

The last lecture -Randy Pausch Professor

兰迪·波许教授的最后一课 The Last Lecture【李开复特别推荐演讲】

For more information, see www.randypausch.com 
Copyright Randy Pausch, 20071 
Note that this transcript is provided as a public service but 

may contain   transcriptionerrors. 
This translation was done by Lichao Chen (chenlc03@hotmail.com);

I don’t read Chinese, so I cannot verify it. 

    --- Randy
This translation is far from perfect and I presented it in the 

sprit of old Chinese saying ‘throwing a brick to attract jade.’ 

Any comments, suggestionsand corrections are highly appreciated. 

译文可能有诸多不当 ,疏漏之处。

但抛砖引玉, 望读者不悋指正。

Randy Pausch’s Last Lecture:

ReallyAchieving Your Childhood Dreams Given at Carnegie Mellon 


Tuesday,September 18, 2007 McConomy Auditorium 

2007年 9月 18日 星期二 于卡内基 .梅隆大学 
Introduction by Indira Nair, Carnegie Mellon’s Vice Provost for Education: 
Hi. Welcome. It’s my pleasure to introduce you to the first of our new

university’s lectures titled Journeys – lectures in which members of our

community will share with us reflections and insights on their personal and

professional journeys. Today’s Journey’s lecture as you all know is by

Professor Randy Pausch. The next one is on Monday, September 24th by 

Professor Roberta Klatzky.
嗨。欢迎大家。我很高兴向大家介绍我们大学的题为旅途的新系列讲座的首场演讲 -这些演讲是我们的社团成员与我们一起分享他们对个人和专业旅途的思考和洞察。今天旅途演讲的主讲人,你们都知道 ,是兰迪 .波许教授。下一个是 9月 24日,星期一 ,罗伯塔 .克莱兹基教授。 
To introduce Professor Randy Pausch, our first Journeys speaker, I would like

to introduce Randy’s friend and colleague, Steve Seabolt. Steve has been at

Electronic Arts for six years and is the Vice President of Global Brand

Development for The Sims label at Electronic Arts. As you all know, 

The Sims isone of the most, if not the most successful PC games in the world, 

with salesapproaching over 100,000. Prior to that, Steve was the Vice President for Strategic Marketing and Education at EA, bridging academia and Electronic 

Arts.His goal was to work with academics so there was an effective educational

pathway for kids with building games as their dreams. It was in that role that

Randy and Steve became colleagues and friends. Before Electronic Arts, Steve

was the worldwide Ad Director for Time Magazine and CEO of Sunset Publishing,

which is a very favorite magazine in the Southwest, and as CEO there, one of

the things he started was school tours, because like Randy he shares a passion

for inspiring kids of all ages to share their excitement for science and

要介绍兰迪.波许教授, 我们旅途演讲的第一位主讲人,我希望先介绍兰迪的朋友和同事, 史蒂夫.西伯特。史蒂夫在艺电公司六年,是负责该公司'模拟人生'游戏全球品牌发展的副总裁。你们都知道, “模拟人生”起码来说,是世界上最成功的个人计算机游戏之一, 销售了接近十万套 。在那之前, 史蒂夫是艺电公司的战略行销和教育副总裁, 与学术界沟通。他的目标是同学术界一起为梦想创造计算机游戏的孩子们找到一条有效的教育途径。因此,兰迪和史蒂夫成为了同事和朋友。在加入艺电公司之前, 史蒂夫是时代杂志世界广告部的主任和'日落出版',一本在西南地区非常受喜爱的杂志,的总经理。在任总经理期间, 他开始做的一件事是参观学校, 因为他和兰迪一样都热望让所有上进孩子们能分享他们对科技的热情。 
So to introduce Randy, his friend Steve Seabolt. Steve?
那, 由兰迪朋友史蒂夫.西伯特来作介绍 。史蒂夫? 
Steve Seabolt, Vice President of Worldwide Publishing and Marketing for 

Electonic Arts (EA): 
史蒂夫.西伯特 ,艺电公司世界出版行销副总裁 
Thank you very much. I don’t mean to sound ungracious by correcting you, but

given that our PR people are probably watching this on webcast, I’d catch 

heckif I went home and didn’t say that it was 100 million units for The Sims.

[laughter] Not that big numbers matter to Electronic Arts. [laughter] 
I don’t see any empty seats anywhere, which is a good thing, which means I

just won a bet from Randy as a matter of fact. Depending upon who’s version 

of thestory you hear, he either owes me 20 dollars or his new Volkswagen. 

[laughter]So, I’ll take the car.
谢谢。我不想显得很粗鲁地纠正您, 但是我们公关人员可能正在看网络直播, 如果我没有说'模拟人生'销售额是一亿套, 那我回去后要吃不了兜着走[ 笑声]. 当然艺电公司并不在意大数字[ 笑声] 我看不到任何空座位, 这很好, 这就意味着我和兰迪打赌赢了。根据你听谁说了, 他要么欠我20美元,要么欠我他的新大众汽车[笑声] 好吧, 我要汽车。 
It’s a pleasure to be here, thank you very much. I’m going to start by 

covering Randy’s academic credentials. It’s a little bizarre for me to be 

standing hereat Carnegie Mellon, which is a school I couldn’t get into no 

matter how much Icontributed to this institution. [laughter] But, no really, 

I’m not kidding!You all think, oh gosh he’s humble. Really, no, I’m not 

humble at all. Veryaverage SAT scores, you know, right in the middle of my 

high school class of900. Anyway, Randy. Randy earned – it really pisses me 

off that Randy’s sosmart—actually I called him, we decided about, what, 

four weeks, ago and weheard the news went from bad to horrific. It was on 

a Wednesday night and Isaid look – we have two choices. We can play this

 really straight and veryemotional , or we can go to dark humor. And for 

those of you who know Randywell, he was like oh, dark humor! So I called him 

the next day and I was like,dude you can’t die. And he’s like, what do you

 mean? And I said, well, when youdie, the average of IQ of Seabolt’s friends 

is going to like drop 50 points.[laughter] To which he responded, we need to

 find you some smarter friends.[laughter] So you’re all smart because 

you’re here, so if you want to be myfriend, I’ll be over in a corner of the 

reception room.
很高兴能来到这里, 非常感谢。我将从兰迪的学术履历说起。我站在这里其实是有点怪异, 因为无论我为这个学校资助了多少钱,卡内基梅隆是个我上不了的大学[ 笑声] 但, 没有, 我不开玩笑! 你们想, 哎呀,他真谦逊。不是的, 没有, 我根本不是谦逊。非常一般的学测考试(SAT)成绩, 就是说, 在我的高中那一届 900人的正中间。好, 兰迪。兰迪得到了- 兰迪太聪明了,这真让我懊恼-实际上大约,嗯,四周前, 我们了解到消息从坏变可怕,我打电话给他。那是个星期三晚上, 我对他说, 你看-我们有二个选择。我们可以把这个搞的非常直接和非常情绪化, 或者我们能来黑色幽默。对你们那些了解兰迪的人, 他就,呵, 黑色幽默! 我第二天打电话给他,说, 活计, 你不能死。他说,什么意思? 我说, 你死了, 西伯特的朋友的平均智商就要下坠 50点.[笑声] 他的反应是, 我们需要给你找一些更聪明的朋友

[ 笑声] 因为你们能在这里,你们都很聪明; 如果你们想要做我的朋友, (演讲结束后)我会呆在招待厅的角落里。 
Randy earned his undergraduate degree in Computer Science at Brown in 1982. 

HisPh.D. in CS from Carnegie Mellon in 1988 and taught at the University of 

Virginiawhere he was granted tenure a year early. He joined the Carnegie 

Mellon faculty in 1997 with appointments in the CS, HCI and Design departments. He hasauthored or co-authored five books and over 60 reviewed journal and 

conferenceproceeding articles, none of which I would understand. With Don 

Marinelli, hefounded the Entertainment Technology Center,which quickly became 

the gold standard organization for training artists andengineers to work 

together. It is my view and the view of our company,Electronic Arts, that 

the ETC is the interactive program by which all others inthe world are judged. 
兰迪于 1982年在布朗大学获得计算机学本科学位。1988年在卡内基梅隆大学获得博士学位. 然后他执教于弗吉尼亚大学并提前一年拿到终身教职。1997年他到卡内基梅隆大学任职于计算机科学系、人机界面和设计系。他单独或与人合作著有五本专著和超过 60篇经专家评阅的期刊和会刊文章, 我对那些是一窍不通。与唐.麦瑞乃里一起, 他创立了娱乐技术中心,迅速成为训练艺术家和工程师共同工作的样板机构。本人和所在的艺电公司都认为, 娱技中心是裁判世界上其它交互项目的标准。 
I met Randy in the Spring of 2004, and when I look back it’s sort of hard to

imagine it’s only been three years given the depth of our friendship. The ETC

already had a very strong relationship with EA and with Randy. And Randy as 

healways does, for those of you who know him well, wanted to learn more, with 

hisown eyes, about how the games business works, and how games really got made. Sohe spent a summer in residence at EA, and I was his primary contact point.

 Wewere in my view the odd couple. Randy the brilliant, charming, Carnegie

educated CS professor. And me who went to the University of Iowaon a wing and

 a prayer. We spent a lot of time together that semester and forthose of you 

who know Randy well, that’s a lot of turkey sandwiches on whitebread with 

mayo. [laughter, clapping] My kids tease me about being “white.”There’s 

nobody more “white” than Randy. [laughter] We spent an enormous amountof 

time together. We taught each other about each other’s very interesting,

strange cultures to the other. Academic versus the corporate world. And we

developed a deep friendship woven together with stories about our kids, our

wives, our parents, as well as deep discussions about the paramount of

integrity in everything you do, family first, religion, our shared joy 

inconnecting people and ideas, and deploying money and influence to do good.

 Andthe importance of having a lot of laughs along the way.
我在2004 年的春天遇见兰迪, 回首往事, 很难想象在短短三年之间,我们能有如此深厚的友谊。那时, 艺电公司已与娱技中心和兰迪建立了非常牢固的合作关系。兰迪,了解他的人都知道, 他一贯喜欢亲身调研,了解游戏行业的运作, 游戏是如何被推出的。所以他在艺电公司蹲点住了一个夏天, 而我是他的主要联系人。在我看来,我们是古怪的一对。兰迪聪慧,迷人, 卡内基毕业的计算机学教授。我是侥幸上了衣阿华大学。我们那学期一起度过了很多时光.了解他的人知道,那意味着很多白面包加蛋黄酱的火鸡肉三明治. [笑声,鼓掌] 我的孩子取笑我'白'。 没人比兰迪更'白'了 [ 笑声]. 我们一起共处了很多时间。我们相互教对方各自的有趣的,奇怪的文化, 学界对商界。我们建立了深厚的的友谊,它交织着我们的孩子,妻子, 父母的故事,关于做任何事都以诚信为纲,家庭第一, 宗教信仰的深刻讨论、还有我们让人才和思想能各得其所,运用金钱和影响力去做好事的共同喜悦。以及在这过程中有很多欢笑的重要性。 
Randy’s dedication to making the world a better place is self evident to 

anyone who has crossed paths with him. Whether it’s directly influencing

 students,creating organizations like the ETC, building tools like Alice or 

doing what heprobably does best, which is bridging cultures. As Ben Gordon, 

EA’s ChiefCreative Officer, says of Randy, even more important than Randy’s 

academic,philanthropic, and entrepreneurial accomplishments has been his 

humanity andthe enthusiasm he brings to students, coworkers on a daily basis.
不管是直接地影响学生, 创建象娱技中心那样的机构, 发明象爱丽斯那样的工具或做他最拿手的,链接文化, 对任何有缘遇见兰迪的人来说,他对建立一个更好世界的奉献是不言而喻的。如本.高登, 艺电公司的首席创意官, 所说, 比兰迪的学术, 慈善, 和创业成就跟重要的是他的博爱和每天给学生和同事带来的热忱。 
For those of you who know Randy, Randy brings a particular zest for life and

humor, even while facing death. To Randy, this is simply another adventure. 

It is my great honor to introduce Dylan, Logan and Chloe’s dad, Jai’s 

husband, andmy very dear friend, Dr. Randy Pausch. [applause] 
对于那些了解兰迪的人,他带来对生命的别样热情和幽默,即使是面对死亡。对兰迪来说,这只是另一种探险。我极为荣幸地介绍迪伦、娄更和克娄依的爸爸,洁的丈夫,我至爱的朋友,兰迪.波许博士。 [掌声] 
Randy Pausch: 兰迪.波许: 
Make me earn it. [laughter] 
讲的好再鼓掌 [笑声] 
It’s wonderful to be here. What Indira didn’t tell you is that this lecture

series used to be called the Last Lecture. If you had one last lecture to give

before you died, what would it be? I thought, damn, I finally nailed the venue

and they renamed it. [laughter] 
能在这里真太棒了。英迪拉没告诉你们的是,这个系列讲座以前被称为“最后的讲演”。意思是如果你死前最后做一次演讲,你会讲什么?我想,得,这我可对上号了,但他们又改名了(旅程系列讲演)。 [笑声] 
So, you know, in case there’s anybody who wandered in and doesn’t know the 

backstory, my dad always taught me that when there’s an elephant in the room,

introduce them. If you look at my CAT scans, there are approximately 10 tumors

in my liver, and the doctors told me 3-6 months of good health left. That was

 amonth ago, so you can do the math. I have some of the best doctors in the

world. Microphone’s not working? Then I’ll just have to talk louder. 

[Adjustsmic] Is that good? All right.
所以,如果有人只是随便进来而不知道背景故事的话,我父亲总是教导我说,当房间里有大象时,先介绍清楚 (房间里的大象这个英语成语是指有一件事大家不可能视而不见,但又不愿谈及,译者注)。如果你看看我的电脑断层扫描,我的肝脏大约有 10个肿瘤,医生告诉我还有 3-6个月的健康身体。这是一个月前,所以你可以算一算。我有一些世界上最好的医生。麦克风不响?那就得说话大声点。 [调整麦克风]好了吗?行。 
So that is what it is. We can’t change it, and we just have to decide how 

we’re going to respond to that. We cannot change the cards we are dealt, 

just how weplay the hand. If I don’t seem as depressed or morose as I should 

be, sorry todisappoint you. [laughter] And I assure you I am not in denial. 

It’s not likeI’m not aware of what’s going on. My family, my three kids, 

my wife, we justdecamped. We bought a lovely house in Chesapeake,Virginia, 

near Norfolk, and we’re doing that because that’sa better place for the 

family to be, down the road. And the other thing is I amin phenomenally 

good health right now. I mean it’s the greatest thing ofcognitive dissonance 

you will ever see is the fact that I am in really goodshape. In fact, I am in 

better shape than most of you. [Randy gets on theground and starts doing 

pushups] [Applause] So anybody who wants to cry or pityme can down and do 

a few of those, and then you may pity me. [laughter] 
情况就是这样。我们无法改变它,我们只需要决定如何回应。我们不能改变我们手里的牌,但能调整如何出牌。如果我看起来不够忧郁郁闷,抱歉让你们失望了。 [笑]我向你们保证,我不是否认现实。不是我不知道正在发生的事。我的家人,我的三个孩子,我的太太,我们刚刚撤营。我们在切萨皮克,弗吉尼亚州诺福克附近,买了一个可爱的房子。我们这么做是为我们家的未来打算,那里较好。另一件事是我现在身体惊人的健康。我的意思是这将是你所见到的最大的认知失调,我的体力非常好。事实上,我比你们大部分人的体力都好。 [兰迪趴下开始做俯卧撑 ] [掌声]所以有人想要哭或可怜我,可以下来先做几个这个,然后你们可以可怜我。 [笑声] 
All right, so what we’re not talking about today, we are not talking about

cancer, because I spent a lot of time talking about that and I’m really not

interested. If you have any herbal supplements or remedies, please stay away

from me. [laughter] And we’re not going to talk about things that are even

 moreimportant than achieving your childhood dreams. We’re not going to talk

 aboutmy wife, we’re not talking about my kids. Because I’m good, but I’m 

not goodenough to talk about that without tearing up. So, we’re just going 

to take thatoff the table. That’s much more important. And we’re not going

 to talk aboutspirituality and religion, although I will tell you that I have

 achieved adeathbed conversion. I just bought a Macintosh. [laughter and

 clapping] Now Iknew I’d get 9% of the audience with that, but. All right,

 so what is today’stalk about then? It’s about my childhood dreams and how

 I have achieved them.I’ve been very fortunate that way. How I believe 

I’ve been able to enable thedreams of others, and to some degree, lessons 

learned. I’m a professor, thereshould be some lessons learned and how you 

can use the stuff you here today toachieve your dreams or enable the dreams 

of others. And as you get older, youmay find that enabling the dreams of 

others thing is even more fun.
好,那么今天我们不谈什么呢,我们不谈癌症,因为我已花了很多时间谈它,我真的没兴趣了。如果您有任何辅助草药或疗法,请别过来。 [笑声]我们也不会谈比实现童年梦想更重要的事。我们不谈我的妻子,我们不谈我的孩子。因为我心情不错,但我没好到谈起他们而不落泪。所以,这是更重要我们只好不提。我们不谈精神与宗教,但我要告诉你们,我已做了一个临终转变。我刚刚买了台苹果电脑。 [笑声及掌声]我知道我这样做可得到 9%的听众的支持。但今天到底谈什么呢?谈我童年的梦想和我如何实现他们。我在这方面一直很幸运。谈为什么我相信我能够助人梦想成真,也讲一些经验教训。我是一个教授,应该有一些经验教训,以及如何你可以用你今天听到的东西去实现你的梦想,或者助人实现梦想。当你年长些,你可能会发现,助人梦想成真会更有乐趣。 
So what were my childhood dreams? Well, you know, I had a really goodchildhood. I mean, no kidding around. I was going back through the family archives, and 

what was really amazing was, I couldn’t find any pictures of meas a kid 

where I wasn’t smiling. And that was just a very gratifying thingThere was 

our dog, right? Aww, thank you. And there I actually have a pictureof me 

dreaming. And did a lot of that. You know, there’s a lot of wake up’s! 

was born in 1960. When you are 8 or 9 years old and you look at the TV set,

 menare landing on the moon. Anything’s possible, and that’s something we 

shouldnot lose sight of, is that the inspiration and the permission to dream 

is huge.

那么什么是我童年的梦想?你知道,我有一个非常好的童年。我的意思是,不开玩笑,我回去看家里的文档,令人惊奇的是竟找不到任何一张我小时候不笑的照片。这可是一件非常可喜的事。这是我们家的狗,对不对?噢,谢谢。这有一张我做梦的照片。我做了很多的梦。当然,也有很多梦醒时分!我出生在 1960年。在 8、9岁时,电视上正播放人类登月。任何事情都可能发生,我们不要忽略灵感和允许梦想的巨大力量。 

So what were mychildhood dreams? You may not agree with this list, but I was 

there. [laughter]Being in zero gravity, playing in the National Football 

League, authoring anarticle in the World Book Encyclopedia – I guess you 

can tell the nerds early.[laughter] Being Captain Kirk, anybody here have 

that childhood dream? Not atCMU, no. I wanted to become one of the guys who

 won the big stuffed animals inthe amusement park, and I wanted to be an 

Imagineer with Disney. These are notsorted in any particular order, 

although I think they do get harder, except formaybe the first one.
那么,我的童年梦想?你可能不同意这个列表,但那曾是我的梦想。 [笑]体验零重力,参加全美橄榄球联盟,给世界图书百科全书出一篇文章 -我猜你可以看出我很早就是书呆子了。 [笑]当柯克船长,在这里有谁有这个童年梦想吗?不会在卡耐基 -梅隆大学,没有。我想我能成为一个在游乐园赢得大毛绒玩具动物的人,我也想成为一个迪士尼幻想工程师。这个单子并不按任何特定顺序排练,但我觉得他们越来越困难,可能除了第一项以外。 
OK, so being in zero gravity. Now it’s important to have specific dreams. 

I didnot dream of being an astronaut, because when I was a little kid, 

I woreglasses and they told me oh, astronauts can’t have glasses. 

And I was like,mmm, I didn’t really want the whole astronaut gig, 

I just wanted the floating.So, and as a child [laughter], prototype 0.0. 

[slide shown of Randy as a childlying in floating-formation on a table top]
好,体验零重力。有具体的梦想很重要。我没有梦想成为一个航天员,因为我从小就戴眼镜。他们告诉我,哦,宇航员不能戴眼镜。我想,嗯,我并不真的当宇航员,我只是想自由飘浮。因此,作为一个孩子 [笑] ,原型 0.0。[幻灯片显示小兰迪躺在台面上作漂浮状 ] 
But that didn’t work so well, and it turns out that NASA has something 

called the Vomit Comet that they used to train the astronauts. And this thing 

doesparabolic arcs, and at the top of each arc you get about 25 seconds where

you’re ballistic and you get about, a rough equivalent of weightlessness for

about 25 seconds. And there is a program where college students can submit

 proposalsand if they win the competition, they get to fly. And I thought 

that was reallycool, and we had a team and we put a team together and they 

won and they got tofly. And I was all excited because I was going to go 

with them.
但那并不怎么管用。我们知道美国航天局有一种用来训练宇航员的飞机叫做“呕吐彗星”。它以抛弧线飞行,在每个弧顶后有大约 25秒的时间是如弹道俯冲,大致相当于失重 25秒。航天局有一个项目让大学生可以比赛提出研究建议,如果他们赢了,他们就能上去飞。我觉得那很酷,我们有一个团队,我们把它组织好我。他们赢了竞赛,获准去飞。我好兴奋,因为我要跟他们一起去。 
And then I hit the first brick wall, because they made it very clear that

 underno circumstances were faculty members allowed to fly with the teams. 

I know, Iwas heartbroken. I was like, I worked so hard! And so I read the 

literaturevery carefully and it turns out that NASA, it’s part of their 

outreach andpublicity program, and it turns out that the students were 

allowed to bring alocal media journalist from their home town.

 [laughter] And, Randy Pausch, webjournalist. It’s really easy to get 

a press pass! [laughter] 
然后,我碰上了第一道砖墙,因为航天局明文规定教员不能跟学生团队一起飞。我可是伤心透顶。我想,我投入了那么多心血!所以,我仔细读了文件,原来航天局有一个推广宣传项目,允许学生从他们家乡带一名当地媒体的记者。 [笑] ,兰迪 .波许,网站记者。得到新闻通行证可真容易! [笑] 
So I called up the guysat NASA and I said, I need to know where to fax some 

documents. And they said,what documents are you going to fax us? And I said

 my resignation as thefaculty advisor and my application as the journalist.

 And he said, that’s alittle transparent, don’t you think? And I said,

 yeah, but our project isvirtual reality, and we’re going to bring down

 a whole bunch of VR headsets andall the students from all the teams are

 going to experience it and all thoseother real journalists are going to 

get to film it.
Jim Foley’s going oh you bastard, yes. And the guy said, here’s the fax 

number.So, and indeed, we kept our end of the bargain, and that’s one of 

the themesthat you’ll hear later on in the talk, is have something to bring 

to the table,right, because that will make you more welcome. And if you’re

 curious aboutwhat zero gravity looks like, hopefully the sound will be 

working here. 

[slideshows videotape from Randy’s zero gravity experience] There I am.

 [laughter]You do pay the piper at the bottom. [laugher] 

So, childhood dream number one,check.
吉姆.佛勒在说,你这个混球。接电话的人说,这是传真号码。而事实上我们也实践了我们的诺言,这是你们等会儿会在讲座中听到的主题之一,就是手上要有货,这样你你就会更受欢迎。如果你好奇零重力是什么样子,希望声响没有问题。 [幻灯片,录影带,兰迪的零重力体验] 这是我。 [笑] 你最后还是要在底部承担后果。[众笑] ,所以,童年的一号梦想,画钩。 

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The Last Lecture
视频: 兰迪 波许教授的最后一课 Randy Pausch
Really Achieving Your Childhood Dreams(童年的梦想,一生的追求)
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