

微课文字稿| 你对正念的常见疑问,康菲尔德亲自解答

北京时间2月13日早上11点,全球华人正念年暨花心犀牛正念会员年度课程第一课,由正念大师杰克·康菲尔德(点击查看Jack Kornfield介绍) 的一堂微课正式拉开帷幕。


正式微课开始后,康菲尔德博士就事先从会员中收集的问题,在会员专属群中进行了一小时的在线微信语音作答,并在课程结束前带领了简单的正念练习。以下为本次微课全文实录,附指导练习音频。访谈视频只对会员开放,了解详情点击阅读原文。请持续关注本公众号(cihdingyue), 我们将陆续分享本次问答的完整录音,及更多精品正念音频、视频、文字等资源。


大家好,我是童慧琦,我是加州健康研究院的联合创始人。今天在国内是大年初六,在中国的习俗中,在初六这一天,农民开始下田,准备春耕,各种生意重新开张。 今天这样一个日子里,可能是历史第一次,经由高科技,开始正念之田的耕耘。

今天我们迎来了Jack Kornfield老师,来为我们开启全球华人正念年。 从昨天开始,大家已经聆听了老师的录播访谈,也提交了一些问题。此时此刻,老师在夏威夷与家人和朋友,在主持一个婚礼,这是一件特别喜庆的事情,老师同时也特地抽出时间来,在接下来一个小时时间里,经由电话,与我们进入到实时问答环节。我将为大家担任翻译。

I’m very pleased to be joining you again and to be 

part of this Global Chinese Mindfulness Year. Thank you Hui-Qi and everyone who is organizing this. 


Dr. JK





There are many kinds of meditation practices, all of 

which are used to focus the attention inwardly. Mindfulness is a particular kind of training that can be used to in quiet meditation, but also can be used throughout your life, at work, in school, and family. 


Mindfulness has been shown by Neuroscientists to be one of the most effective kinds of training. It is a deliberate focusing of kind attention. Through it we can become more balanced and compassionate for ourselves and others. 


Dr. JK



Mindfulness can be practiced throughout the day, 

but it is helpful to make a special time each day to sit quietly and train yourself in Mindfulness, when you do, sometimes you notice with kind awareness, there are difficulties in you body or mind. 


These experiences of difficulty are natural and Mindfulness can help with them. If there is pain in the body, or restlessness, or worry, or obsessive thoughts. By becoming mindful, you can quite your mind, open your heart, and find a steady presence that will allow all of this to become better and healed


Dr. JK



Living in the present is a great blessing. When we don’t Iive in the present,  we are lost in thoughts, in worries, in plans and in regrets. When we live in the present, we can see more clearly that people around us, what our own body and mind is needing, and the best way to respond to situations. 


Of course, as we become mindful, it is also natural to have trauma and difficulties from the past arise in our awareness. This is very human, and needs to be met with compassion. And then if it is possible, for healing of this trauma. 


To do this best, it is helpful to first learn how to quite and steady the attention, and then it is helpful to have a sense of wellbeing come into the heart and mind. This can be as simple as grounding yourself on your feet ,on your chair, or your cushion. Or it can be remembering someone who cared about you, a grandmother, or a place you've been that you love and make you feel very safe. When you become steady and safe, it becomes possible to then meet the trauma that arises with kindness, and not be overcome by it. 


To practice Mindfulness with difficult experiences or trauma takes some time. Be patient and do it slowly and kindly, with the special compassion for yourself. You can learn to feel ways the trauma is still held in your body, and let them release. You can feel the stories that you have been told, and even write them down so that they are clear to you, or tell them to another. Then little by little, you can let go of trauma, and remember it clearly but not be overcome by it. Mindfulness is a gift that allows this to happen. 


Dr. JK



Children can begin to learn Mindfulness and concentration when they are small, 4 and 5 years old.  Usually this can be done in a quiet way like a game. Or they can learn to listen to the sound of a bell for a long time, or sit quietly like a butterfly on a flower delicately. More importantly, children will learn this if they see their parents quietly meditating , and their parents become more peaceful and calm. Then the parents will be a model and can say to the children : “Let us sit together for a few minutes, so you can be peaceful and calm as well.” 


There are many programs for teaching Mindfulness to children in the uSA, in schools and at home, and quite a few good books such as the Mindful Child. I hope that during the year of Mindfulness, that some of these will be made averrable to you all in Chinese translation.

在美国,无论是在学校还是家中,都有很多课程教孩子练习正念,也有一些非常好的书,譬如Mindful Child (正念孩子), 我希望在正念年当中,一些这样的书能够翻译成中文,让大家接触到。

Dr. JK



This is also natural and human. We have all be betrayed by others at sometimes.  Mindfulness can help us become wise  and compassionate for ourselves, and help us forgive others. what is important in forgiveness is to understand that you still must protect yourself, so you must prevent harm from happening to yourself or others. As you learn to protect your self, then you can also learn the art of forgiveness. 


Most importantly, forgiveness is not for others but for yourself, you forgive yourself for being in a difficult situation, and you forgive yourself for the pain and suffering that you carry, or the hatred or anger in your heart.  Then as you begin to forgive others, you realize what’s been beneficial is that your own heart becomes released from the anger, from the confusion and the hurt. And you are free to live your your life without this weight on your heart. 


In practicing forgiveness, you need to be patient and kind with ourselves , it can take weeks or months. There is a very simple practice that I hope the Global Chinese Mindfulness Year can provide you in one page. If you can practice this little by little, you will discover at least that suffering from your heart, even if it doesn’t change anyone else, you will become free to live your life in a more joyful and open way. 


Dr. JK



Sleepiness is caused by several things. Sometimes, you are simply tired, and when you sit quietly, you body reminds you I need to sleep and rest. Sometimes, it is caused by the inability of the body and mind to still itself. We are so used to running around that when we sit quietly, it is unfamiliar, and that takes some practice and energy to stay present and calm. And sometimes it comes because underneath, there is fear, or grief or pain that want to be covered by sleepiness unconsciously so we won’t feel it. So that too will start to show itself. 


As you sit and practice Mindfulness, all kinds of things will arrive, sleepiness and restlessness, tears and joy,  anger and love. With Mindfulness like loving awareness, you can become like the sky. Sometimes rain will come, the tears of the rain clouds. Sometimes, the joy of a sunny day will come. And you become the spacious lovingkindness that can hold it all. This practice of Mindfulness brings trust and wellbeing and many blessings. 

当你坐下来开始做正念练习的时候,各种各样的事情都会涌现起来,比如说昏睡或者不安,眼泪和欢喜,愤怒和爱。正念就像一份爱意的觉知,你可以变得像天空一样,有时候会有雨,如同乌云的眼泪到来,有的时候也会有明媚的阳光带来的喜悦。你自己变成了一份非常浩淼、宽广、充满爱意的觉知,能够抱持所有这一切。 这样的正念练习可以带给你信任、安好,和很多很多的福祉。

Dr. JK



To begin, take three deep, releasing and calming breaths and let yourself become more present as you do. 


Now with this calm and kind attention, become aware of your body and breathing and all the feelings inside our body. 


And now, bring the same loving awareness of mindfulness  to the state of your heart and feelings, sadness or excitement, longing or love, difficulty or ease and hold what is present in your body and heart with the kind and spacious awareness. 


Finally, put a half smile one your face and sit like one of the wise ones, one of the ancient beings who can see with great compassion and understanding the whole of the world. And rest the peace in your heart. 


And finally let your eyes open again and carry the sense of peace and wellbeing that can allow for all the things in your life to be held in compassion as you get up and move back into the world. 


Thank you for joining in this call. Thank you for your sincerity and may this practice bring you blessings and peace of mind and wellbeing for yourself, your family and for the new year. 


Dr. JK


4:35 康菲尔德带领正念练习 来自加州健康研究院




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