did they arrive

82. --Would you please tell me __________________.

--Bus No. 10 will take you there.

A. who will we go with to Star Theater

B. when we will leave for the Water Forest

C. what can we see in Wetland Park

D. how we can get to the Old Street

83. --Do you know if we       a school trip next Friday, Mary?

--If it            rain, we will.

A. will take; doesn't B. will take; won't

C. take; doesn't D. take; won't

84. --Do you know   ?

--Yes, I do. He came here by underground.

A. where Peter came from

B. how Peter came here

C. when Peter came here

D. what Peter came here for

85. --May I come in? I'm sorry I am late.

--Come in, please. But could you please tell me     ?

A. why you are late again

B. what were you doing then

C. who you talked with

D. how do you come to school

86. --Has Paul handed in his testing paper?

--Not yet. He told me that he wanted to check it again and           it in as soon as possible.

A. handed   B. would hand

C. has handed   D. had handed

87. He          computer games when his parents got home.

A. is playing  B. plays  C. played  D. was playing

88. Hurry up! The movie        for a quarter.

A. has begun   B. has been on

C, has gone   D. has finished

89. --Would you like to see the film with us tonight?

--No, thanks. I        it.

A. saw   B. have seen

C. see   D. was seeing

90. --What are you going to do this weekend?

--I              yet.

A. haven't decided  B. won't decide

C. have decided  D. didn't decide

91. I          the book for two weeks. I must return it to the school library.

A. borrow   B. have borrowed

C. kept   D. have kept

92. --Shall we go shopping now?

--Sorry, I can't. I           my shirts.

A. wash   B. am washing

C. washed   D. have washed

93. --I wonder what makes you a successful manager.

--I          as a waiter for five years and it makes a lot of contributions to my today's work.

A. serve  B. have served

C. was serving   D. served

94. --The show will begin in 30 minutes, but Mary is nowhere to be seen.

--Don't worry.  I           her and she's sure to be here in a minute.

A. will call   B. have called

C. am calling   D. call

95.--Amy, can we give away these soft toys? We    them for many years.

--Mom, but I want to keep the bear.

A. bought    B. had

C. have bought   D. have had

96. What     you          when the captain came in?

A. are; doing   B. did; do

C. were; doing   D. do; did

97. --How long           you       this book?

--For two weeks.

A. did; borrow   B. have; borrowed

C. have; kept   D. have; borrow

98. Julie           a bad cold since last Saturday.

A. has got   B. has taken

C. has had   D.  has caught

99. --Did you see a boy pass by ten minutes ago?

--No, sir.  I           in my bedroom.

A. am reading   B. was reading

C. read   D. will read

100, --Why are the class so quiet?

--Oh, the students       

A. take an exam  B, took an exam

C. are taking an exam  D.  have taken an exam


1~5 DCACA   6~10 DBDBA   11~15 CCCDC   16 ~ 20 DDACD       

21~ 25 DCABC 26~30 AADCD  31~35 DBAAC  36~40 ACDAC 

41~45 DDCCA  46~50 DCDAB  51~55 DACBB  56~60 CAAAA 

61~65 BCACC  66~70  CCDCB  71~75 AABDC 76~80  BDCBB       

81~85 ADABA  86~90 BDBBA  91~95  DBDBD  96~100  CCCBC

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