

Asterisk RealTime Queue for mysql db tables

Asterisk RealTime Queue

The queue application supports dynamic realtime. With dynamic realtime, the queue definition and member list will be reloaded each time a caller joins the queue. Thus queues can be updated in the database and the changes will be immediately visible without the need for an explicit reload.

It is possible to mix statically and dynamically defined queues. If a queue is defined in both static and dynamic realtime, the static version is used. The agent login feature currently only works for static queues though (a similar effect can be achieved with dynamic queues simply by inserting an appropriate row for a new member).

Extconfig.conf Setup

Add the following lines (changing of family names isn't allowed):

queues => mysql,asterisk,queue_table
queue_members => mysql,asterisk,queue_member_table

This example uses MySQL, but other realtime drivers (eg. ODBC) also work. The database containing the queue definitions is asterisk in this example, and the tables are called queue_table and queue_member_table.

Database Tables

Here are suitable MySQL table definitions for realtime queues. First the table defining each queue, with one row per queue.

CREATE TABLE queue_table (
musiconhold VARCHAR(128),
announce VARCHAR(128),
context VARCHAR(128),
timeout INT(11),
monitor_join BOOL,
monitor_format VARCHAR(128),
queue_youarenext VARCHAR(128),
queue_thereare VARCHAR(128),
queue_callswaiting VARCHAR(128),
queue_holdtime VARCHAR(128),
queue_minutes VARCHAR(128),
queue_seconds VARCHAR(128),
queue_lessthan VARCHAR(128),
queue_thankyou VARCHAR(128),
queue_reporthold VARCHAR(128),
announce_frequency INT(11),
announce_round_seconds INT(11),
announce_holdtime VARCHAR(128),
retry INT(11),
wrapuptime INT(11),
maxlen INT(11),
servicelevel INT(11),
strategy VARCHAR(128),
joinempty VARCHAR(128),
leavewhenempty VARCHAR(128),
eventmemberstatus BOOL,
eventwhencalled BOOL,
reportholdtime BOOL,
memberdelay INT(11),
weight INT(11),
timeoutrestart BOOL,
periodic_announce VARCHAR(50),
periodic_announce_frequency INT(11),
ringinuse BOOL,
setinterfacevar BOOL

This table has a column for each possible queue parameter. Except for the mandatory name column, all columns are optional, and only the columns actually used need be included. Likewise, more columns may be added if the queue application is later extended with more parameters. A NULL value for a column indicates an unset parameter.

field "setinterfacevar" valid only in asterisk 1.4.x or higher.

in asterisk 1.4:
[Sep  3 13:51:27] NOTICE[960]: app_queue.c:458 monjoin_dep_warning: The 'monitor-join' queue option is deprecated. Please use monitor-type=mixmonitor instead.

please replace monitor-join to monitor-type varchar(128)

If you are using mysql 3.2.5X or lower the BOOL don't work so you have to simulate the behavior of the boolean with a tinyint(1) where 0 = false and 1 = true. that will change the structure to

CREATE TABLE queue_table (
musiconhold VARCHAR(128),
announce VARCHAR(128),
context VARCHAR(128),
timeout INT(11),
monitor_join tinyint(1),
monitor_format VARCHAR(128),
queue_youarenext VARCHAR(128),
queue_thereare VARCHAR(128),
queue_callswaiting VARCHAR(128),
queue_holdtime VARCHAR(128),
queue_minutes VARCHAR(128),
queue_seconds VARCHAR(128),
queue_lessthan VARCHAR(128),
queue_thankyou VARCHAR(128),
queue_reporthold VARCHAR(128),
announce_frequency INT(11),
announce_round_seconds INT(11),
announce_holdtime VARCHAR(128),
retry INT(11),
wrapuptime INT(11),
maxlen INT(11),
servicelevel INT(11),
strategy VARCHAR(128),
joinempty VARCHAR(128),
leavewhenempty VARCHAR(128),
eventmemberstatus tinyint(1),
eventwhencalled tinyint(1),
reportholdtime tinyint(1),
memberdelay INT(11),
weight INT(11),
timeoutrestart tinyint(1),
ringinuse tinyint(1),
setinterfacevar tinyint(1)

As a convenience, it is permitted (but not required) to use underscore "_" instead of dash "-" in column names, since this is easier to handle in SQL.

The member table has a row for each member in a queue:

CREATE TABLE queue_member_table (
membername varchar(40),
queue_name varchar(128),
interface varchar(128),
penalty INT(11),
paused INT(11),
UNIQUE KEY queue_interface (queue_name, interface)

One may add a foreign key from queue_name in the member table to name in the queue table, if so desired.

The values that go in the table for the fields "interface" and "penalty" are for example as shown below

interface= Agent/1112
penalty = 2

Also note that there is at least one functional field for the member table that is not documented here (or anywhere else that I could find). If it is desired to set the interface to a local channel (for example: Local/1234@member_context) and use another interface for device state, simply add state_interface varchar(128) to the member table. Syntax is similar to the 'interface' field (for example: IAX2/1234).

Set the [general] context in the queues.conf file

It was previously stated here that you need to add realtime_family in queues.conf, but you actually don't need to. App_queue always uses family names "queues" and "queue_members"

Using it

Define a queue by inserting a row in the queue table, and add members by inserting rows in the queue member table. The new queue should be immediately available for joining with the Queue() application command.

Note: realtime queues and queue members will be re-read when using Queue application, QUEUE_MEMBER_COUNT function, or CLI command "queue show QUEUENAME". Note that "queue show" does NOT re-load the queue data and will display cached information.

Further development

The mantis bug describing the implementation of realtime queue is bug 4037. This bug includes some discussion on how to extend dynamic queues to also work with the member login feature.

See also

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