














Children speak the truth


  Zeng Jianyong,a young artist who was born in Guangdong and grew up in Fujian,is obsessed with ink and watercolor paintings and is always keen to surprise his viewers. The provinces of Guangdong and Fujian are special places in the history of Chinese art. In ancient times, the term "mingxi", or "Fujian style", specifically referred to the artistic style and creative features that were popular in Fujian and had influence in neighboring areas such as Zhejiang, Guangdong and Jiangxi. Today, Fujian and Guangdong are home to a group of influential artists, such as Cai Guoqiang, Huang Yongping, Xu Tan, Zheng Guogu and Chen Shaoxiong, whose rich imagination and creativity represent the dynamic art of southern China. I got to know Zeng Jianyong fairly early when in 2003 a student who was also from Fujian introduced me to some of his works. My original impression of the works remains clear to this day, as the paintings were fresh and lively, each fascinating in its own way. In fact, Chinese art in the early 2000s was very diverse and expressive. This was especially true for ink and watercolor paintings, where there was an absence of consensus and common goals. Before long, Zeng Jianyong put his efforts into the "Header" series (2007 - 2008). At the time it was a series that could easily strike a chord with the Chinese audience, as the artist focused his subject matter on "childhood" and used the image of a "Header" as the protagonist. Since "childhood" is an unavoidable yet innocent and memorable period in one's life, there are countless representations of "childhood" in the history of art. But in a general, these works either represent beautiful childhood scenes seemingly brought back by reverse time travel, or vague memories that have survived the irreversible flow of time. To viewers, the "Header" series seem to carry the complexity of all kinds of representations of "childhood" in the history of art. On the one hand, the artist presents a solid figure, the image of a single or a group of "Young Pioneers" in scarves; on the other hand, he creates a distance - corresponding to the vagueness of the memory - by using ink and watercolors to blur the viewer's vision. Here, Zeng Jianyong is not in two minds or trying deliberately to be mystifying, because depicting "a childhood scene" or "a vague memory" is not the artist's goal. Just like the protagonists in the "Header" series, Zeng Jianyong gives the image a symbolic meaning by using featureless faces and postures. He depicts the details of the protagonists' identities, but deliberately changes the red color of the scarf and armband to black or grey. It is true that what Zeng Jianyong wants to express has deeper meaning. He is referring to society's contradictory attitude toward "truth" - people yearn for it but refuse to accept it, worship it but are addicted to fantasy. As Octavio Paz puts it, "Between going and staying, the day wavers."

  What is truth? What will happen to art when it stops telling the truth? In Zeng Jianyong's works, such fundamental questions become increasingly important. The "Friends" series (2009) is a discussion of social relationships developed from Zeng Jianyong's enquiry of "the truth". "Friends" is both a collective concept and a term for a type of relationship between individuals. For this reason, instead of depicting one single character, as in the "Header" series, Zeng Jianyong employs a group of two people to illustrate "friends" in the new series. What is noteworthy in the way the artist presents this theme is that he places one of the two people in the forefront and the other in the background with a curtain separating them. It is a metaphor for "the truth" of human relationships in modern society: People look like they are close, but in fact they are far away from each other; they seem intimate, but in fact they are indifferent. The "Childhood Days" series (2010) is no doubt a continuation of the themes found in the "Header" and "Friends" series. Under the series title "Childhood Days", Zeng Jianyong presents group portraits of several characters while at the same time also depicting single characters in his works. "Endangered Group No 2", "Queuing", and "Crowds No 1" are representative of the group images in the "Childhood Days" series. They display three different ways of composition: vertical formation, horizontal formation, and cramming into a crowd. There are various group images in the "Header" series, but this time, Zeng Jianyong leaves a mark of the times on his group images. In fact, no matter how many individuals are in these group images and no matter whether they are arranged vertically, horizontally or just crammed together, the lonely expression on each individual's face forms a collective loneliness. Consequently, a seemingly unbreakable modern myth is shattered by sorrow. Perhaps Zeng Jianyong believes the "Childhood Days" is the "grown-up version" of the earlier period and it is inevitable for one to suffer "the sorrows of young Werther" when one grows up. Therefore, "insomnia" becomes the signifier of some sort of sorrow, with further reference to the physical and mental suffering of daily life. "Insomnia No 7" and "Insomnia No 8" display the insomnia suffered by an individual, whose big, wide-open eyes dramatize this mental status, full of obvious anxiety and unease. Although "Insomnia No 1" does not depict insomnia with a specific image, it emphasizes the feeling of loneliness with a wide and open background. "Insomnia No 3" consists of four single images that together constitute a group image of insomnia. It is a summary of the general characteristics of the "Childhood Days" series. The "Night Tour" series (2009 - 2010) covers a long period of time. It represents Zeng Jianyong's multiple explorations starting from his reflections on identity in the "Header" series, to the study of relationships in the "Friends" series, on to the elaboration of these themes in the "Childhood Days" series. The "Night Tour" series can be divided into two parts: those with watercolors, and those with water and ink, perhaps indicating day and night respectively. However, both represent fiction, the opposite to "truth", as a situation similar to daydreaming or sleepwalking. No doubt, fiction is an alternative narrative. It looks absurd, but in fact could be a kind of "truthful" reality when stripped of its superficial outfit. In fact, as Zeng Jianyong's enquiry of the truth leads him from the surface to the core of life, he realizes that the so-called "truth" only exists in limited parameters, and the "phoniness" in our lives has roots in the phoniness of our heart, just as "the truth" in real life reflects the true feelings of our heart. In this sense, an artistic enquiry of the truth does not necessarily mean to use art as a means to relentlessly search for the truth in the outside world. Perhaps the right way is to just turn around to review and reflect on our inner world.

  Zeng Jianyong has not yet shifted to fiction completely in the "Night Tour" series. He shifts back and forth between fiction and reality and only uses tales from dreamlike scenarios created during these shifts to suggest the uneasiness caused by emotional sways. After 2011, however, Zeng Jianyong stops taking sides on either reality or fiction. He focuses more on constructing an authentic, self-sufficient inner world in his own heart. He also believes that it is this kind of construction that has realistic significance in the artistic methodology. This represents the artist's denial of the absurdity and damage prevalent in modern society, as well as his doubts toward the value of seemingly superior morality, idealism and culture in the real world.

  Obviously, Zeng Jianyong adopts the narrative of the fairytale style and consciously keeps a distance to the real world. One might compare Zeng Jianyong's work to surrealism, but surrealism features the exploration of the unconscious, seeking to break down the logic and true reality and attempting to juxtapose realistic concepts with human instincts, unconsciousness and dreamscapes in order to present an absolute or superior reality. Even though Zeng Jianyong emphasizes the reconstruction of reality, he is not in favor of "pure psychic automatism". Nor is he a big fan of the unconscious or subconscious world. He focuses on the kind and innocent human nature, hoping to reflect real life by using fictional narratives with imagination, dramatization and metaphors. That is why Zeng Jianyong's work has amazing artistic effect and is full of surprising metaphors. There is no obscure morality or enigmatic logic in his fairytale-like pictures, only lively, accessible narratives and honest confessions. He invites the children from the "Header" series, the "Childhood Days" series and the "Night Tour" series to play various roles. In fact, role-playing is an interesting character treatment by the artist. It has an obvious purpose and helps strengthen the fictional storytelling. Meanwhile, role-playing makes the characters look more classic. When "the boy" and "the girl" play the "lead roles" in the stories depicted in the paintings, and when "he" and "she" appear frequently in different settings with only superficial differences but the same feelings and emotions, they become the storyline. The "supporting roles" are always rich and changeable once the "lead roles" are set. In some of Zeng Jianyong's paintings, the former "supporting role" is surprisingly promoted to take on the "lead role". As in the "Back onto the Branches" series (2012), instead of a story about "him" or "her", it is about "it" and "them".

  The fairytale world still exists and the fairytale is still unfolding in Zeng Jianyong's latest works. What is different, besides the changing interludes that keep pace with the emerging landscapes, is the growing warmth in his pictures. Maybe as he becomes older, the artist believes that "beautiful fairytales are closer to the truth". Indeed, Zeng Jianyong is attempting to use his self-expressive fairytales to convince us of the beautiful, innocent truth of society. And just like the saying "children speak the truth", the artist has broken down the conventional constraints of art, liberated his unlimited creativity and found a unique way of seeking the truth.

By Zhao Li

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