




A study by researchers at Royal Holloway, University of London revealsthat primary school children cannot accurately judge the speed ofvehicles travelling faster than 20 mph.

A study by researchers at RoyalHolloway, University of London reveals that primary school childrencannot accurately judge the speed of vehicles travelling faster than 20mph.


Theresearchers measured the perceptual acuity of more than 100 children inprimary schools, and calculated the speed of approach that they couldreliably detect. The results suggest that while adult pedestrians canmake accurate judgments for vehicles travelling up to 50mph, children ofprimary school age become unreliable once the approach speed goes above20mph, if the car is five seconds away. Professor John Wann, from theDepartment of Psychology at Royal Holloway, who led the research, says:"This is not a matter of children not paying attention, but a problemrelated to low-level visual detection mechanisms, so even when childrenare paying very close attention they may fail to detect a fastapproaching vehicle."


Theresearchers measured the perceptual acuity of more than 100 children inprimary schools, and calculated the speed of approach that they couldreliably detect. The results suggest that while adult pedestrians canmake accurate judgments for vehicles travelling up to 50mph, children ofprimary school age become unreliable once the approach speed goes above20mph, if the car is five seconds away. Professor John Wann, from theDepartment of Psychology at Royal Holloway, who led the research, says:"This is not a matter of children not paying attention, but a problemrelated to low-level visual detection mechanisms, so even when childrenare paying very close attention they may fail to detect a fastapproaching vehicle."

Theresearchers are now looking at the potential for using virtual realitysystems to make children more aware of the errors that may occur, butProfessor Wann stresses that the simplest solution lies in trafficregulation: "These findings provide strong evidence that children maymake risky crossing judgements when vehicles are travelling at 30 or40mph and in addition the vehicles that they are more likely to step infront of are the faster vehicles that are more likely to result in afatality. Travelling one mile through a residential area at 20mph versus30mph will only add 60 seconds to your journey time -- we encouragedrivers to take a minute and save a child's life."


Theresearchers are now looking at the potential for using virtual realitysystems to make children more aware of the errors that may occur, butProfessor Wann stresses that the simplest solution lies in trafficregulation: "These findings provide strong evidence that children maymake risky crossing judgements when vehicles are travelling at 30 or40mph and in addition the vehicles that they are more likely to step infront of are the faster vehicles that are more likely to result in afatality. Travelling one mile through a residential area at 20mph versus30mph will only add 60 seconds to your journey time -- we encouragedrivers to take a minute and save a child's life."

 Thestudy, which is published in the international journal PsychologicalScience, is part of a larger project sponsored by the 'Economic andSocial Research Council (ESRC), in order to understand the perceptualfactors than can lead to pedestrian accidents. The research group hasrecently published brain imaging research in the Proceedings of theRoyal Society to show that some of the key components for detectingcollision events lie at the brain-stem level, which is a low-level earlydetection system, similar to that found in other animals, such aspigeons.

RoyalHolloway's research group ran demonstrations of their research studiesin the London Science Museum over the summer where 500 visitors triedtheir tests. Related ongoing projects include a study sponsored by TheRoyal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA) looking at thejudgments of older drivers at road junctions, as well as a study lookingat why motorcycles have a higher risk of being involved in accidentsclassified as 'looked but failed to see'.


 RoyalHolloway's research group ran demonstrations of their research studiesin the London Science Museum over the summer where 500 visitors triedtheir tests. Related ongoing projects include a study sponsored by TheRoyal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA) looking at thejudgments of older drivers at road junctions, as well as a study lookingat why motorcycles have a higher risk of being involved in accidentsclassified as 'looked but failed to see'.

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