


2022.09.16 海南


A Dream Scene

Lu Wenfu


I consider myself quite a seasoned traveler, but in my dreams I always find myself back in Suzhou, in the alleys that I had walked up and down thousands of times, alleys where I had spent a good part of my life. In fact, my entire youth had slipped by through them, leaving me with memories that will never fade.


Thirty-eight years ago, wearing a blue long gown, I rode on a wooden junk all the way right up to a small alley outside Suzhou in my first venture into the city. The alley was paved with long flagstones under which flowed a murmuring stream. It was called a street, though two rickshaws running into each other could not pass side by side. It was flanked with low one-storey houses whose eaves on both sides of the alley were connected by bamboo poles over which clothes were hung out to dry. The eaves were adorned with square brick blocks with holes in them, looking like parapets on ancient city walls.


Turning around one corner, you would find the alley taking on a different look: on both sides stood storeyed building s with black tiles, red banisters and white walls. At the end of the alley was a long wooden veranda on whose eaves were mounted plates with different carvings featuring squirrels and grapes, the Eight Immortals crossing the sea, and so on, mostly the kind of stuff found in works of folk art that seek blessings for the pursuit of fame and fortune – shoddy works that are nothing out of the common run. As with women whose beauty fades with age, the red banisters and carvings had blackened and yellowed. The bamboo poles were hidden behind the plates of carvings. Bamboo curtains hung low, covering up long windows. The whole picture was familiar to me, as if I had come across it in paintings or novels; as if Pan Jinlian had hung clothes out to dry in such a building, while the person underneath carrying a load of sweet porridge looked exactly like her dwarf of a husband Wu Dalang, sesame cake vendor. [Pan Jinlian and her husband Wu Dalang are characters featured in the classic novels The Water’s Margin and the Golden Plum Vase. – translators]


In alleys of this kind, there were also stores that were usually located on the first floor. The second floors were residential quarters. Most of them were small general stores, pickle groceries, and teahouses that also sold drinking water. The teahouses were the busiest, where many of the customers drank lustily from boccaro cups held up high, their left hands on the square tables and their right feet on the benches. This was called in Suzhou “water wrapped in skin,” while a bath in a public bathhouse was known as “skin wrapped in water.” Since tea-drinkers are supposed to talk loud as a matter of course, the din in the teahouse was deafening. One could hardly make out what was being said. Amid the noise rang out the clear and crisp voice of girls hawking melon seeds, sweets and cigarettes. There was also a blind man wearing dark glasses playing the Chinese erhu fiddle, whose raspy voice made you wonder whether he was singing or crying. This little alley was, in my eyes, nothing short of a scroll of painting of town life.


I climbed up a small building at the very end of this scroll. The building was made up of two parts, one in the front, and the other one at the back, joined together by two wings, one on each side, hence assuming the shape of the character '口’. In the yard that was only the size of a well stood two jars that served as rainwater receptacles. By the windows of the front central room, you could see the streams of people down below in the busy marketplace. Beneath the windows of the back room was a big river echoing with the squeaks of oars and sculls and sparkling with rays of the sun in gentle breezes. Along both the banks stood houses with long windows facing the river and stone docks constructed of may long slabs ingeniously lined up in a simple but wonderful work of art. While the slabs were being piled up, one end of each slab was left unsupported while the other end was laid onto the bank. Thus, the dock stood on the riverbed layer upon layer, like a stone scaling ladder hung at the back door of every house. Women out to wash vegetables and rice could walk up and down the ladder, now hidden, now visible against the sky above the glittering waves and amid the shadows of the clouds. Single-oared small boats, laden with fish, shrimp, vegetables, and fruits to sell, floated unhurriedly with the drift of the current. If anyone called out to them from a window facing the river, these boats would dash toward the window as fast as an arrow. The bargaining over, the buyer would hang down a basket containing the money, and the goods would be put in it to be lifted up. Then the window would be closed with a squeak and the boat would float away slowly again.

(Ren Zhong, Yuzhi Yang 译)

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