

【火腿手记】节选 | VE6AB:光影交错间的野外通联


HF Portable Ops Solar Powered


BG5WKP 朱轶 编译(有删节)


This day finds me out operating HF portable from the top of a high butte overlooking the Red Deer river valley badlands of southeastern Alberta.


I am not the first person to set up camp on this butte, as I was set up beside a tipi ring, signifying the fact that first nations people had been using this spot for setting up their tipi’s for many years past.


If you expand the photo and look at my vertical antenna with its guy-lines, you can visualize a tipi sitting in this spot, chosen for its commanding views in all directions over the grasslands.


The owner of the ranch who’s land this butte is located on, was telling me that back in the 1800’s, the Hudson’s Bay company had established a fur trading fort on the banks of the Red Deer river, the location of this fort only several kilometers from my location on this butte.


Of course you know that I don't go anywhere without my cameras, and its a given that whatever my plans for the day are, photography plays a part of it.


For me photography is not only about documenting my goings on, but also is about communicating an emotion. Taking it one step further, one of the most important aspects of being able to communicate an emotion through a photograph is the proper use of light. While there are certainly many other aspects of photography, the one common requirement needed for all photographs is light, and if the light is wrong, the photograph fails!

Those were some of the thoughts coursing through my mind upon arriving at my destination located on the ranch owned by my friend Doug, where I got set up to operate some HF from the top of a butte overlooking a stunning landscape that included vistas I planned on capturing images of when there were lulls in the action on the bands. However conditions were good on both 17 meters and 40 meters over the course of the time that I spent operating the HF bands on this day.


Besides operating my Yaesu FT-897D on HF with my 10-60 meter vertical antenna, the antenna that I designed and built and I will be writing a construction article on, I was also running tests on my portable solar panel setup, having acquired an additional solar panel recently, that I re-wired allowing the panels to be daisy-chained together as seen in the various photos included here.

除了操作我的八重洲ft - 897 d和我60米垂直HF天线,我将继续写一篇关于天线的的设计和制造的文章,最近,我获得一个额外的太阳能电池板并在进行测试,所以也拍了不少照片。

My power source for the Yaesu FT-897D is my 12 volt power can with the batteries being maintained by the two solar panels.

给我的Yaesu FT-897D 提供12V供电的就是两块太阳能板。

The charge is being controlled by the charge controller inserted between the solar panels and the power can batteries.


The solar panel on the left is a 40 watt 2.4Ah unit, and the solar panel on the right is a 20 watt 1.2Ah unit.

左边这块板提供2.3A 40W电能,右边的板提供1.2A 20W的电能。

Together, their combined 60 watt output to the 7Ah charge controller is 3.6 amps of charge output that keeps the batteries in the power can charged and my FT-897D transmitting with a full 100 watts when required.



Also due to the fact that my FT-897D has the optional Yaesu internal battery packs installed in the battery tray located in the bottom of the transceiver, and with the output of the 12 volt battery charger connected  to the back of the transceiver, the batteries in the battery tray can be charged by having the input of the 12 volt charger connected to the power can, while at the same time the batteries in the power can are being maintained by the solar panels/charge controller.

也因为我的ft - 897 d有可选的八重洲安装在电池托盘底部的内部电池,所以12伏特电池充电器可以连接到电台的后面,托盘内可充电电池可以通过输入12伏特的充电器连接到电源,同时电池的电力可由太阳能电池板/充电控制器来维持。

The solar panels were carefully chosen to have the necessary capacity to maintain the batteries of the power can, as well as the internal batteries of the transceiver while operating on HF.


All in all, the day was a success, with many contacts placed in the log, tests run on my solar panels proving successful, and of course it goes without saying, many photographs shot through the course of the day while visiting the grasslands of southeastern Alberta.



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