

★ 刚和仇人吵完架,他就掉到了水里 |《美国语文》常青藤版

埃德温·埃尔德曼 主编
标题 | 升华
作者 | 玛丽·洛丽兹·默弗里

For a mountain-boy, Andy was a poor shot and, therefore, the scoff of Persimmon Ridge. 

“I’ve seen many a girl who could shoot as well as you, ——better,” continued Jack jeeringly. “But la! I needn’t go down there into the hollow expecting to get a deer to-day. They are all off in the woods a-smelling the powder that you have been wasting.” 

Andy was pleased to change the subject. “It seems to me that the water is scuttling along tolerably fast,” he said, turning to the little window through which the stream could be seen. 

It was running fast, and with a tremendous force. Logs and branches shot by, half hidden in foam. The old mill, whose wooden supports were now completely under water, trembled and throbbed with the rushing stream. As Jack looked toward the window, his cheek paled, and he sprang to the door with a frightened exclamation. 

Too late! The immense bole of a fallen tree, shooting down the channel with force and velocity, struck the tottering supports of the crazy, rotting building. 

It careened, and quivered in every fibre. There was a crash of falling timbers, then a mighty wrench, and two boys, clinging to the window-frame, were driving with the wreck down the river. 

The old mill thundered against the submerged rocks, and at every concussion the timbers fell. It whirled around and around in eddying pools. Where the water was clear, and smooth, and deep, it shot along with great rapidity. 

The clinging boys looked down upon the black current, with its sharp, treacherous, half-seen rocks and ponderous driftwood. The wild idea of plunging into the tumult and trying to swim to the bank faded as they looked. Here in the crazy building there might be a chance. In that frightful swirl there lurked only a grim certainty. 

The boys were caged, as it were. The door-way was filled with the heavy debris, and the only possibility of escape was through that little window. It was so small that only one could pass through at a time, —— only one could be saved. 

Jack had seen the chance from far up the stream. There was a stretch of smooth water close to the bank, on which was a low-hanging beech-tree, ——he might catch the branches. 

They were approaching the spot with great rapidity. Only one could go. He himself had discovered the opportunity, ——it was his own. 

Life was sweet, ——so sweet! He could not give it up; he could not now take thought for his friend. He could only hope with a frenzied eagerness that Andy had not seen the possibility of deliverance. 

In another moment Andy lifted himself into the window. A whirlpool caught the wreck, and there it eddied in dizzying circles. It was not yet too late. Jack could tear the smaller, weaker boy away with on strong hand, and take the only chance of escape. 

The shattered mill was dashing through the smoother waters now; the great beech-tree was hanging over their heads; an inexplicable, overpowering impulse mastered in an instant Jack’s temptation. 

“Catch the branched, Andy!” he cried wildly. 

His friend was gone, and he was whirling off alone on those cruel, frantic waters. In the midst of the torrent he was going down, and down, and down the mountain. Now and then he had a fleeting glimpse of the distant ranges. 

The familiar sight, the recollection of his home, brought sudden tears to his eyes. On, on, in this mad rush he went down to the bitterness of death. 

Even with this terrible fact before him, he did not reproach himself with his costly generosity. It was strange to him that he did not regret it; perhaps, like that mountain in its sunset glory, he had suddenly taken up life on a higher level. 

The sunset splendor was fading. The whole landscape seemed full of reeling black shadows, ——and yet it was not night. The roar of the torrent was growing faint upon his ear, and yet its speed was not checked. Soon all was dark and all was still, and the world slipped from his grasp. 

“They tell me that Jack Dunn was nearly drown when the men fished him out of the pond at the sawmill down in the valley,” said Andy Bailey, recounting the incident to the fireside circle at his own home. “They saw the rotten old timbers come floating into the pond, and then they saw something like a person hanging to them. 

“The water was smooth, there, so they had no trouble in swimming out to him. They couldn’t bring him to, though, at first. They said in a little more he would have been gone. Now “pridefully” if he had had the grit to catch a tree and pull out, as I did, he wouldn’t have been in such a danger.” 

Andy never knew the sacrifice that his friend had made. Jack never told him. Applause is at best a slight thing. A great action is nobler than the monument that commemorates it; and when a man gives himself into the control of a generous impulse, thenceforward he takes up life on a higher level. 























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