

Knitted set for 30cm boy doll

Height: approx. 30 cm

DOUBLE POINTED NEEDLES SIZE 3.5 mm - or size needed to get 20 sts x 28 rows in stocking st = 10 x 10 cm.

Inc 1 st by working 2 sts in the next st as follows: Work in front and back loop of same st.

Dec 1 st by K 2 sts tog.

Dec 1 st on each side of marker as follows: Work until 2 sts remain before marker, slip 1 st as if to K, K 1, psso, (marker), K tog the next 2 sts.

GARTER ST (back and forth on needle):
K all rows.

Worked in the round on double pointed needles. Legs and arms are worked separately, then work all parts tog.

Worked in the round on double pointed needles from bottom up. Cast on 4 sts with light peach on double pointed needles size 3.5 mm.
ROUND 1: Inc 1 st in every st - READ INCREASE TIP = 8 sts. NOTE: Insert a marker at beg of round (= mid back of foot) and move the marker upwards when working.  
ROUND 2: Inc 1 st in every st = 16 sts.
ROUND 3: Inc 1 st in 1st and last st on round = 18 sts.
ROUND 4-8: K all sts.
ROUND 9: K 5, dec 4 sts over the next 8 sts - READ DECREASE TIP 1 (= dec on front part of foot), K 5 = 14 sts.  
K over all sts for 27 more rounds, piece measures approx. 10 cm. Then work pants as follows: Switch to light ice blue and K 1 round. Work next round as follows: K 10, cast off the next 2 sts, K 2 = 12 sts remain. Slip all sts on a stitch holder and fill the leg with some cotton wool. Put piece aside.
Cast on and work another foot and leg the same way but work the last round in light ice blue as follows: K 2, cast off the next 2 sts, K 10 = 12 sts remain. Slip all sts on a stitch holder and fill the leg with some cotton wool. Put piece aside.  

Worked in the round on double pointed needles. Cast on 4 sts with light peach on double pointed needles size 3.5 mm.
ROUND 1: Inc 1 st in every st = 8 sts. NOTE: Insert a marker at beg of round (= mid back of hand) and move the marker upwards when working.
ROUND 2: Inc 1 st in every st = 16 sts.
ROUND 3-7: K all sts.
ROUND 8: K 4, dec 4 sts over the next 8 sts - READ DECREASE TIP 1 (= dec on front part of hand), K 4 = 12 sts.  
K over all sts for 21 more rounds. Then cast off on next round as follows: K 8, cast off the next 2 sts, K 2 = 10 sts remain. Slip all sts on a stitch holder and fill the hand and arm with some cotton wool. Put piece aside.
Cast on and work another hand and arm the same way but work the last round as follows: K 2, cast off the next 2 sts, K 8 = 10 sts remain. Slip all sts on a stitch holder and fill the hand and arm with some cotton wool. Put piece aside.

= 12 sts from each leg. Slip sts from legs back on double pointed needles and work them tog with dec towards each other with light ice blue = 24 sts on round. NOTE: Round beg and ends on the back. Then work as follows:
ROUND 1: * 2 sts, inc 1 st in next st *, repeat from *-* the entire round = 32 sts (8 inc sts on round).
ROUND 2 (and then on every even numbered round): K all sts.
ROUND 3: * 3 sts, inc 1 st in next st *, repeat from *-* the entire round = 40 sts.
ROUND 5: * 4 sts, inc 1 st in next st *, repeat from *-* the entire round = 48 sts.
ROUND 6-12: K all sts.
ROUND 13 and 14: P all sts.
On next round switch to light peach and then K all sts for 12 rounds. NOTE: Insert a marker in the middle of each side of body, move the markers upwards when working. * Work next round as follows: Dec 1 st - READ DECREASE TIP 2 - on each side of every marker (= 4 dec sts on round), K 1 round *. Repeat from *-* 1 more time = 40 sts. On next round, cast off as follows: Cast off 1 st on each side of every marker, work until 1st cast off = 36 sts remain. Do not cut the thread.

= 18 sts from back of body, 18 sts from front of body and 10 sts from each arm. Slip sts from arms back on double pointed needles. NOTE: Insert a marker in the middle of each arm (after 5 sts = middle of the side), move the markers upwards when working. Then work arms and body tog with armhole cast offs towards each other = 56 sts on round. K 1 round.
* On next round dec for shoulder as follows: Dec 2 sts - READ DECREASE TIP 2 - on each side of every marker (= 8 dec sts on round), K 1 round *. Repeat from *-* a total of 4 times = 24 sts remain on round.
Then inc for head as follows: * K 2, inc 1 st in next st *, repeat from *-* the entire round = 32 sts, K 1 round. Work next round as follows: * K 3, inc 1 st in next st *, repeat from *-* the entire round = 40 sts. Continue to K all sts for 16 more rounds. Then cast off as follows:
ROUND 1: * K 3, dec 1 st - READ DECREASE TIP 1 *, repeat from *-* the entire round = 32 sts.
ROUND 2 (and then on every even numbered round): K all sts.
ROUND 3: * K 2, dec 1 st *, repeat from *-* the entire round = 24 sts.
ROUND 5: * K 1, dec 1 st *, repeat from *-* the entire round = 16 sts. Fill the body, shoulder and head with some cotton wool.
ROUND 7: Work all sts tog 2 by 2 = 8 sts, cut the thread and pull thread through the 8 sts, tighten tog and fasten.

Embroider eyes at the front of head with brown and mouth with medium pink. Sew tog the openings under the arms and between the legs.

Worked first in the round and then back and forth on double pointed needles. Cast on 50 sts on double pointed needles size 3.5 mm with raspberry.
ROUND 1: P all sts.
ROUND 2-7: K all sts. NOTE: Insert a marker at beg of round and a marker after 25 sts (= middle of each side), move the markers upwards when working.
ROUND 8: K all sts but dec 1 st - READ DECREASE TIP 2 - on each side of every marker = 46 sts (4 dec sts on round).
ROUND 9-13: K all sts.
ROUND 14: K all sts but dec 1 st on each side of every marker = 42 sts.
ROUND 15-19: K all sts.
Now divide the piece at the markers and finish each part separately.

= 21 sts. Then continue to work back and forth on needle. Cast on 5 sts at beg of the first 2 rows = 31 sts (1st row = RS). Continue in stocking st but work the outermost 2 sts in each side in GARTER ST - read explanation above. When 7 rows have been worked, work next row from WS as follows: K 2, P 8, K the next 11 sts - AT THE SAME TIME cast off the middle 7 sts, finish with P 8 and K 2 = 2 sts in garter st in each side of neck dec in the middle. NOTE: Work the first and last 2 sts on row in garter st until finish measurements.
Then finish each shoulder separately as follows: On next row dec 1 st (K 2 tog) inside the 2 sts in garter st from the neck = 11 sts remain on shoulder, work 1 more row (= 10 rows worked on back piece), cast off all sts.

= 21 sts. Then cast on and work back and forth as on back piece. When 5 rows have been worked, work next row from WS as follows:
K 2, P 9, K the next 9 sts - AT THE SAME TIME cast off the middle 5 sts, finish with P 9 and K 2 = 2 sts in garter st in each side of neck dec in the middle. NOTE: Work the first and last 2 sts on row in garter st until finish measurements.
Then finish each shoulder separately as follows: On the next 2 rows dec 1 st inside the 2 sts in garter st from the neck = 11 sts remain on shoulder, work 2 more rows (= 10 rows worked on front piece in total), cast off all sts.

Sew shoulder and sleeve seams in front loop of outermost sts.

First work 2 legs which are then worked on to overall afterwards.

Worked in the round on double pointed needles. Cast on 20 sts on double pointed needles size 3.5 mm with denim blue. P 2 rounds, then K 5 rounds. On next round, work as follows: Cast off the first 2 sts, K the remaining sts = 18 sts remain. Slip all sts on a stitch holder and put piece aside. Cast on and work another leg the same way = 18 sts remain on row, cut the thread.

Slip sts from 1st leg back on needle with cast offs towards each other, work in the round over all sts = 36 sts. NOTE: Round beg and ends mid back. Then work as follows:
ROUND 1: * K 5, inc 1 st in next st *, repeat from *-* the entire round = 42 sts (6 inc sts on round).
ROUND 2 (and then on every even numbered round): K all sts.
ROUND 3: * K 6, inc 1 st in next st *, repeat from *-* the entire round = 48 sts.
ROUND 5: * K 11, inc 1 st in next st *, repeat from *-* the entire round = 52 sts.
ROUND 6-20: K all sts.
ROUND 21: P all sts while at the same time casting off.

Then continue to work front piece back and forth on double pointed needles as follows: Insert a marker in the middle of each side = 26 sts between each marker. Then knit up from RS in front loop of the middle 16 sts between markers (= 5 sts remain until marker in each side) = 16 sts remain on needle. Work in stocking st but work the outermost 2 sts in each side in garter st. When a total of 11 rows have been worked, K last row from WS - AT THE SAME TIME cast off until 3 sts remain on row. Then K these 3 sts for strap, cast off when strap measures approx. 10 cm (or till the length that fits the doll).
Knit up from RS 3 sts in front loop of the last 3 sts in the other side of front piece, K these 3 sts, cast off when strap measures approx. 10 cm. Sew strap to the back of overall.

Work a heart back and forth in GARTER ST - read explanation above - as follows: Cast on 1 st on double pointed needles size 3.5 mm with pistachio.
Row 1: Work 2 sts in this st = 2 sts. NOTE: Work tightly so that the heart gets a nice shape.
Row 2: Inc 1 st in every st = 4 sts.
Row 3: K all sts.
Row 4: K all sts but inc 1 st in 1st st and inc 1 st in last st on row = 6 sts.
Row 5: K all sts.
Row 6: K all sts but inc 1 st in 1st st and inc 1 st in last st on row = 8 sts.
Row 7-10: K all sts.
Work next row as follows: K the first 4 sts tog 2 by 2 = 2 sts on row, turn and cast off these 2 sts on next row. Repeat dec over the remaining 4 sts, cut and fasten the thread. Sew heart to the front of overall.  

Worked in the round in stocking st. Cast on 42 sts with light ice blue on double pointed needles size 3.5 mm, K 2 rounds. Insert a marker at beg of round and move the marker upwards when working. Then work as follows: * 1 round pistachio, 1 round light ice blue *, repeat from *-* a total of 3 times. Then work in light ice blue until finished measurements. K 2 more rounds and then dec as follows:
ROUND 1: * Work 5 sts, dec 1 st - READ DECREASE TIP above *, repeat from *-* the entire round = 36 sts (= 6 dec sts).
ROUND 2 (and then on every even numbered round): K all sts.
ROUND 3: Work 4 sts, dec 1 st *, repeat from *-* the entire round = 30 sts.
ROUND 5: Work 3 sts, dec 1 st *, repeat from *-* the entire round = 24 sts.
ROUND 7: Work 2 sts, dec 1 st *, repeat from *-* the entire round = 18 sts.
ROUND 9: Work all sts tog 2 by 2 = 9 sts, cut the thread. Pull the thread through the 9 sts, tighten tog and fasten.

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