

winifred and winston

The water is not simply water. It is the blood of our forefathers.



  We were born more than 700 years ago on an island located deep within the Pacific Ocean. In all that time, we have come across many human beings. They have stolen and have murdered and destroyed everything many, many times. And we let it happen. And because of this, we have lost everything. Our beloved home is sadly no more. Where once were blooming flowers of all colours is now dry and arid. Where once the very air vibrated with the twittering of thousands of kinds of birds is now only silence. Where once seals and the beasts of the ocean bobbed in the waves, all life is now at an end. Galmanpagos, our wondrous home, is now little more than a wretched, black, dark and oily mass. The entire world is nothing more than a black, dark and oily mass. Except for this place here. But if you do nothing to stop it, this place too will become no more than a blackened stain. For Man is a thief who comes in the night and takes what he wants from the land. He is like a snake who eats his own tail to survive. But the Earth does not belong to Man. He's only a tiny part of it. Man did not weave the fabric of life. He's but a thread within it, for we all share the same breath. The rising mists of the lush green forests, the refreshment of the rocky mountain breezes, the perfumed scent of the wind after a cooling shower of rain, the plants, Man and we, the animals. What Man doesn't realise is what he does to the land, he ultimately does to himself, and when the land is finally destroyed, and the animals are either driven out or killed, Man will rule over the Earth alone. Then, lost and forlorn, he too will be wiped from the face of the Earth. But that is a cold comfort to us now, for every one of you will perish, if you don't defend yourselves against humanity.


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