作为书虫,我们不放过任何一本好书,好书可以买来囤着,但不可以不买。说到买书,你是否经常会被书的封面所吸引,然后就爱不释手,最后乖乖交钱买了这本书,拿到家里每天看它的封面呢?虽然英语一句谚语告诉我们Don’t judge a book by its cover, 但是三十六行行行出“艺术”, 今天我们就来欣赏一下国外的精美图书封面。

The Grey Knight


Accident, A Philosophical and Literary History

Daughter in the Wind

The Brief History of the Dead

A General Theory of Love

City of Tiny Lights

Blue Source

Devil in the Details

A Perfect Mess

Sex in Society

Know Your Own Personality

A Dream of Love

Exile and the Kingdom


The Trouble with Physics