

not only—but (also) 的35种结构变化

对于not only…but (also)…这个结构,说其简单是初中学生都见过、学过并应用过,言其复杂是因为涉及的内容,笔者看来至少涉及到五个方面的内容。

说其简单,是因为我们从初中英语开始就了解、学习了not only…but (also)…的含义与用法,这不仅仅体现在英语测试中的单项选择、完形填空、综合阅读等题目上,甚至在中高考英语的作文,命题人尤其是目前中考英语的命题人,所提供的很多写作样文中就提供了很多应用到该短语的各种形式结构的例句。

说其复杂,事实上,我们就“not only…but (also)…”短语的本身必须连接同等平行的一致结构、究竟产生部分倒装是在什么条件下、有多少种变形、所连接的结构可用于否定句,以及主谓一致的实际情形——了解、理解以及运用得并不够,这也是笔者很久前的一个状态。

关于not only…but also…的内容,总体上分为五个部分:

1部分:not only…but(also)有多少同样含义与用法的变形?

2部分:not only…but(also)究竟什么情况下产生部分倒装?

3部分:not only…but(also)必须连接同等平行的一致结构吗?

4部分:not only…but(also)是否可用于否定句?

5部分:not only…but(also)主谓一致的情形。

1部分:not only…but(also)有多少同样含义与用法的变形?

这里所说的not only…but (also)…的变形是指:

其中的only、also可替换与否?甚至but不可以省略吗?but also不可以省略吗?等等。

——曾经看到了、正在看者很多很多语法书、参考书都在讲not only…but (also)…这个结构中的but属于连词【我们知道,一般情况下连词是不轻易省略的,当然有特例,如if省略等——另外的话题,待以后讨论。】,那么……



not only…, but (also)…; not merely…, (but)… as well/but…too; not only not…but not…either

e not only可以省略,也可用not merely代替;but also也可用too或用as well代替,但须置于句尾;否定句用either不用too;也可以只省略but;或只省略also;也可以用and如:

Justice must not only be done; must be seen to be done too.



总体上是这个结构:not alone/only/just/merely/simply…but (also)…too/as well其中单词的省略、位置方面的问题。当然也有提及not only…but solely但因笔者并未从英语词典以及语法书籍中看到相关短语,所以并没有列入此中。

1.not alone…but

2.not alone…but also)

3.not alone…but likewise

4.not enough…, but also

5.not enough…, but…

6.not enough…, also…

7.not only…(,) but also…

8.not only…(,) but…

9.not only…but …too

10.not only…(,) but …as well

11.not only…, …as well

12.not only…(句号后另起一句)…as well

13.not only…, …

14.not only…; …

15.not only…(,) also…

16.not only…; also…

17.not only…, too

18.not only…but even

19.not just… but…

20.not just.., but also

21.not just… but even

22.not just…as well

23.not just…(逗号,另起一句)

24.not just…(句号)另起一句(...too)

25.not just…; 句子

26.not merely…(,) but…

27.not merely…but also…

28.not merely..., but…too

29.not merely…, but…as well

30.not merely…, also…

31.not merely; …

32.not simply…but also…

33.not simply…, but…

34.not simply…also

35.not simply…; 句子

对于以上35种(实际上可能更多)的结构,均列举一两个例句。我们这里先罗列出从英语词典的实例中概括出来的各个结构:短语not only…but (also)…这个结构的一些变形(形式结构本身的呈现)。



1.not alone…but

2.not alone…but also)

3.not alone…but likewise


He behaves not only (or not just, not alone, not merely) honestly, but (or but likewise, but also) wisely.

4.not enough…, but also


It is not enough to be well born, but also to be well brought up.


5.not enough…, but…


It is not enough to help the feeble up, but to support him after.


6.not enough…, also…



It is not enough to have good qualities; we must also know how to manage them.


7.not only…(,) but also…


Not only cancer, but also heart and lung diseases are influenced by smoking.



She not only wrote the text but also selected the illustrations.



There are problems not only with the students, but also with the teachers themselves.



The system was not only complicated but also ineffective.



Shakespeare was not only a writer but also an actor.


8.not only…(,) but…


并列关联连词(coordinating correlatives)not…but和not only/just/merely…but (also/even)在数的一致方面用法和or一样:

Not onlyhe but his wife has arrived.

Not (only)one but all of us were invited.

9.not only…but …too


Not onlywas it quite cold on our trip, but it rained the whole time too.


He not only wants to be taken seriously as a musician but as a poet too.


10.not only…(,) but …as well

《英语常用词用法词典》(修订第2版)第564页not only…but also词条

It concerns not only me but you as well. 这事不但与我有关而且与你有关。

《朗文英语语法练习》第385页 1.4并列句

Jimnot onlybuilt his own house, but (he) designed it himself as well.


Not onlyare you funny, butyou’re actually witty as well. 你不仅风趣而且机智。


not only…but also用来连接2个分句时,往往用倒装语序。如:

Not only does man want to land on the moon, but on other planets as well.


11.not only…, …as well


Not only can he make people laugh, he can make them cry as well.


《柯林斯高级英语用法词典》(英 辛克莱Sinclair编)第575页not only


与其说:Margaret not only came to the party but brought her aunt as well.

不如说:Margaret not only came to the party, she brought her aunt as well.

12.not only…(句号后另起一句)…as well


Not only did he hear it. He saw it as well.


13.not only…, …


Not only did they win, they won by a landslide.

Photographs are not only permitted, they are encouraged.


not only…but also… 有时butalso都被省去。例如:

She was not only compelled to stay at home, (but) she was (also) forbidden to see her friends.

14.not only…; …

《牛津英语用法指南》第三版第562页383 not only

可把not only移到句首起强调作用,后接助动词 主语;如果没有其他助动词则用do。此时but可以省略。

Not onlyhas she been late three times; she has also done no work.

15.not only…(,) also…


Not only is it a comfortable and stylish hotel, it’salso a popular meeting place.



They didn’t only censor, they also helped out.



not only or not just or not simply不仅仅;不只;不单

James is not only handsome, he’s also very tall.


16.not only…; also…


These movies were not only making money;they were also perceived to be original.


17.not only…, too


The game is not only lots of fun, it’s educationaltoo!


Our apartment is not only centrally located, it’s near a park too.

18.not only…but even


The friend not only gave him financial help but even personal friendship.


《新概念英语》第三册第45课The power of press新闻报道的威力

第一自然段最后一句Newspapers exert such tremendous influence that they cannot only bring about major changes to the lives of ordinary people butcaneven overthrow a government.

《新概念英语》第三册第48课The silent village沉默的村庄

第一自然段第三句:But people who are cut offnot onlyfrom foreign tourists, but even from their own countrymen can be hostile to travellers.

《英语语法大全》(伦道夫·夸克等著)第1297页 not (only)…but

和both…and一样,not only…but的基本含义是补充:它不是把连接部分等同起来,而是把它们区分开来,迫使我们把第一个连接部分看作是“已知的” 情况。但not only…but的强调作用更大,暗示第一个连接部分的内容是出人意外的,第二个连接部分的内容常用also或even这样的副词强化,则更加出人意外。这些结合词之所以与关联连词相似,主要是因为否定小品词可以从功能词后面的正常位置移开,以标明两个连接部分之间是相对的:

Not Henry, but his wife is the owner.

He came not to help, but to hinder us.

Not only did they break into his office and steal his books, but they also tore up his manuscripts.

本句的两个连接部分是完整分句。它体现了not only放在句首位置、后面接倒装的主语和功能词可以达到更加富有戏剧性的效果。

19.not just… but…

《柯林斯高级英语用法词典》(英 辛克莱Sinclair编)第575页not only

I want to see more and more people not just voting in polling stations, but formulating the politics of the political parties.



There is always a ‘black market’ not just in Britain but in Europe as a while.


20.not just.., but also

《柯林斯高级英语用法词典》(英 辛克莱Sinclair编)第575页not only

It is not just the most fashionable but alsoone of the best restaurants in the West End.


21.not just… but even


并列关联连词(coordinating correlatives)not…but和not only/just/merely…but (also/even)在数的一致方面用法和or一样:

Not justthe students but even their teacher is enjoying the film.

22.not just…as well


just: 只不过,只是

It’s not just me—there are other people involved as well.

23.not just…(逗号,另起一句)


not just—used to say that one thing is true and that another thing is also true

She’s not just my friend, she’s my lawyer.

24.not just…(句号)另起一句(...too

《麦克米伦高阶英汉双解词典》第1141页just词条2d not just: not only不仅

It’s not just me. Other people are complaining too. 不仅是我,其他也在抱怨。

25.not just…; 句子


It’s not just/only/merely [= more than just] a novel; it is a literary classic.

26.not merely…(,) but…



It is not merelya job, but a way of life.



not merely/ rather than merely不仅仅:

It’s not merely a matter of cost, but whether she’s old enough to go on holiday alone.


His were not merely crimes of theft but of violence against elderly people.


《赖世雄教你学英语语法》(下 赖世雄编著)第183页

He was fired not merely because he was lazy but because he failed to meet my requirement.


27.not merely…but also…

《英语词语用法详解词典》第664页not词条17 not only…but also…的用法

There is not merelyconcision in these lines but also elegance.


28.not merely..., but…too


not merely in Afro-Asia, but in the rest of the world too.


29.not merely…, but…as well



I am not merely anti-London, but anti-Londoners as well.

30.not merely…, also…


not merely—used to say that one thing is true and that another thing is also true

He was not merely a great baseball player, he was also a great person.

31.not merely; …


It’s notjust/only/merely [= more than just] a novel; it is a literary classic.


Much of this new industry was not merely in India;it was Indian-owned.


32.not simply…but also…

《现代英语用法词典》(修订版 张道真主编)第1396页simply词条

We want a boy whonot simply intelligent but also hardworking.

33.not simply…, but…

《英语词语用法详解词典》第664页not词条17 not only…but also…的用法

Not simply did he teach school, but he wrote novels. 他不仅教书,也写小说。


Not simply is television boring, but it wastes a lot of time.



simply: only仅仅,只是 = just

What we need is not simply a smaller organization, but a more efficient one.


34.not simply…also


Running a company is not ________ a matter of hiring people—they also need to be trained.

A: simply B: partly C: seriously D: equally

35.not simply…; 句子

《现代英语用法词典》(修订版 张道真主编)第1396页simply词条

The bay did not simply cry; he yelled.


Hoffman did not simplyoppose the system;he used the system against itself.



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