

【洛杉矶时报】她们鼻子那么挺,为什么还要整?| 取经号



为什么要整形?伊朗女性的回答是,反抗。自79年后,伊朗政府要求女性戴头巾。执行更严的地区,女性只能露出脸,身体都藏在头巾、衣裙之中。伊朗女性热衷于整鼻子,那是她们唯一外露的部分。原文的nose job是指鼻子整形。在中文语境里,常常翻译成“隆鼻”。但对于伊朗女性而言,鼻子整形不一定是隆鼻。


本文选自 Los Angeles Times



笔记:徐    唱


From L.A. to Tehran, nose jobs are a rite of passage and a quiet rebellion for many Persian women


Growing up in Los Angeles, Jasmine Yahid thought a lot about her nose. Too big, with a bump that drew attention, she felt.



So Yahid decided to undergo what has become a rite of passage for many modern women of Iranian descent: She went under the knife.



Although an Angeleno, the 25-year-old retail employee was following a tradition that has gained momentum since the 1979 Islamic Revolution.



Yahid’s parents had emigrated from Iran, where the autocratic government sees anything that smacks of Western culture as an act of dissent. In a country where women must cover almost every part of their body except their face, many have chosen the quiet rebellion of altering their nose to reflect an “Anglo American” aesthetic.



“These women, a highly educated population, are handicapped at every turn within the laws,” said Nina Ansary, an expert on women’s rights issues in Iran. “So they find ways of expressing themselves.”



The tradition migrated to the U.S. and now has become entrenched here — although not because of protest.



While thick eyebrows and large eyes have always fit Iranian ideals of beauty, the Persian nose, with its often steep bridge and wide shape, has long been a source of angst for many women.



“I wanted a nose that fit myself but was also prettier and cuter. I wanted to look Persian and Jewish still,” Yahid said. “In the beginning, I was very unhappy, but over time, I looked at my profile and was very happy with how it turned out.”



Iran had one of the highest rates of rhinoplasty worldwide in 2013, just behind Brazil, Mexico and the United States, according to a survey by the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery.



“Women do nose jobs in Iran because it is the only part of their body that they can show in society,” said Golbon Jamshidi, a 24-year-old graduate student in Tehran who underwent the procedure six years ago. “We have to wear a scarf to cover our hair, and so we get a nose job to make ourselves more beautiful. It starts from high school.”

“伊朗的女性之所以接受鼻子整形手术,是因为在伊朗公共场合,鼻子是她们全身唯一可以露在外的部位,”来自德黑兰的24岁大学毕业生戈尔波· 贾母施德i)说道。她6年前做了鼻子整形。“我们必须用丝巾包住头发,所以我们只能靠鼻部手术让自己变美。我们从高中就开始整鼻子了。”


For Americans, such as Yahid, the pressure to change their nose remained intense.



“I had friends and family tell me, ‘Why don’t you get it done? Your nose is so big, and it doesn’t look good,’ ” she said.


Jasmine Yahid is seen before plastic surgery.



The pressure can start at a very early age.



Laila Cohen, 21, from the San Fernando Valley, got her first nose job when she was 15 and a junior in high school. She underwent the procedure for a second time last year.



“It felt unreal. When they woke me up, I was in disbelief and denial,” Cohen said. “It was too good to be true.”



Cohen, a political science student at UCLA, said her mother also underwent rhinoplasty when she was very young.



Nose jobs have become ingrained in Persian culture. Iranian American comedians, such as Max Amini, joke that young women use breathing problems as an excuse to change how their nose looks and that Persian women at parties look the same after visiting the same plastic surgeon.


Persis Karim was 18 when her father surprised her with a gift: money he had secretly saved for her to get a nose job.



Her three sisters had all undergone surgery.



Karim, 53, now an English professor at San Jose State, cried.



“Are you telling me I have a big nose?” she remembered asking her father.



“No, it’s just what everyone does, and I’m trying to be fair,” he responded.



Karim said she’s proud that she resisted the pressure to go under the knife.



But Yahid felt something different once she did: relief.



“People treat you different to a certain extent. You feel more approachable if you look better, and I dated more guys. It was nice that people forgot what I looked like before,” she said.



Typically, friends in their early 20s get their surgeries months apart from one another. They scour online reviews of plastic surgeons and refer each other to doctors they think will be able to achieve their desired nose.

The process isn’t cheap. Some plastic surgeons in Beverly Hills charge upward of $20,000.



In the past, it was common for young Americans to travel to Iran during their summer vacations to get nose jobs, avoiding the watchful eyes of their peers. The considerably cheaper prices were an added incentive: In Iran, the procedure costs about $7,000.



A growing number of young women of Iranian descent reared in America now eschew the pinched tip and deep slope favored by Iranian women for a more subtle change that preserves their Iranian look.



“A lot of Persian women get more attention because of their ‘ethnic’ look,” said Beverly Hills plastic surgeon Payman Simoni.



In the months before her operation, Yahid spent up to 10 hours a week researching different noses and how to prepare for surgery.



But she had a difficult time finding a nose she wanted. “I wanted to still look Persian and feel like myself,” she said.



The day of her surgery, Yahid threw on her most comfortable clothes and hopped in the back seat of her parents’ car.



It was early morning, but she was full of energy, she recalled. She had waited years and saved thousands of dollars for this day.



It’s been more than a year since Yahid had rhinoplasty. Although she’s happy with the result, she feels she could have done a better job researching the “perfect” nose.



Still, she conceded: “It would make my life easier if I could just be the ideal thing, and not feel like I have to conform.”





【rite of passage】

n. 通过仪式:在某人的一生中,表示从一阶段进入另一阶段转折点的仪式或庆典,如从青少年进入成年

原句:From L.A. to Tehran, nose jobs are a rite of passage and a quiet rebellion for many Persian women.

例句: The prom is an important rite of passage. I didn't want you to miss anything. 



 n. 异议,反对

原句:Yahid’s parents had emigrated from Iran, where the autocratic government sees anything that smacks of Western culture as an act of dissent.

例句: Now is the time for Mr Maduro to unite his country, not crush dissent.



n. 忧虑,疑惧

原句:The Persian nose, with its often steep bridge and wide shape, has long been a source of angst for many women.

例句:It is a clever thought, but may overstate the degree to which most Britons suffer from constitutional angst.



 n. 否认,不信

原句:When they woke me up, I was in disbelief and denial.

例句:denial of one's passion



 adj. 根深蒂固的,牢固的

原句:Nose jobs have become ingrained in Persian culture.

例句:He says that music is ingrained in our auditory, cognitive and motor functions.



v. 适应环境;使符合,使一致

原句:It would make my life easier if I could just be the ideal thing, and not feel like I have to conform.

例句:They want me to conform, to be lily-white.


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