

专利策略的核心维度(1) |《专利管理-保护知识产权和创新》摘录3

2.3  Core Dimensions of Patent Strategies

Most leading international technology companies pursue a patent strategy aimed at securing their own freedom of action, such as Siemens or IBM. A further aspect of this strategy is wanting to prevent the imitation of their own products and to thereby sustainably strengthen their competitive differentiation. Especially in the pharmaceutical and chemical industries, the development of new active ingredients would not be affordable without effective patent protection. Some companies successfully defend their own products with patents, for example, Bayer versus Barr Laboratories, Ruby, and Hoechst-Marion-Roussel. Relatively few companies still focus their patent strategy on generating licensing revenues, such as is done by Philips.
A patent strategy aimed at the protection of innovations demonstrates the following core dimensions (Gassmann and Bader 2017; see Fig. 2.1):
· Goal 1: Ensuring Freedom-to-Operate (FTO)
· Goal 2: Differentiation by applying one’s own intellectual property
· Goal 3: Multiplier effect by generating licensing revenues
A comprehensive patent strategy already in itself provides for an initial situation in which the company can be attacked as little as possible by third parties. The less vulnerable a company is, the greater its freedom-to-operate vis-à-vis patents of third parties, and the stronger its own products can be defended, and have intellectual property rights enforced vis-à-vis competitors. Three types of activity can be distinguished: 
Fig. 2.1 The core dimensions of a patent strategy (authors’ own figure) 
· Prophylactic measures for prevention
· Defensive measures to defend one’s own competitive position
· Offensive measures for the self-initiated attack on competition

Goal 1: Ensuring Freedom-to-Operate
Here, the focus is on securing one’s own freedom-to-operate vis-à-vis third parties. As a rule, European companies attach great importance to this dimension and try to develop products and technologies that do not collide with the intellectual property rights of third parties. The own freedom of action can already be underpinned by the quantity of own patents and patent applications. On the one hand, competitors can be deterredand on the other, products can potentially get covered by potential attackers.
Freedom-to-operate (FTO) can thus be achieved through preventive, prophylactic measures in the development of one’s own products and technologies.
Defensive measures must be initiated if one company is attacked by another on the grounds of a patent infringement. Inpractice, the attacked company tries to use its own protective rights against products and business activities of the attacking company in addition to other measures.
Offensive measures that serve to obtain or maintain freedom of action can also be carried out on the company’s own initiative. This includes, in particular, proactive in-licensing or cross-licensing of interesting patents, but also the destruction of interferingpatents, for example, through opposition or nullity proceedings.
The Swiss elevator manufacturer Schindler strives to use the best possible technology for its products and services without infringing on them and also strives for the successful destruction of interfering third-party patents, for example, through opposition proceedings before the patent offices.
Develop Products Outside Reach of Third Parties
This objective should be pursued by companies in general. In practice, this means that the IP activities of third parties must be monitored and analyzed and, if necessary, specific circumvention solutions have to be developed.
This process, known as Product Clearing or Patent Clearing, is often associated with a high expenditure of time and money as well as acontinuous qualification of employees. A disregard or negligence can be punished in the USA in patent infringement proceedings by a tripling of damages (treble damages). In general, intellectual property rights are monitored with regard to the specifics and granularity of the relevant markets.
For example, the telecommunications equipment manufacturer Alcatel (now Alcatel-Lucent) monitored different sources of information: Publications and disclosures were used to prepare the technical information. Patents were mainly monitored for risk assessment with reference to the USA, Europe, and Germany. Patent searches were carried out by Alcatel using contract services, proprietary data profiles, and statistical evaluation methods. Typically, Derwent’s WPIDS, Inpadoc, EUROPatfull, and USPatfull were queried and the data further analyzed. Furthermore, the patent administration system Memotech of CPA was available. Further processing of the data, including statistical processing, was carried out using Excel and structured according to business areas, keywords, and other criteria. The results were released by the Senior IP Counsels and made available via the internal intranet site Quick-Place. Alcatel used a specially configured Lotus Notes database. Alcatel had by then found that the own preparation of the data was ultimately more costeffective than purchasing evaluations via information service providers. In addition, researchers and developers were able to conduct patent searches themselves via the intranet.
Defending Against Infringement Action
An earlier OECD study on Business Patenting and Licensing showed that 70% of the companies surveyed reported growing involvement in patent infringement proceedings. The following applies to those affected: “Attack is the best defense.” The basic strategy of defense against attacks by third parties is based on four pillars:
· Counter-attack on the legal validity of theaction patents, for example through nullity actions
· Counter-determination as to whether aninfringement of property rights exists at all, for example through negativedeclaratory relief
· Counter-attack on the product, technology,and service range of the aggressor with his own intellectual property rights
· Further procedural, legal, and possiblyeven political steps to influencethe infringement proceedings in one’s own sense
Nevertheless, the high costs that can generally arise in the enforcement of intellectual property rights should be taken into account: The costs of patent litigation in the USA amount to an average of 1.2 m US dollars—in most cases this is a zero-sum game (Cotropia et al. 2017). In the end, most litigation ends up with a settlement in order to prevent massive litigation costs. Furthermore, innovative SMEs have to consider in particular the consequential costs and resource commitment in a possible legal dispute; this applies in particular to the USA. In this respect, legal protection strategies must always be based notonly on legal but also on financialand political considerations.
Cultural aspects have also changed. While pharmaceutical companies such as Bayer Pharma or Sanofi were generally able to reach anout-of-court agreement with third parties in the past, there has now been an increase in court-supported disputes, not least due to the influence of American companies.
Design Access
Anyone wishing to avoid the latent risk of knowingly infringing third-party patents must proactively seek access to these rights or at least attempt to nullify them.
In many cases, the complete development of work arounds is not possible, too costly, or undesirable for other reasons, reasons such as required adherence to technical standards. Then licensing or the acquisition of the IP right offer a solution for the exploitation of the rights.
Many companies, such as IBM, are already pursuing an open licensing strategy and offering licenses to third parties on fair, reasonable, and non-discriminatory terms. However, as a rule, there is no general obligation for a company to license to third parties. Especially for large companies, the granting of licenses to third parties is often additionally tied to security being offered in return, for example, in the form of back-licenses. The in-licensing company is to be prevented from later being able to approach the licensing company for patent infringement. The licensing company could then only defend itself with great difficulty because the relevant patents have already been licensed and can no longer be used for a counter-attack.

Licensing at Google
The foundations of Google’s search technology were developed by the founders Page and Brin in 1998 during their studies at Stanford University (California). The patent rights have been held by the university ever since. However, Google was able to acquire the exclusive license rights until 2011.
In 2002, Google was sued in the USA by Yahoo! subsidiary Overture for patent infringement. The core patent (U.S. Patent US6,269,361) protects a process that affects an essential function for the advertising market—Google’s main source of income: the process allowsthe order of automatically generated search results to be subsequently changed and ads to be placed. The patent dispute was settled shortly before the IPO in 2004: Google received a license. In return, Google paid 2.7 million shares with an issue valueof around 100 US dollars and also paid license fees to Yahoo! subsidiary Overture for permission to use it.
One of the more controversial decisions is when the US Federal Trade Commission (FTC) sued Qualcomm for its unfair licensing practices. The US circuit court ruled that the company’s in famous “no license, no chips policy” was anti-competitive. The company had essentially forced companies, which needed its hardware in the form of specialized modem chips formobile networks, to license its technology. Qualcomm’s biggest profit center had been the patent licensing rather than the manufacturing. Judge Koh ruled that the royalty agreement, which was 5% of the value of the phone, had to be assessed off the price of the chips instead. Apple had been battling Qualcommin court over the same issue for years before (Wallstreet Journal 2019).

If back-licenses are granted in return for the in-licensing of industrial property rights, a cross-licensing exists. In particular, companies with large market shares have the problem of high vulnerability in there spective market segments due to third-party patents. In addition, if there is a high level of competition and innovation in these segments with a high volume of intellectual property rights, many companies try to increase their degreesof freedom by gaining access to other intellectual property right portfolios, as Siemens and Microsoftdo, which two companies have concluded a patent license exchange. Whereas in the past there were often pure barter transactions of reciprocal rights of use, in recent years a balancing out of the mutual benefits has increasingly been compensated by monetary compensation.
The technology group OC Oerlikon has so far primarily used cross-licensing agreements to settle disputes. According to the head of the Emch legal department, however, in the future, these procedures will increasingly also be used for the economically viable procurement of intellectual property, for example, as a substitute for the pure acquisition of property rights, for company acquisitions or for the precautionary safeguarding of access to certain property rights.

Patent License Exchange Between SAP and Microsoft
During negotiations with Microsoft on a joint partnership to develop Internet services, SAP confirmed that it had already been approached in 2003 regarding a possible merger with Microsoft. The preliminary discussions stalled, but in 2004 both parties entered into a joint collaboration to develop Internet services. The agreement also included a patent license exchange agreement to improve the development framework of the two companies.

Opposition and Invalidation Actions
The opposition procedure gives the public not previously involved in the patent grant procedure the opportunity to have the patent re-examined by the patent office. The adversary is involved in the opposition procedure. If the opposition is successful, the patent is either restricted or revoked. The effect of the patent is accordingly retroactive. In the European and German proceedings, a period of 9 months is available for filing an opposition. In the USA, the 1-party procedure Ex Parte Reexamination and the 2-party procedure Inter Partes Reexamination for examination of the patent are available. After that, only the usually expensiveand costly nullity proceedings are available at the national level in manylegislations.1
With these legal instruments, the emergence of new protective rights can thus be restricted or even prevented at an early stage. In practice,the legal uncertainty existing until the conclusion of the proceedings is usually problematic. If the European procedure involves two instances, it will take about 4 years before the final decision is reached. In addition, the patent owner is made aware by the opponent that he is disturbed by the patent, otherwise the costs for the procedure would not be invested. The proportion of patents challenged by oppositions before the European Patent Office has been at a low level for years, 3.2 % in 2018 (2014: 4.7%) (EPO 2019). In many sectors, however, such as the consumer goods industry or the furniture supply industry, a real culture of objection is still lived. The consumer goods manufacturer Henkel alone lodges around 80 appeals a year in Europe.



大多数领先的国际技术公司,例如西门子或IBM,都追求专利战略,旨在确保自己的行动自由。该策略的另一方面是希望防止模仿自己的产品,从而可持续地增强其竞争优势。尤其是在制药和化学工业中,如果没有有效的专利保护,开发新的活性成分将无法负担。一些公司通过专利成功捍卫了自己的产品,例如,Bayer vs Barr Laboratories,Ruby和Hoechst-Marion-Roussel。相对而言,很少有公司仍将其专利战略重点放在产生许可收入上,例如飞利浦。



















例如,电信设备制造商阿尔卡特(现为阿尔卡特朗讯)监控了各种信息源:使用出版物和公开内容来准备技术信息。主要参考美国,欧洲和德国对专利进行风险评估。阿尔卡特利用合同服务,专有数据资料和统计评估方法进行了专利检索。通常,查询Derwent的WPIDS,Inpadoc,EUROPatfull和USPatfull,并进一步分析数据。此外,可以使用CPA的专利管理系统Memotech。数据的进一步处理(包括统计处理)是使用Excel进行的,并根据业务领域,关键字和其他条件进行了结构化。结果由高级IP顾问发布,并通过内部Intranet网站Quick-Place提供。阿尔卡特使用了经过特殊配置的Lotus Notes数据库。到那时,阿尔卡特已经发现,自己准备数据最终比通过信息服务提供商购买评估更具成本效益。此外,研究人员和开发人员能够通过Intranet自己进行专利检索。


经合组织较早的一项关于商业专利和许可的研究表明,接受调查的公司中有70%报告说越来越多地参与专利侵权诉讼。以下内容适用于受影响的人:“攻击是最好的防御。” 防御第三方攻击的基本策略基于四个支柱:





但是,应该考虑到在知识产权保护方面通常会产生的高额费用:美国的专利诉讼费用平均为120万美元-在大多数情况下,这是一个零和游戏(Cotropia et al.2017)。最后,大多数诉讼以和解结束,以防止大量诉讼费用。此外,在可能发生的法律纠纷中,创新型中小企业必须特别考虑相应的成本和资源投入;这尤其适用于美国。在这方面,法律保护战略不仅必须始终基于法律,而且还必须基于财务和政治考虑。

文化方面也发生了变化。虽然过去像拜耳制药(Bayer Pharma)或赛诺菲(Sanofi)这样的制药公司通常能够与第三方达成庭外协议,但现在法院支持的争端有所增加,这尤其是由于美国公司的影响。








2002年,Google在美国被Yahoo!起诉。子公司专利侵权提议。核心专利(美国专利US 6,269,361)保护了一个过程,该过程影响广告市场的基本功能-Google的主要收入来源:该过程允许随后自动更改搜索结果的顺序并放置广告。专利纠纷在2004年IPO之前不久就解决了:Google获得了许可。作为回报,Google支付了270万股股票,发行价约为100美元,还向Yahoo!支付了许可费用。子公司Overture有权使用它。

更具争议的决定之一是美国联邦贸易委员会(FTC)起诉高通公司不公平的许可做法。美国巡回法院裁定该公司的著名“无执照,无芯片政策”具有反竞争性。该公司实际上迫使那些需要其硬件(用于移动网络的专用调制解调器芯片形式)的公司许可其技术。高通公司最大的利润中心是专利许可而不是制造。Koh法官裁定,占手机价值5%的使用费协议必须从芯片价格上进行评估。多年以前,苹果一直在同一个问题上与高通法院竞争(《华尔街日报》 2019年)。



迄今为止,技术组织OC Oerlikon一直主要使用交叉许可协议来解决争端。然而,据Emch法律部门负责人说,将来,这些程序还将越来越多地用于经济上可行的知识产权采购中,例如,代替纯粹的产权收购,公司收购或为了预防性维护某些财产权的使用。





通过这些法律文书,可以在早期阶段限制甚至阻止新保护权的出现。实际上,在诉讼结束之前存在的法律不确定性通常是有问题的。如果欧洲程序涉及两个案例,则大约需要4年时间才能做出最终决定。此外,对手会告知专利所有人他被专利打扰了,否则该程序的成本将不会投入。多年来,在欧洲专利局受到异议挑战的专利比例一直处于较低水平,2018年为3.2%(2014:4.7%)(EPO 2019)。但是,在许多领域,例如消费品行业或家具供应行业,仍然存在真正的异议文化。


Each article is copyrighted to their original authors. The news is for informational purposes only and does not provide legal advice.

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