

拥有出色排版设计的60个网站介绍 | 互联网的那点事

In today’s marketplace, every company needs an effective website. Of course, the purposes and needs of each company’s site will be unique, but every company should have a site that presents a professional image to visitors. That image should also be an accurate representation of the company and should work with other branding efforts to present consistent messages to customers. In this post we’ll feature 40 well-designed corporate websites.



Navigant Consulting

Team Excellence


Chapeltown Development Trust


Mission Bicycle Company


Kingpin Social

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109 Responses

Adam Sofineti February 1st, 2010

With all the noise about the death of Flash, it’s hard not to notice that most of these websites use Flash on their homepage…

aledesign.it February 1st, 2010

So nice this post. More examples are so good. Good creative.

What Creative February 1st, 2010

Really nice post here. Plenty of inspiration! Good work, I’ll definitely be revisiting sometime soon when I next get creative block :s

P.S. I agree with the comment above about the death of Flash, but I think the argument is more about there now being more simple ways to do the stuff that Flash has always done, not that people are necessarily stopping using it just yet… I wrote a blog post myself on JQuery vs Flash a few months ago (http://www.whatcreative.co.uk/blog/?p=218) but it’s also the rise of HTML5 and the video tag etc that’s going to cause Flash more problems.

Melvin José February 1st, 2010

I went to the website of “Able Maritime Yacht Insurance” with IE6 and I got Rick Rolled! Brilliant.
Blackberry, Team Excellence and Further are my faves.

Gregory Raby February 1st, 2010

Thanks for coming up with such a list.

Having said that, I disagree with many of your choices. Having a large banner on your homepage or a cool nav bar doesn’t make your site pretty, usable or sticky. Also, not all these sites play in the same league. I guess Cap Gemini, Apple, Dell.com have a way more complex identity & a lot more lines of products than 8interactive. How do you rank that ?

Would be great to start this kind of posts with your criteria on what makes a corp site enter the list. Is “beauty” the real criteria here ?


New Cars Online February 1st, 2010

Most of these are wonderful in design and layout.

Vandelay Website Design February 1st, 2010

Well that is definitely not good. I haven’t used IE6 other than for testing purposes in a very long time.

You’re allowed to disagree with the choices. If we all had the same opinion it would be pretty boring. Personally, I like the fact that the selection of sites represents a number of different types of companies. I don’t feel a need to “rank” these sites against each other, it’s simply a selection of sites that I think are well done. Actually, as for your suggestion about listing more details about the criteria, that is a plan for a future post about corporate web design. Thanks for the feedback.

Black Katz - rent in London February 1st, 2010

I love the look of the Able Maritime Insurance – really conjures up lazy yachting days. And I’m loving the texture on the Blackberry site. Thanks for these.

Murlu February 1st, 2010

This is such a nice change up compared to the dreaded white/blue combos with the stock corporate photos.

Revenue Robot February 1st, 2010

some simply amazing websites out there… very inspirational! thanks for the post

Graham Strong February 1st, 2010

I got Rickrolled using Chrome — maybe the site’s been hacked?


Graham Strong February 1st, 2010

PS – I’m referring to getting Rickrolled on the “Able Maritime Yacht Insurance” website (in case there’s any confusion…)


Eric Di Bari February 1st, 2010

Great sites. It seems like Gateway copied Apple’s website, although I can’t say that with any certainty since I’ve never seen it before. I must say, I really like the blackberry website too.

Graham Strong February 1st, 2010

PPS – Even stranger, there’s nothing in the code to suggest why the YouTube video is loading either… I’m no expert though — perhaps there’s something in the css?


Graham Strong February 1st, 2010

Found it through Firefox and NoScript — it’s launched from malsup.com, in or around this line:


David Pratt February 1st, 2010

Some good looking sites there, although I’m not sure they could all be strictly classed as corporate sites!

Leighton Taylor February 1st, 2010

Beautiful sites. Thanks for the visual buffet!

New York Web Design February 1st, 2010

Gr8 Collection dude…It is inspiring !!

& Hats off to all the designers….for their Excellent Work

Vandelay Website Design February 1st, 2010

Which ones who you not consider corporate sites? I’m curious because when I see other showcases of corporate sites I always feel that about half of them are not corporate sites. Interested to hear your opinion.

Vandelay Website Design February 1st, 2010

To clarify on the previous comment, this post only includes sites that I felt were appropriately classified as corporate.

Ted Goas February 1st, 2010

Hmm, kind of a loose definition of ‘corporate.’ But then again who am I to define it.

I’d be interested to see a followup post of nice corporate sites for larger companies? Perhaps Fortune 500 or Fortune 1000? I liked how you highlighted Dell, AT&T, Blackberry, etc…. wish there were more along those lines.

Vandelay Website Design February 1st, 2010

Hi Ted,
All of the sites represent a company. I’ve seen other “corporate website” showcases that include sites for web apps, blog themes, and a lot of other stuff that I don’t consider corporate. If you have suggestions on what you think should be considered corporate I would be happy to hear it. To me the defining factor is that the site is the face of a company, regardless of whether that company is a Fortune 500 business or a business of 20 employees.

Ted Goas February 1st, 2010

@Vandelay Website Design

Right on… I tried to back away from defining what a ‘corporate’ should be. My apologies if that did not come across as intended.

Rather than comment further on this post, I’d like to suggest a follow up post that focuses just on larger corporations and widely-recognized brands. Perhaps ones with prime-time TV commercials, though you may draw the line where you see fit.

Vandelay Website Design February 1st, 2010

No, it didn’t come off wrong. I’m just curious as to what other people think because by looking at some other collections of corporate sites I’ve come away feeling like I only saw a few sites that were really corporate. I tried to provide sites that truly were corporate, but I’m open to other people’s suggestions, although I have a feeling we all see things a little bit differently. Doing a showcase of large companies is another possibility. Thanks for your feedback.

Simon February 1st, 2010

A great collection here. I especially like Navigant Consulting, its a lot different from the other ones and I think that makes it stand out a lot.

Also love how the players have been incorporated on the Medallia.

Camilo Sabogal February 2nd, 2010

Thaks for sharing, I totally agree with RIM (it’s awesome) and Apple among others

Web Design Maidstone February 2nd, 2010

Some nice original ideas, you need the right client to be able to do something different in a corporate site

theComplex February 2nd, 2010

Beautiful collection!

Mario Garcia, Jr. February 2nd, 2010

Working mostly with newspaper websites, I wish the beauty and cleanliness of the pages could somehow transfer over, but I wonder if these sites could look as beautiful if the designers had to contend with leaderboard and medium rectangle ads. Seems ads are relegated to the far right column, pretty much nullifying the content in that area of the page and leaving only part of the width of the total page to design.

Suresh Chowhan February 2nd, 2010

All designs are creative with excellence work. Each corporate site have a unique concept to show their products and services. Great collections!

idagency February 2nd, 2010

Great article and beautiful websites, it’s quite inspiring although list has some strange websites I wouldn’t have put here.

Joe February 2nd, 2010

Nice colection. Good to see a variety of solutions for the corporate world. Especially like the navigation system on the Cognigen, pretty creative. The Mission Bicycle Company site is a fav. of mine. Love the big nav!

Stratigo February 2nd, 2010

Good creative.
Great layouts in some of these examples.

Follow us: @stratigodesign

Tek Düzen Muhasebe February 2nd, 2010

Thaks for sharing, I totally agree with RIM (it’s awesome) and Apple among others

Miguel February 3rd, 2010

Great Selection, i like a lot element fusion great work.

Singapore Web Design February 3rd, 2010

Thanks for compiled this list. I like Logitech website very much. Very clean and fresh!

Ajay February 3rd, 2010

Great Collection! Thanks for sharing.

Graphic Designer Surrey February 3rd, 2010

Great selection of corporate websites, thanks!

lugu February 3rd, 2010

The Most Beautiful Design is Logitech. I use all tehir product and I love their website …

Mike February 3rd, 2010

Excellent collections of corporate sites! Keep up the good work!

seo content girl February 4th, 2010

I love this, great collection and very creative designs. The Bomb!

Taylor Steele February 4th, 2010

Wow, they really went all out! I mean, in truth their sites are mostly beautiful photo’s with text over lays. Not a hard task to complete if you have a pile of money for photo shoot’s.
Still the pictures are nice the designer choose well as far as font styles and colors.

PAUL CRAIG February 6th, 2010

Seems good company with high tech equipments. Defiantly will try their services at least for once. Hope to receive good quality service.

Net Success February 6th, 2010

These are some nice sites! Blackberry is the nicest with firehost coming in second.

Boise Real Estate February 7th, 2010

Great post and you are right, these are great corporate websites! The Blackberry site is my favorite site and I am still in pursuit of the great elusive real estate site that I can be proud of and will attract more traffic!

Mike Healy February 7th, 2010

A very nice collection, I like the use of illustration as a major home page feature in a lot of the designs. I think sometimes the feature graphical can be too tall and dominant though, and the content get’s pushed down a bit too far. Illustrations that are able to sit underneath (z-axis) the main copy or links work well IMO.

Makes me feel like designing, unfortunately it’s programming time right now.

amber February 8th, 2010

Thank you for having the initiative to compile these nicely designed websites. The templates are very clean, titles and headers are catchy and direct to the point. I also like those with creative banners like that of Sophos and FireHost. Great images, great layout, great websites!

julien February 8th, 2010

Blackberry website is absolutely stunning. Wondering if you placed it at the top because it’s your favorite…

toplu mesaj February 8th, 2010

All of are art

Excellent work, thanks for the visual buffet!

Vandelay Website Design February 8th, 2010

Yes, I really liked the Blackberry site and listed first because of that.

Ben February 8th, 2010

Wow what a great list!

Some fantastic examples of how a corporate website doesn’t have to look plain and boring. Some great uses of text and colour in these examples.

Web Design Philadelphia February 9th, 2010

You’ve got a nice compilation of sites here. I really enjoyed looking through all of these sites to see what other people are doing out there.

Chris Carter February 10th, 2010

Nice collection. Blackberry website is completely awesome. Its an excellent piece of work. Kudos to your creativity.

gipi February 13th, 2010


Nice list..my personal fav is the Blackberry!

Paginas web Guatemala February 21st, 2010

Woww They are fantastic items! thank you very much for sharing.

Best regards.

Riley Summerlin February 24th, 2010

Fantastic collection of corporate sites. The blackberry website rocks! Great to see you guys really like it too!

Rich February 26th, 2010

I have saw the blackberry’s website before! very nice!
So were the others! Thanks posting.

barfo rama March 3rd, 2010

The at&t site blows. Way too many small selections, dominated by stupid ad. I just don’t get how you can say it is beautiful? It’s like saying Sandy Duncan is beautiful, just a WTF next to any random female extra, don’t even try a beauty pageant.

gallery 802 April 1st, 2010

That seems to be nice collection of websites.

Design Earth April 9th, 2010

Like the concept of ‘Avalon Business Advice’. Love the design and creativity used.

sagar bhat April 22nd, 2010

this is more corporate.. very nice layout designs….

pixelcone July 7th, 2010

Nice collection. The best collection so far compared to others.
Many of these sites uses flash which makes them stylish and very elegant.
Flash is really beautiful I really love it.

Oscar July 23rd, 2010

Very nice set of websites.

Ravikumar V. July 29th, 2010

really amazing collections. nice work, keep going on…

Web Design Yorkshire August 16th, 2010

@Murlu – my sentiments exactly! The difficulty is finding clients that are forward thinking enough to adopt that kind of web design!

Urviho August 19th, 2010

Nice inspiration

Mark H September 19th, 2010

With all the noise about the death of Flash, it’s hard not to notice that most of these websites use Flash on their homepage…

Carlos September 24th, 2010

Flash is dead a long time ago…. some of the new versions of these websites use Jquery or Mootools library plugins instead. I really cannot understand the use of Flash in a modern website. Maibe it’s because using css/javascript is too difficult for some guys?…. You got to hate it when a flash makes a site go slow or crash the browser….

Paul September 26th, 2010

Great inspiration !

MrJoeJackson September 27th, 2010


With all due respect, either you’re a viewer/user looking in into the world of development. Or an amateur developer jumping platforms and going with whatever the hype is for that year.

Flash is not dead. Far from it. Flash has just as much place as does HTML5. There will always be things that Flash can do that HTML5 will never touch, and things HTML5 does that will be a much better solution (more accessible) than Flash.

You also must keep in mind the purpose of these corporate-based websites. They aren’t to have users wow at how awesome the animations fly across the screen or to utilize video interactivity in a way that flash would be the best platform. Each of these companies are well known and their sole purpose is product/content delivery. Therefore in terms of accessibility HTML is a better solution coupled with javascript and what ever else libraries need-be coupled with it.

andi October 9th, 2010

I think not that flash is dead, let us see the big companies like nike etc. there websites are all in flash. Flash has very nice features and a well programmed and designed flash site look better then the normal sites. The big problem of flash is the search engines !!!!! They must find a way to crawl Flash sites.

Success Audios October 14th, 2010

Great work some beautiful fresh sites. Great for doing some research on some sites I am developing for our company,

Ajay November 3rd, 2010

excellent collection.really very nice…………

Web design hull November 14th, 2010

Great collection of corporate websites, my favourite is wired tree… Thanks for the post

ntagas berlin December 3rd, 2010

Thank you for the nice collection, they are very creative websites.

Nice work !!!

Kuakoon January 14th, 2011

Beautiful collection! Thanks for the post.

Nick January 31st, 2011

Although I like just a few of them, it’s a nice collection. Please have a look at other corporate websites like http://www.pondventures.com or http://www.newlookgroup.com .

FusionHost February 15th, 2011

Some beautiful websites here. Coming from the hosting industry I have to say I like the FireHost site best.

bunk March 10th, 2011

my favourite is blackberry, very amazing inspiration

Nelson Website Design March 16th, 2011


yeah! Im lovin the blackberry design and preserve design, great concept!

ben March 20th, 2011

i love apple’s design, it’s simple, yet at the same time very elegant. which is something i believe in, something simple where you can find links, and not deal with the constant bells and whistles, though bells and whistles are nice too.

Alastair March 20th, 2011

Thanks for the links. Some are great while some seem old and a few did not load. Bit of QC required perhaps?
liked the CMS site as this is key component and they are plenty out there. Joomla and wordpress are pretty good.

Brandon Durham April 13th, 2011

Hey Vandelay Design,

I’m the designer/developer of the Adlucent site and just wanted to say thanks a million for including it in your list. You’ve brought the site a healthy number of visits, second only to webpagesthatsuck.com’s “Worst Websites of 2010″ list. We made #6!!

All joking aside, we appreciate it!

Vandelay Website Design April 14th, 2011

Glad to hear that we’ve sent some traffic your way.

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