

STOCKMARKETS are the public face of finance; indices like the S&P 500 are widely reported proxies for economic health. But they are dwarfed by the corporate-bond markets. In 2016 American equity issuance amounted to just under $200bn; for corporate bonds the total was $1.5trn.economic essay写作assignment.lxws.net


The market for corporate debt is not just vast, at $50trn globally, it has also been growing fast as a result of ultra-cheap borrowing. Issuance in America has risen by half over the past five years. Yet despite its importance as a source of financing for companies, the corporate-bond market is shockingly archaic. 


Even basic price data are hard to come by. Whereas stocks can be traded at the click of a button, buying and selling corporate bonds often requires a phone call to a trading desk at an investment bank. This method of trading still accounts for over 80% of volume in America. Processes are correspondingly slow: 8% of trades in Europe fail to settle in the allotted two days.


Such inefficiencies partly reflect the particularities of bond markets. An individual firm may have one or two types of shares, but issue dozens of bonds that differ by maturity, date and seniority in its capital structure. Any given bond is thus traded only rarely. 

maturity (business 商) (of an insurance policy, etc. 保险单等) the time when money you have invested is ready to be paid 到期(应付款)


In the past, banks made markets by holding an inventory of bonds on their balance-sheet until a buyer came along. Those electronic platforms that do exist have largely stuck to this dealer-based model: under “request for quote” systems that account for almost 95% of electronic trading, dealers are still the only ones with the power to provide a quote and to buy or sell.


But this system is creaking. Tougher capital regulations implemented after the financial crisis sought to discourage banks from holding bonds. Trading desks now hold just 1% of all bonds, down from 2.4% as recently as 2007. Average trade sizes have also fallen. 


Demand from central banks, in places where corporate-bond purchases were part of quantitative-easing (QE) programmes, may have obscured the extent to which marketmakers have pulled back. As QE unwinds, shortfalls in liquidity may become apparent.


Restoring the banks to their market-making role by relaxing capital rules is no answer. If trouble strikes, it is better for banks to be out of harm’s way. Instead, corporate-bond markets need to learn from equities and help buyers and sellers to meet and trade. 


Regulators can do their bit by requiring prices to be reported for completed transactions, as incoming European rules will from early 2018, and as America has in a more limited fashion since 2002. But the market is also showing the way. 


A new technology known as “all-to-all” trading allows one institutional investor in a network to trade bonds with any other. There are also systems to help dealers keep track of inquiries across time, turning them from risk-takers into matchmakers.


These innovations will not suit everyone. The automation of equity markets has cut the earnings of brokers; an end to those chummy phone calls will do the same in the bond markets. But investors can only gain from an environment where it is easier and cheaper to buy and sell bonds. 


Issuers will also benefit from markets that can smooth out turbulence rather than turn it into a full-scale panic and, in normal times, from a lower cost of capital. The corporate-bond market will never be as simple or liquid as the stockmarket. But it can still learn lessons from its higher-profile cousin.

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