

The challenge of AI
The internet and smartphones have changed the world and how we relate to each other. Instead of meeting in person, we increasingly interface through handheld devices. In a sense, real people are being removed, replaced by technology and virtual friends. Some people even say that they prefer to confidein(信任) their virtual friends rather than their real friends!
AI, or artificial intelligence, is another technology that is highly disruptive(破坏的). With AI, smartphone are other devices will have even more capabilities. They will be able to converse with us and tell us jokes. They may even become personal tutors. They will know what kind of problems we have, our preferences, and any content we want to learn or practice, they will be able to adapt to our needs and be available at any time. And all this will be at less cost than using a human.
In fact, the substitution(替换) of AIs for human labor has the potential to transform our world. Experts warn that smart machines may cause widespread unemployment. Many works will become redundant(多余的), replaced by machines that can perform cognitive
tasks better than people. An even greater danger is that they will develop personalities and become more interesting than people. Work us already underway(起步的) to produce AI companions for lonely people.
Are these development something to worry about or something to welcome? How are they different than developments in the past, such as the industrial revolution? Cars replaced horses; machines and industrial robots replaced factory workers.
Since the shift to AI is inevitable, the challenge for policy makers will be to help existing workers acquire new skills. Future generations must be prepared for a workplace populated by AIs that will continue to develop and take on new tasks. Are we up to the task?
Unit 3-3 listening斯坦福监狱实验
In 1971, psychologist created one of the most important experiment in psychology. The experiment known as the Stanford prison experiment, look at the impact of situation in human behavior. The researchers, led by Philip Zimbardo, wanted to know how situations could affect how people behave. In participle, we wanted to know if good people would change their personalities and lose their values. In the experiment, participants were divided into 2 groups. One group became prison guards and the other group became prison inmates. The experiment was set up in Stanford university’s psychology building. A group of 24 students was chosen to play the roles, 12 guards and 12 prisoners. The participants came from a large group of volunteers who wanted to participate in psychology experiment. Those who were chosen had no criminal background and had no significant medical or psychological problems. They agreed to participate in the experiment for 1 to 2 weeks’ period. The prisoners had to remain in prison 24 hours a day during the experiment. Guards are * into 3 and were assigned to work in 8-hours shrifts. Unlike the prisoners, they were free to return their homes between shrifts. Hidden cameras and microphones were used to observe the prisoners and guards. The simulated(冒充的) prison included 3 small prison cell, 6 feet by 9 feet. Each cell had 3 small beds and held 3 prisoners. There was a closet that served as a solitary confinement room(禁闭室). This was used to isolate prisoners who needed to be punished for bad behavior. Guards were instructed not to physically harm the prisoners by any way. prisoners were to be addressed by assigned numbers and never by name. to prevent eye contact with the prisoners, guards wore mirror sunglasses. This was done to dehumanize
the relation between guards and prisoners. Though the experiment was designed to last for 14 days, it had to stop after just 6th days. It had to stop because what was happening to the participants. The interactions between the prisoners and guards had become hostile and degrading(有辱人格的). The guards had become aggressive and brutal and the prisoners were passive and depressed. As a result, five of prisoners had to be released early because of the severe negative emotions. Even the researchers were affected and they began to overlook what was happening. Instead of halting the experiment, they led it continue. They themselves, had become dehumanized by the situation he had designed. Finally, they realized the experiment had to be stopped.
What the experiment demonstrated is the powerful effect that situation can have on human behavior. Given a position of power, human can begin to behave differently than they normally were. They can become to behave in an aggressive manner while those with no power can became passive and depressed. In other words, the experiment shows that situation can cause abuse of behavior.
There are some important criticism s of this experiment. One criticism was that it is an example of unethical research. It went on longer than it should have. It is also unrepresentative since the participants were mostly white, middle-class, males. Despite the criticism, the experiment remains an important study of human behavior. Recent example of the Stanford effect may include the treatment of prisoners of war by American soldiers in the Iraq War. Other possible examples including boiling in school and gun behavior. According to the head researcher, *, it helps to explain how ordinary people sometimes turn bullying evil. If situation do influence people behavior, then managing
situations can be a way of controlling people.
The prisoners had to remain in prison for the duration of the experiment.


1971,心理学家创造了心理学中最重要的实验之一。这项实验被称为斯坦福监狱实验,观察人类行为中情境的影响。Philip Zimbardo领导的研究人员想知道情况如何影响人们的行为。在分词中,我们想知道好的人是否会改变他们的个性,失去他们的价值观。实验分为2组。其中一组成为狱警,另一组则成为监狱囚犯。这个实验是在斯坦福大学的心理大楼里进行的。一组24名学生被选中扮演角色,12名警卫和12名囚犯。参与者来自一大群想要参加心理学实验的志愿者。被选者没有犯罪背景,没有明显的医疗或心理问题。他们同意参加1到2周的实验。囚犯们在实验期间必须每天呆在监狱里24小时。警卫进入3人,被派到8小时的监狱里工作。与囚犯不同的是,他们可以自由地返回家园。隐藏的摄像机和麦克风被用来观察囚犯和警卫。模拟监狱包括3个小牢房,6英尺9英尺。每个牢房有3张小床,有3名囚犯。有一个壁橱,作为一个单独的禁闭室。这是用来隔离犯人因恶劣行为而受到惩罚的。警卫被指示不得以任何方式伤害犯人。囚犯要用指定的数字来称呼,决不以名字称呼。为了防止与犯人的目光接触,警卫戴着镜子太阳镜。这样做是不人道的。
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《死亡实验 Das Experiment(实验监狱 实验 The Experiment)》
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