


本文中现场照片均来自英国艺触咨询· 摄影师 黄汉杰

中英文文字来自英国艺触咨询· 肖朗




2016年6月8日- 2016年6月14日 (周末除外), 13.00-18.00


Zaha Hadid Design Gallery, 101 Goswell Road, London EC1V 7EZ, UK


 2016年6月8日伦敦 | 为了缅怀不久前离开人世的伟大建筑师、设计师扎哈·哈迪德女爵, 艺术家出身的中国时尚设计师徐蕊于2016年6月7日晚在伦敦扎哈·哈迪德设计艺廊举行了《致扎哈——燃烧着美》徐蕊时尚作品展开幕式,并正式发布其成衣品牌“ruixu徐蕊及其高端定制品牌“XIANGWANGYI象罔衣



徐蕊、帕特里克·舒马赫、托马斯·海德威克(Thomas Heatherwick )


徐蕊维多利亚与艾尔伯特博物馆(V&A) 亚洲部主任安娜·杰克逊(Anna Jackson)






扎哈·哈迪德建筑事务所合伙人帕特里克·舒马赫先生(Patrik Schumacher)在开幕式上说,“扎哈是时尚方面了不起的行家里手。她的时装收藏可谓是真正不朽的。多年来,她还甚至亲手设计作品。能被扎哈赏识看重,可谓意义重大”。


由泰晤士与赫德森出版公司(Thames & Hudson)发行的《时尚中国》(FashionChina)一书的作者杰玛·威廉斯女士 (Gemma A. Williams) 这样评价徐蕊的作品:“徐蕊是真正可以将建筑与时尚自然结合的设计师之一。她介入时尚的方式非常独特。目前尚没有太多中国设计师主攻这一领域,而她无疑是真正打破边界的先锋”。  




徐蕊(1976年出生) 中国时尚设计师、当代艺术家,其作品常常融合时尚、绘画、音乐、表演等多媒介方式。她曾担任中央美术学院时装专业主任,曾在英国皇家艺术学院访问学习。2015年,在伦敦南肯辛顿区创立了时尚工作室。作为当代时尚艺术的先锋之一,徐蕊力图融合西方有形的艺术与东方精神的传达。2015年徐蕊在英国皇家艺术学院的个展《从玄到目盲》和在伦敦萨奇画廊的时尚实验表演《吟唱的气息》,均在业内获得了较为广泛的关注。此外,徐蕊还曾于2010年应邀担任第60届世界小姐总决赛的首席时装设计师,北京奥运会期间“楚韵霓裳/中国服饰秀”的文化顾问、多家时装品牌的策划顾问等。徐蕊的作品与研究在国际时尚学术圈内独树一帜。她还屡次获得国内外大奖,如德国设计“红点奖”,香港设计协会“亚洲最具影响力金奖”,全国美展“银奖”,中国青年设计师“汉帛奖”等等。徐蕊官网:www.ruixustudio.com


– 结束–


ruixu@ruixustudio.com| www.ruixustudio.com | +44 (0) 7745 861 185

撰稿:英国艺触咨询 肖朗   图片:英国艺触咨询 黄汉杰



8 June – 14 June 2016 1.00 - 6.00pm (closed Sat + Sun)

Zaha Hadid Design Gallery, 101 Goswell Road, London EC1V 7EZ, UK


The transformable shapes and artful silhouettes of Rui Xu’s design, give a feeling of freedom and being myself”. ——Zaha Hadid


London, 8 June 2016 - In memory of the late great Dame ZahaHadid, the artist-turned Chinese fashion designer Rui Xu officially launched her ready-to-wear fashion brand “ruixu” and high-end fashion brand “XIANGWANGYI” at the opening of ‘BEAUTY ON FIRE——FOR ZAHA’ exhibition at ZahaHadid Design Gallery last evening.


Guests and friends from the worlds of architecture, fashion,design, media and various art institutions were at the opening to celebrate RuiXu’s remarkable works and to commemorate her relationship and friendship with Zaha Hadia.


Rui Xu’s sculptural and architectural garments, which paradoxically are light fluid and often diaphanous, resonated with Zaha’s elegant futuristic furniture and designs.  Models wearing designs from Rui Xu’s both brands strolled around the space with her signature poetic music in the background. Composite images created by Rui Xu using the techniques of microshooting and artistic synthesis were also on display on the lower ground of the gallery, along side with models of Zaha’s astonishing building projects. The combination of Zaha Hadid’s design, Rui Xu’s fashion, and the visual & audio presentation created a very reflective atmosphere.  

As the first woman to win the prestigious Pritzker Prize,for her eye-catching and rule-breaking architectural projects, Zaha Hadid’s avant-garde and ultramodern fashion sense and style were equally inspiring andinfluential. She traversed the borders of architecture and fashion by expanding her creative scope through collaborations with design houses such as Chanel, Louis Vuitton and Atelier Swarovski. Hadid presented a strong and uniquefashion sensibility, as well as having curated her own astonishing wardrobe filled with dramatic jewelry and daring outerwear. The latest additions to Hadid’s wardrobe were two designs by Chinese fashion designer Rui Xu.


Zaha was a great connoisseur of fashion. Her fashion collection was truly monumental, and she even designed her own pieces over the years. It means a lot to be picked out by Zaha”, said Patrik Schumacher, Partner of Zaha Hadid Architects at the opening.


Deeply influenced by Chinese Taoist philosophy, Rui Xu’s designs always blur the boundaries and structures of clothing to achieve multiple ways of dressing with surprising outcomes. Referring to the aesthetics of ancient Chinese literati society who once took dressing as a recreational pastime like painting and music, Rui Xu fuses the witty and playful essence into her design.


Gemma A. Williams, author of Fashion China, the first book to introduce the country’s hottest fashion talents recently published by Thames and Hudson, said “Rui is also one of those people who can actually combine fashion and architecture in a really natural way. The way that she approaches fashion isvery unique. There are not many Chinese designers doing that, so she is really pushing the boundaries.”


In the exhibition, audience have the opportunity of see apiece called Triumph Cloak, which was one of Rui Xu’s six unique designs created for Zaha. ‘Zaha was not only a client, but she opened a window for my ideas as a muse’, recalls Rui Xu. To pay tribute to Hadid, the exhibition is named “BEAUTY ON FIRE——FOR ZAHA” by RuiXu, implying “the heroic life of Hadid was as gorgeous as flame”. Rui Xu’s collaboration with Dr Kinor Jiang, a textile specialist at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, resulted in the successful application of metal plating onto delicate natural textiles, which creates an immerse visual effect of burning flame.


BEAUTY ON FIRE——FOR ZAHA: RUI XU's FASHION POP-UP exhibition at Zaha Hadid Design Gallery will be on 8th June, 9th June, 10th June, 13th June and 14th June 2016, from 1pm to 6pm.


Rui Xu (b.1976) is a Chinese fashion designer and contemporary artist whose works bridge fashion, painting, music and performance. She was the director of Fashion Department at China Central Academy of Fine Arts (CAFA). After one-year academic research at Royal Collegeof Art in 2015, Rui Xu set up her studio in South Kensington, London.  Her solo exhibition FROM XUAN TO BLINDNESS at the Royal College of Art and fashion experiment performance CHANT OF BREATH at the Saatchi Gallery both received warm response in the UK. XU’s professional experiences include: Chief Costume Designer for 60th Miss World Final in 2010; Chief Costume Designer for China Pavilion in Shanghai Expo in 2010; Culture Director of ‘Rhyme of Chu Culture’ for 2008 Beijing Olympics; Culture Consultant for many fashion brands in China.



Notesto Editors

 Article by Lang Xiao ARTouch Consulting

Photos by Aris Huang ARTouch Consulting


Forall PRESS enquiries please contact Rui Xu Studio:

ruixu@ruixustudio.com| www.ruixustudio.com | +44 (0) 7745 861 185

关于英国艺触咨询(ARTouch Consulting)

艺触咨询是中英两国艺术市场中领先的艺术公关及艺术经纪咨询公司。艺触咨询由肖朗女士于2013年创立,总部位于英国伦敦。自创立起,艺触咨询已经在中英两国成功策划举办多场美术馆/画廊艺术展览与活动,协助中英两国艺术家、艺术机构、商业品牌参与国际顶尖艺术博览会、艺术节和艺术展览,包括英国现代艺术家 L.S洛瑞中国首展以及每年在伦敦举办的关注中国当代青年艺术家的品牌展览CHINA NOW。此外,艺触咨询还成功完成多个艺术收藏及推广的咨询项目。为客户提供量身定制的服务是我们的使命。我们的客户及合作伙伴包括安永咨询、博伯利、大英博物馆、亨利摩尔基金会、英国皇家艺术学院、南京艺术学院、伦敦艺术大学、安盛艺术保险、克莱恩·卡尔曼画廊、城市艺术学院、半岛电视台、上海话剧艺术中心、英国文化协会、BBC英国广播公司、爱丁堡边缘艺术节、伦敦南岸中心等。


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