

申请UT Austin?看看它的历届校友答疑大网罗

general questions

Q我对risk management感兴趣,可否介绍一下IROM中的risk management方向?师资怎样?就业如何?有中国同学学这个方向吗?

Aplease refer to http://www.mccombs.utexas.edu/dept/irom/   I think the IROM in UT is quite good, there are a lot of real-world projects the professors are involved in Texas. Those are pretty big companies like Exxon or Cheveron. For those oil & gas companies, risk management is extremely important coz each project is very huge and costs a lot of money to invest. I am having a class called business analytics and decision modeling to touch this risk mangement area, kind of heavy on math and statistics though I like it... However, few Chinese students are interested in this area...

Qcan you please share some of your experience about UT corporate finance and IB besides in energy field?

AFor IB:most of the big firms have office in houston and a few in dallas. Their office in Texas are mostly to deal with the oil & gas commodity trading or M&A in this area. They hire most people from UT because of our location advantage  alumni network and reputation.

For NY offices or international offices, they also hire several students each year. we got fair amount of alumni in every firm.

For those who want to do IB, my suggestion is going to be:networking, networking, networking... Life is tough these days, apprently Ibanks are not having a good time... Try to do a lot of networking and be connected with the ibankers (which most Chinese students including me is not an expert compared with US students), take part in every event they hold, follow up them with phone call, email, coffee chat or whatever... and you have to be very smart, very good at both technical finance and communication, work damn hard (100 hrs per week just for internship...) better you have finance or accounting or consulting background. without it, it is still possible but maybe you need double networking...

For corporate finance:
not much to say. networking + finance/accounting background. It is challenging for international students coz few companies other than IB/consulting hire internaiontal students these days, even more challenging for career switcher... this is currently the situation crossing US, hopefully it will get better soon...

Q请问class 2011 一共多少人,多少大陆学生?

A265 for the whole class, 5 from mainland China






TIMicrosoft已经开过宣讲会了. IBM本周过来,但是好像不招国际学生.其它的可能要到期中考试以后才能看到计划.


1、好像有social entreprise concentration。可不可简单介绍一下?或者有关NPO方面的课程或者学生活动之类的?



AQ1. From the website, there is a related concentration


I am not interested in this concentration. It is the first year so students do not have to declare concentration right now. As I know, there is some related clubs such as net impact. You can write to the school directly to ask about that.

Q2. ibt is not necessary above 105. This year, some admitted students came here with lower score. However, if your ibt is below some level, when you come to school, there will be an exam to test your ability in language. You may take some extra English courses based on your test result.

Q3. Yes, it is rolling, so no deadline but for international student, you have to apply before Feb. 1 for ViSA purpose.


A3个回国了,3个在美国找到工作,回国的32个在consulting,1个在industryCFO,留在美国的1个在IT consulting,另外的不清楚



QUT Adcomfacetoface面试有什么特别的吗?有没有些怪异的问题?

A我是校友面试的,没什么怪异问题.一般来说,学校会发给校友一个question list,校友会按照上面问一些问题,也会展开问其他问题.

QI am applying MPA, hope I can goooooo there !!!


Q I just got informed that my interview will be conducted by Vicki Duran. It is a phone interview. Anyone know this female associate admission director?is she still a student? any tip on McCombs' interview? I will greatly appreciate it if you could share with me some tips.

AI suggest you to look up her background on UT's website.I talked to her once at the MBA tour in 2007. She works for the addmisions committee and is a very nice lady.Showing your passion to UT is what others suggested me for the interview.

QUT-Austin MBA毕业了去投行的多吗?因为看到BW上有去Goldman

AUT的强项在energy finace,大部分投行的energy finance部分都在 Houston,UT在 energy 的公司和IB校友众多,如果你对这方面感兴趣,UT是不错的选择.但是如果你想去NYHK,UT有校友,但是与北面的学校相比还是有差距的,关键还是要看你本身的背景

Qenergy finace?不懂这个专业名词。我本身就是IB的,而且正好cover energy 行业。所以对何为energy finace感觉没听说过。我的意思是各大主要的投行还是会把UT当作招聘的target school的吧?因为如果和那些TOPB-school相比,UT在排名上还是比较吃亏的,而且不是中国人印象中的传统强校。但是排名也不能说明一切,而且中国人和美国人的观点相差较大。所以还是请熟悉UT的战友来讲讲吧,并经就业是MBA的第一个考虑因素。

A如果你有IB背景,或者对IB或者Finance感兴趣,并且想做能源行业的Investment Banker的话,UT是可以好好考虑一下的:Houston是美国的Energy Center,基本上80%以上的能源行业相关投融资和并购咨询都集中在bulge braket IBHouston office做;而且在休斯敦也有很多专做能源公司生意的boutique banks,所以同在德州的UT(德州最好的大学和商学院)就是很多投行Energy coverage grouptarget。当然投行都是面向全国的top b-school招生的。

但是作为国际学生,如果想进美国的IB在美国工作,是很难的。至少我所接触的investment bankers基本上都是美国人。即使通过参加各种活动,建立network,会让你进入第一轮面试,想进入final round还是很难很难的。毕竟I-banker最主要是pitch deals,英语沟通能力非常非常重要。如果你的英语很好,和美国人一样好,还是非常有竞争力的。





A地点的确是择校很重要的一点。UT-Austin就地点来说,不比Houston差,无论是环境还是就业机会。因为是德州最有名的学校,所以机会肯定比其他德州学校多,比如HoustonRice University,尤其是对国际学生来说。不过如果你能在Rice拿到全奖,自己又足够聪明努力和有自信的话,Rice也可以是你考虑的学校。"Fit"MBA择校和将来找工作都非常重要。这所学校不适合你,不见得不适合所有人。如果是金子,在哪里都会发光。



QI know UT Austin has some special edge on the job placement of Real Estate Finance。My question is : How many international students choose this field? and How about their job hunting?My background is mega project management, so strength of this field is one of defining factors for me to choose Austin

AReal estate finance is one of the strongest fields of UT and some students take this conecentration. For the placement, real estate is difficult for international students

1. Current real estate market is terrible

2. To launch job in real estate, you need to establish strong network in real estate field. To be honest, I think network plays the most important part in job hunting. You need to reach out actively to contact companies and alumni. It is not easy.

Qmccombs的课程设置里面,lecture/case study等的比例大概是怎么样的?

Acase or lecture是看课的,有的课基本上纯lecture, 譬如statistics, corporate finance,除了一些project基本上就是lecture了。有的课是100% case study,譬如marketing, 老师说了,大家要做好心理准备。再如accounting基本上就是70% case 30% lecture,这样基本上已经口吐鲜血了,case study就是先要把书看一遍然后team一起把case做一遍然后去上课老师主要讲case理论很简略的穿插在里面,好处是很贴近实际,坏处是如果你上课之前没有花时间或者没有理解书上的内容听课的时候就比较郁闷,感觉理论基础不是太扎实,对于我们这种初学者来说比较suffer。班上70%的人没有接触过accounting,所以大家一起struggle倒还有个伴... 


Q我是国内一家天然气调峰电厂的技术人员,由于国际天然气价格的波动,导致供应我厂的燃料价格波动,因此我萌生了到mccombsenergy finance的想法,不知道mccombs对于背景为电力公司的技术人员是否有兴趣?

AUT's energy finance program is good. We are pround of that. And a lot of opportunities in this area for job though these days to be frank it is a little bit tough for international students(same situation for the whole country). I think UT could be very much interested in your background, do not worry about it. Just make sure you want an MBA and then go ahead to prepare for your TOFEL, GMAT and essay...

Q我 Toefl 只有81  G 710 政府背景 TOP10学校 ,4年较丰富工作经历。?TOEFL 会不会影响很大???


QI am cracking my package for McCombs. Just wanna know chance of my background:

Gmat:700, IBT: 103, Degree:Master from Tsinghua, Bachelor from Chongqing University.

Career: 2 years in Seoul, Korea for US-Korea joint project management company, top 1 here, global marketing

1 year in RIyadh, Saudi Arabia, for their government, to management mega project.

Extensive trip around Asia.

Language: Chinese, English, and Korean

I know McCombs has one concentration in real estate finance, which i prefer to focus. Would you guys give me some cents about

my prospect of application?

AThe real estate finance is quite strong in UT. If you want to apply for such concentration, there are many points you can write:

1. The team from McCombs won the National Real Estate Challenge this year. The school is quite proud of it. You can find more information in the following link:


2. There is a specific real estate fund run by MBA student. Although the real estate market in US is terrible, the real estate in Texas is still growing due to the strong economy in Texas. The fund will invest the real estate project and provide students practical experience. I know several freinds of mine have applied for this fund. This year, 40 MBA students will compete for the 8 positions in the fund. Actually, the fund is interviewing students right now.

3. Contact the students in admission commitee. I know several of them have real estate expereince. You can ask them specifc questions and show your interest. It will definitely add some points in your application.

For your background, it is really hard to tell. This year, there is huge increase in the applicants. If you feel your package is ready, the earlier you submit your application, the better. Hope this can be helpful to you and good luck!

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