




(1) catch fire(=to start burning)<着火>


(2) catch one’s breath<缓口气,歇口气>


(3) That car caught his eyes/attention.<引起注意>


(4) The police caught him stealing a car.(=to discover suddenly and by surprise especially when someone is doing something bad)<撞见,突然发现>


(5) That style has never caught on in China.(=become popular)<流行>


(6) He was caught in the rain.(=be stuck)<被困扰>


Her skirt got caught in the door.(=be hooked)<被钩住>


(7) I suddenly caught sight of him in the crowd.<看见>





(1) She made it clear that she would support Australia.<弄清楚,查明白,明确>


(2) After the storm the sky cleared.<晴朗起来>


(3) The waitress will clear away these dishes in a moment.<收走>


(4) How can we clear away,these doubts?<消除,清除>


(5) The weather has cleared up;we can go out.<晴朗起来,开朗起来>


(6) You'll have to clear up the things on the table before we have tea.<整理,收拾>




(1) I don't care what they say. I shall go on just the same.<在乎,在意>


(2) If you care to hear it,I will tell it to you.<愿意>


(3) Albert Einstein cared little for money. He was seen using a cheque for$1500 as a bookmark.<喜欢>


Would you care for a cup of coffee?(=Would you like...?)<(礼貌用语)你喜欢 ……吗?="">


(4) He cared about money.<喜欢>


(5) The mother cared for the sick child day and night<照顾,照料>


(6) The professor said that he was interested only in research:he didn't care about his students.<关心>


(7) In this way we could give them timely medical care.<医疗护理>





(1) cut off<切断;切下来>


(2) cut out<戒掉,不吃,剪出>


(3) cut in<插嘴>


(4) cut up<切碎>


(5) a short cut<捷径>


(6) They want to cut down a large forest in this area.<砍倒>


(7) George is trying to cut his weight down.<消减,减少>


(8) The army was called in to cut through the fallen trees on the road.







(1) Car production rose by 25%,compared to/with the first 3 months of this year.




(2) We know it was a small place,comparing to what it is now.<和……相比>


Compare this with that,and you will see which is better.<把……和……相比>


(3) Shakespeare compared the world to a stage.<把……比作……>





(1) He had learned enough German to carry on a conversation.<进行>


(2) One person should carry on where the other had left off.<进行下去>


(3) I was chosen to carry out our experiment.<执行,开展>


(4) He did not carry out his promise to us.<履行>


(5) After destroying the village,the enemy carried off all the cattle<抢走>


(6) The work is tough,but it is the person to carry it through.(=to complete sth. successfully)<顺利完成,顺利实现>






(1) I'd rather deal with a man than a woman. Women are sharp.<和……打交道>


(2) I'm used to dealing with matters of this sort.<处理>


(3) This book deals with questions on politics.<论述,谈>


(4) What shop do you deal with?<和……做买卖>




(1) I will call for you at five o'clock.<来找某人>


(2) We called for the packages at the post office.<来取某物>


(3) I formed the habit of calling in on him in the evenings.<顺便拜访>


(4) Your father is ill,you should call in a doctor at once.<找来,请来>


(5) People don't like being called names.<骂人>


(6) They've called off the game because of the thick fog.<取消>


(7) He called upon me to speak immediately after him<请 (某人做某事)="">


(8) I called on the people of this country to work hard for national unity.<号召>


(9) A notice displayed in the shop window called attention to the recent increase in prices.<引起……的注意>


(10) The army was called in to cut through fallen trees and to help clear the roads and paths.<召集>


(11)The trouble calls for quick action by the government.<要求>


(12) call in at some place/call in on sb. /call back/call up/give sb. a call/make a call(a long—distance call)





(1) They covered 12 miles yesterday.<走完(一段路程)>


(2) How many pages have you covered?<看完(多少页书)>


(3) The city covered ten square miles.<占据(多大面积)>


(4) The professor's talk covered the subject.<谈到,涉及>


(5) The mountain was covered with snow all the year round.<覆盖着……>


(6) The best reporters were sent to cover the 27th Olympic Games.<报道,采访>





(1) He brought about a quarrel between his parents.<引起,造成>


(2) She made every effort to bring about a peaceful solution to the problem.<实现>


(3) Electricity lines as well as telephone poles were brought down by falling trees or branches.<使倒下>


(4) bring down prices<降低价格>


(5) The sale brought in over$200.<赚得>


(6) Dirt often brings on disease.<引起>


(7) Can you make a sentence to bring out the meaning of the phrase.<讲解清楚>


(8) Joe was born in Texas but brought up in Oklahoma.<抚养>


(9) He was so ill that he brought up everything.<呕吐>


(10) This brought me into touch with various kinds of workers.<(和各种名词连用)进入某种状态>


(11) Please bring forward the matter at the next meeting.<提出>


(12)They have brought the meeting forward to next Monday.<把……提前,提早>


(13)The fine weather is bringing the crops on nicely.<使成长更快,使提高>





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