


The Runkelsteiner / JMA


Text description provided by the architects. The Runkelsteiner is an apartment building in the city of Bolzano, Italy, built on a quiet property surrounded by pine trees and historic buildings. The structure, with three levels above ground, a large basement and a roof terrace, contains three full-floor units with large terraces overlooking the mountains and the typical landscape of South Tyrol.

Courtesy of JMA


The building shell is mostly transparent so that the interiors are flooded with natural light and the construction has a lighter impact on the surroundings. On the East, South and West side the volume is designed with a combination of thin white frames and vertical aluminum louvers, while the North elevation has very few openings. The white frames define the different functions of the interior layout and create independent terraces that appear as the continuity of the interior spaces through the frameless glass enclosure. The aluminum louvers, installed at the edge of the frames, are placed strategically in order to provide some privacy from the neighboring buildings. The extra-clear glass parapets allow to read the white frames as clean rectangular shapes and grant unobstructed views from the inside.

Courtesy of JMA

Courtesy of JMA

底层平面图/Ground Floor Plan

Courtesy of JMA


The building reaches the highest level of energy performance certification due to the triple glazing of the façades, thick insulation on the North elevation, photovoltaic and solar panels installed on the roof, as well as a fresh air ventilation system in each unit. Calculations and shadow analysis have been taken into consideration during the design phase, so that the sun could not reach the interiors during the warmer summer months and overheat the apartments.

Courtesy of JMA


The glass shell is designed with a thermally broken steel profile system to keep the door frames slimmer, and the large sliding glass door on the South terrace is motorized for a more comfortable and simple use. Both the door and the sliding door frames have been covered by glass on the outer face, and they result flush with the fixed glass on the sides. The large fixed glass panes are completely inserted on the floor, ceiling and vertical sides, to allow the maximum sense of a continuous space.

Courtesy of JMA

Courtesy of JMA

Courtesy of JMA


The Ground and First Floor units are designed with three bedrooms and two and a half bathrooms, while the Second Floor unit has a two bedroom and two bathroom layout.

Courtesy of JMA

Courtesy of JMA

Courtesy of JMA

Courtesy of JMA

每个公寓的室内陆板都运用的是统一的橡木板,而露台台面则运用了IPE木板。所有的木制品、厨房和门都为私人订制。浴室铺上了不同大小、形状各异的长方形喷砂白色石灰石瓷砖,而浴室面盆则包含有深色大理石台面和天然橡木抽屉。 另外,设计师为每个公寓都配备了一个黑色的烤箱,安装在厨房的木制橱柜中。

For each apartment, oak planks have been selected for the interior floors and ipe wood decking for all the terraces. All the millwork, kitchens and doors have been custom designed. The bathrooms are cladded with sandblasted white limestone rectangular tiles of different sizes, laid with a dynamic pattern, and the vanities are designed with a dark marble top and natural oak drawers. Each unit is equipped with a black steel fireplace integrated in the living area millwork system.

Courtesy of JMA

Courtesy of JMA

Courtesy of JMA

Courtesy of JMA

Courtesy of JMA

Courtesy of JMA

Courtesy of JMA

Courtesy of JMA

Courtesy of JMA

Courtesy of JMA

场地平面图/Site Plan

一层平面图/First Floor Plan

二层平面图/Second Floor Plan



主创建筑师:Jacopo Mascheroni

项目经理:Diego Magrì

面积:200.0 m2

项目时间:2017 年

Architects: JMA

Location: Bolzano, Italy

Architect in Charge: Jacopo Mascheroni

Project Manager: Diego Magrì

Area: 200.0 m2

Project Year: 2017


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