


2023.05.05 陕西



Gautam Shah 介绍了诸多新兴技术,让身处元宇宙时代的我们得以更接近自然,并探讨了我们建立的联系对地球的未来有何意义。

Can the Metaverse Bring Us 

Closer to Wildlife?

I'm a total wildlife nerd. But I’m also a career technologist, and it took me 20 years to figure out how to combine the two towards wildlife conservation. But I think I finally got it. Technology has come so far in that time in generating data about our planet and its other non-human inhabitants. For example, there's a satellite in space that's dedicated to tracking the movements of hundreds of species. We can pluck DNA samples from rivers, soil and dung to identify individual animals. And whales and seals are swimming around right now with sensors on, collecting ocean data for us.

我是个真正的野生动物迷。但我同时也是一名职业技术专家,我花了 20 年想搞清如何将二者结合用于野生动物保护。我觉得我终于找到答案了。这段时间,在生成地球及其非人类居民的数据方面,科技发展迅猛。比如,太空中有一颗卫星,专用于追踪几百个物种的动态。我们可以从河流、土壤和粪便中提取 DNA 样本来识别每一种动物。鲸鱼和海豹正带着传感器四处游动,为我们收集海洋数据。

Now, this data is incredibly valuable to the science of protecting the planet. But I think it could be even more valuable. What if we use that data to give wild animals a unique digital identity that's recognizable by humans? Now why would we do this? Well, most of us have a digital identity that we use to communicate and socialize with each other. But Albert in St. Louis, for example, has no way to create a connection with an orangutan in Borneo. How can we expect him to empathize with its protection? If we want to preserve all life on Earth, we need to create relationships with all life on Earth.


And relationships are built upon recognizing someone's unique identity. So maybe giving one to that orangutan could create a bond with Albert that helps them both in the real world. Now, this is not as far-fetched as it seems. The technology and the data exist to do it. But it's not enough to just create the identities. They need a place to come alive and be found by humans. Somewhere that creates an immersive and active way to stay engaged. Well, if current predictions come true, most of our socializing, work and play will shift to games, virtual spaces and yes, the metaverse.


And that's where stories will be told and relationships built. So for every human avatar that is interacting or consuming in these spaces, let’s have the same for Mweituria the elephant, Ataia the Jaguar, Fio the orangutan and hundreds of thousands more. And the events of their lives, as supported by the data, can be recreated digitally. That might be the health of Fio, the migration of Mweituria, a newborn cub to Ataia.


And these events, and others, create the moments for people to feel the space to feel emotionally bonded. Not because they all of a sudden want to, but because they now have access that they never did before. Some will use that space to connect directly with orangutan researchers in Borneo. Others will identify new patterns in elephant movements. Some will learn about deforestation by actually witnessing it. And we’ll monetize this soon-to-be-trillion-dollar sector to help finance further science and habitat protection. Which means that virtual worlds can directly benefit the real world as opposed to being detached from it.


And we've been experimenting with this using the real data of animals like Fio and others. And we found that while our vision is still many years away from being realized, the platforms to make it happen already exist. Microsoft's Flight Simulator, it includes two trillion of the world's trees. It could include all the world's wildlife. Adidas recently included five GPS-tracked animals as athletes in its fitness app for its users to compete against. It could include thousands more.

我们一直在用菲奥等各种动物的真实数据进行尝试。我们发现,虽然我们的畅想还需要很多年才能实现,但是实现这个畅想的平台已经出现了。系列游戏《微软模拟飞行》目前涵盖世界上两万亿棵树。它也可以涵盖世界上所有的野生动物。阿迪达斯最近在其健身应用程序中加入了5个由 GPS 追踪的动物作为运动选手,用户可与其比拼。它还可以再加入几千种。

And Fortnite recently held a virtual concert with Travis Scott. They transported over 27 million of their users to a fictional world to witness that concert. Let's hold the next one in the Amazon rainforest. Imagine if Ataia the Jaguar walks by during the show. Now, I'll admit I have fears that some of what I'm advocating could create a greater divide between people and the natural world. If I could, I'd just pick everybody up, I’d plop them in Borneo, and I’d have them spend an hour with Fio instead. But Fio's natural world is literally dying in front of our eyes.


We need a seismic shift in how we create relationships with other species. Otherwise, yeah, the next 100 years of wildlife conservation will continue to be an uphill, losing battle. It's only a matter of time before some version of the metaverse changes the way we spend our time and engage with each other. And however you may feel about that, we have to make sure that Mweituria, Ataia, Fio and millions more animals are included, play a role and benefit. And not get left behind.


Thank you.


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