

通过阅读学单词:每天都在用的短语动词(Phrasal verbs),你必须会啊

如果把每天从早到晚我们都要做的日常琐事,用短语动词(phrasal verbs)描绘一遍,都有哪些词汇?


The first thing that happens every morning is that we wake up. We can also say that we wake someone up:

I woke up at 7.30. (In US punctuation, write the time as 7:30.)

My Dad wakes me up at 6 a.m. every day.

The next thing most of us do is get up. Although it is possible to say get out of bedget up is much more common, especially to talk about regular habits:

I usually get up at 7.

We also use get up in the phrases get up early or get up late:

I have to get up early tomorrow, as I have a meeting at 8.

If it is still dark, you might turn on the light, and when you don’t need it anymore, you turn it off.

Before you have a shower, you will take off your night clothes, and afterwards you will put on the clothes you are going to wear that day. Of course, you can put on or take off clothes at any time:

I put on a hat because it was cold outside.

Why don’t you take your jacket off?

In British English, you can say that you do up the buttons, zip, laces, etc. on a piece of clothing or that you do up a jacket, coat, etc, meaning that you fasten it:

Can you help me do up my shoelaces?

Make sure you do your coat up – it’s cold today.

We also use several phrasal verbs to talk about keeping our home clean and tidy. We use the verbs tidy up (UK) or clean up (mainly US, but also used in the UK), which can be used with or without an object:

I spent all evening tidying up.

I need to clean up my bedroom.

When we tidy objects, we might pick them up from the floor and  put them away in the place where they should be. We might throw away things we don’t want or need:

Please would you pick up your dirty clothes?

Mum asked me to put the dishes away.

Did you throw away those old newspapers?

If you are tired in the evening, you might sit down and watch TV or even lie down and rest for a while. If not, you might go out with friends. And at the end of the day, you go to bed and sleep until you wake up and start all over again!

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