

中国专利许可的注意事项 | 每日IP英文第445期
1. 仅仅约定许可的类型是不足够的,因为翻译的问题,各国对独占许可、排他许可和普通许可的理解不同,所以还需要给出许可类型的定义;
2. 协议中约定不质疑条款需要慎重,可能会被认定为无效条款,甚至引发垄断纠纷;
3. 协议中无条件地约定所有的改进都归许可人,可能被认定为属于垄断技术而无效;
4. 许可协议在国知局备案可以对抗第三人;
5. 约定许可解除或终止的条件。

Licensing considerations for global companies in China

26 January 2022 | IAM
In China, as in other jurisdictions, there have been many cases of foreign companies filing patent infringement claims against third parties, which lead to a so-called 'patent battle’. A common strategy to deal with patent infringement claims is to negotiate to obtain a patent licence. However, there are particular issues other than the common issues one may experience in other jurisdictions, this article raises some red flag issues for global companies signing licensing agreements in China.

Type of patent licence

A patent licensing agreement should be formalised in written form. According to the degree of restriction on the licensee from high to low, the agreement can be divided into three categories, namely: exclusive licence, sole licence and general licence (独占许可、排他许可and普通许可 in Chinese). The three types of licences have different legal effects, making it crucial that each is used correctly. This is especially the case when a licence is drafted in multiple languages. Quite often, parties mix up sole and exclusive licences. It is thus important to define the nature of the licence, rather than merely naming it as either a sole or exclusive licence, because translation issues or different governing laws may lead to different interpretations.
An exclusive licence enables the patentee to license its invention to the licensee only for a specific period of time, and binds the licensor not to share the patent with anyone else. Even the patentee itself is not allowed to exploit the patent. A sole licence allows the patentee to license the patent to the licensee only, but the patentee itself is permitted to exploit the patent. A general or non-exclusive licence does not restrict the patentee to further exploit or license the patent to other parties.
In terms of the legal standing required to assert the patent before a Chinese court for a patent infringement case, in practice
  • an exclusive licensee could unilaterally file a patent infringement lawsuit asserting the licensed patent;
  • a sole licensee could file a patent infringement unilaterally under the circumstances that the patentee does not file the patent infringement lawsuit in relation to the licensed patent or assert the patent jointly with the patentee; and
  • a general licensee needs to obtain specific authorisation from the patentee to assert the licensed patent, to file a patent infringement lawsuit.

Undertakings in the patent licence agreement

To further protect the patentee’s interests, some patentees may incorporate a no-challenge clause into the patent licence agreement to ensure that the licensee undertakes not to file an invalidation against the subject patent(s). However, there is a risk that the relevant clauses may be regarded as invalid under Chinese law, because they obstruct technological improvements or create a monopoly on technology.

Entitlement to improvements

The Civil Code of People's Republic of China specifies that a technology agreement that illegally monopolises technology or infringes another’s technological achievement is invalid. Therefore, a clause in a licensing agreement stipulating that all the improvements shall unconditionally be owned by the patentee/licensor without fair consideration may be deemed invalid. On the other hand, if the entitlement clause is not sufficiently specific or detailed, the general wording (eg, the improvement belongs to the party who makes a substantial contribution) is not helpful in an actual entitlement dispute in the future.

Filing licence agreements at the China National Intellectual Property Office (CNIPA)

Although filing the relevant licence agreement shall not affect its effectiveness, it will be useful for the licensee when it comes to enforcing its rights against third parties infringing the relevant patent. CNIPA’s endorsement would also enhance the role of the patentee/licensor.

Exiting licence agreements

One of the more common disputes between licensors and licensees is the early exit from the terms of a licence agreement. Careful thought must be given to the termination clause of a licence agreement – especially from the licensor’s perspective – so that the licensor’s patent will not be trapped in a deal that it has no way of getting out of. A reasonable long fixed term, with flexibility in terminating the agreement when it can, is recommended.  
All in all, in China – as elsewhere – Iicensing is a recommended route to preventing patent infringement and can be beneficial for both the licensor and licensee. The terms and conditions of the patent licensing agreement should be carefully drafted and reviewed by the legal professionals in all relevant jurisdictions to better protect the party’s rights and interests and avoid potential litigation. For additional insights, see “Crucial Clauses in Global IP Transactions and the Importance of Local Law Advice”.



26 January 2022 | IAM
  • 独占被许可人可以单方面提起专利侵权诉讼,主张专利被许可;

  • 在专利权人不就被许可专利提起专利侵权诉讼或者与专利权人共同主张专利的情况下,排他被许可人可以单方面提起专利侵权诉讼;和

  • 普通被许可人需要获得专利权人的特定授权才能主张被许可的专利,才能提起专利侵权诉讼。

向中国国家知识产权局 (CNIPA) 提交许可协议
尽管提交相关许可协议不影响其效力,但对于被许可人在针对侵犯相关专利的第三方行使权利时将是有用的。CNIPA 的认可也将增强专利权人/许可人的作用。

Each article is copyrighted to their original authors. The news is for informational purposes only and does not provide legal advice.



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