


​Philosophy, history, pronunciation system, writing system, vocabulary and grammar theory, mathematical system, natural knowledge, social knowledge, technical system, virtual hometown research institute, coordinating human, material, and financial resources, efficient and orderly operation, huge material and spiritual treasure house in the objective world How much you use, how much you get, widely collected and used by me, Primates, Homo erectus, Early Homo sapiens, Late Homo sapiens, Tribes, Clan, Tatars, Tatars, Villages, Markets, Polis, National Capitals Development, and food, clothing, housing, transportation, primary and secondary industries, tertiary industry origin, development, evolution,

Seeking common ground while reserving differences produces new things, alleviating the contradiction between per capita occupancy and uneven distribution, summary of general laws in the process of world development, belief in ancient and modern Chinese and foreign cultural civilizations carrying its pronunciation system, writing system, vocabulary and grammar theory system, hope teaching methods, strength Classroom organization and implementation, meetings, market development, project construction (technical innovation, textbook writing, hardware and software development, talent selection system innovation), fundraising, team cohesion, guidance management, teaching, scientific research work, employment, materials, money, Use words, explore, inherit, innovate, start a business, become a independent market by buying and selling.

In project construction (technical innovation, textbook preparation, hardware and software development, talent evaluation, reward, punishment and selection system innovation, garbage is a misplaced resource, wind, running water, bird song, music, dance, art, calligraphy, Major in drama, film and television, archeology, tourism, have their own independent thoughts and opinions, essays, literature research, reading after reading, test papers, (exploration, inheritance, innovation, entrepreneurship, question and answer, summary, introduction of experimental technology methods)

, Wrong set, crops can not grow in the place where weeds do not grow, weeds can grow crops only after learning pruning. Errors are the starting point of the birth of new concepts and new hypotheses. The orderly state is unstable and forms double-cycle chaos. State, no one will laugh at the way toddlers babble when they are infants, free exploration, spontaneous self-organization of chaotic chaotic state, trial and error, contradiction, development and improvement of new conceptual theories, new things, New value, initiative

, Tertiary industry service industry, government departments, scientific research departments, education departments, banks, medical and health services, provinces, cities, counties, towns, villages, food, housing, business districts, enterprises, companies, self-employed, logistics and express delivery ,Living Area.

  Secondary industry industrial server, computer, microelectronics, fire broadcasting, heavy industry, machinery industry, iron smelting, petroleum, coal mine, instrument production, photoelectric thermoacoustic magnetism, transportation production, building materials, highway, railway, furniture, Electrical appliances, pharmaceutical companies, breweries, clothing factories,

Primary industry agriculture, soilless cultivation, plant factories, container planting, ecological farms, farms, grafting, water conservancy facilities, genetic engineering, plant tissue culture, fermentation engineering, farms, earthworm farming, golden cicada farming, biotechnology, agriculture,

The government pays taxes, companies, 

Explore, inherit, innovate, start a business, do business on a single market, and profit ahead. (Have a high philosophical accomplishment, like history, understand psychology, pedagogy, master certain research methods and mathematical methods, use more than two languages, pronunciation systems, writing systems, vocabulary and grammar theory, good at using computers, manufacturing R & D of hardware and software, modeling and simulation, good at technical, natural, social, and thinking experiments. Academic leaders with a certain dynamic structural unit knowledge system and skills, machine learning engineers, foreign language teachers, entrepreneurs)


Jelajahi, warisi, berinovasi, mulai bisnis, berbisnis di satu pasar, dan untung di depan. (Memiliki prestasi filosofis yang tinggi, seperti sejarah, memahami psikologi, pedagogi, menguasai metode penelitian tertentu dan metode matematika, menggunakan lebih dari dua bahasa, sistem pelafalan, sistem penulisan, kosakata dan teori tata bahasa, pandai menggunakan komputer, manufaktur Litbang perangkat keras dan lunak, pemodelan dan simulasi, bagus dalam eksperimen teknis, alam, sosial, dan pemikiran. Pemimpin akademik dengan sistem pengetahuan dan keterampilan unit struktural dinamis tertentu, insinyur pembelajaran mesin, guru bahasa asing, wirausaha)



Roman Empire, Alexander Empire, Byzantine Empire, Arab Empire, Ottoman Empire, British Empire, Qin Empire, Han Empire, Tang Empire, Yuan Dynasty, Ming Dynasty, Qing Dynasty, Totem Worship, Witchcraft, Religion, Christianity, Islam, Grid, Knowledge , Text, code, grammar, thinking, civilization, kinetic theory, gravity boost, relativity, technology, self-cultivation, aspiration, self-cultivation, culture, education, family, businessman, economy, governing the country, taxation, legal system, military, politics, peace World

Exquisite egoists, hacker phishing and time-testing, stand by, the enemy is unknown, the friend is undecided, can hide the sky and cross the sea, fish in trouble, profit from chaos, robbery while on fire, compared, what is the difference? Explore inheritance innovation and entrepreneurship


Kekaisaran Romawi, Kekaisaran Alexander, Kekaisaran Bizantium, Kekaisaran Arab, Kekaisaran Ottoman, Kekaisaran Inggris, Kekaisaran Qin, Kekaisaran Han, Kekaisaran Tang, Dinasti Yuan, Dinasti Ming, Dinasti Qing, Penyembahan Totem, Ilmu Sihir, Agama, Kristen, Islam, Kisi-kisi, Pengetahuan , Teks, kode, tata bahasa, pemikiran, peradaban, teori kinetik, peningkatan gravitasi, relativitas, teknologi, budidaya diri, aspirasi, budidaya diri, budaya, pendidikan, keluarga, pengusaha, ekonomi, pemerintahan negara, perpajakan, sistem hukum, militer, politik, Dunia perdamaian
Egois yang luar biasa, peretas phishing dan pengujian waktu, siaga, musuh tidak diketahui, teman tidak dapat memutuskan, dapat menyembunyikan langit dan menyeberangi laut, memancing ikan dalam kesulitan, mendapat keuntungan dari kekacauan, perampokan saat terbakar, dibandingkan, apa perbedaan? Jelajahi inovasi warisan dan kewirausahaan




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